Once again I’m sitting at my keyboard wondering where the time went last week and what do I have to show for it.
I have continued to use my personal handmade journal. It’s fun adding interesting bits to pages. I’m thinking I want to start another for old photos and memories of the kids. I have lots of random photos printed that would work perfect in that sort of journal.
I’ve been browsing Pinterest looking for sewing projects. There is something about Fall weather that makes me want to sew. I came across some easy fabric coaster/mug rug projects that I decided to give a whirl since I had some squares pre-cut from a long forgotten project.
This was the tutorial I used. Of course, I didn’t have the exact sizes but I figured it didn’t really matter. I turned out slightly larger than I would have wanted. Then I noticed some half square triangles in my stash. I had started making pinwheels and abandoned that project decades ago.
They do make cute coasters though!! I’ll likely make more of these…at least as many as I can with the quilt pieces that are ready to go. Another prime example of not throwing anything away….it pays off.
Volleyball still rules our evenings (and some weekends)…at least for another week or so. Like last week…two evening games, two practices, a parade and an early morning tournament… I cannot wait until Mini-me has her drivers license.
I’m not holding out much hope for a peaceful week. Tuesday morning Mini-me has a 7AM ortho appointment…ugh. I have picture day at school. I’m not banking on that being a great photo since I’ll have little to no time to get ready. Oh well.
Your sewing looks really good, great idea with the little coasters. Your journal is wonderful, too. Happy T Day, Valerie
Your journal is amazing and the mug rugs are fantastic Halle! Happy T-Day
I love your journal and your quilt project is perfect for your sewing muse sounds like you are keeping busy with events too Happy T Kathy
Your journal looks fantastic, this style of creating them is so personal and will store many memories for you. I loved your coasters, a colourful and useful way to use your quilt pieces. Happy T day wishes and I hope you have a good week. Yvonne xx
Your journal is looking great and I know what you mean about sewing projects and the cooler weather. Looks like you have some nice inspiration and ideas. Hope you have a super T day Halle. Hugs-Erika
Haven’t made a junk journal in quite awhile but they are fun to make and fill:) Your coasters are lovely mini quilts. Hope your busy day goes well, and happy T day!
Unlike you, I like to make the junk journals, but don’t like to fill them. Yours looks so fun and different in several ways.
I’m in awe of your sewing skills. You make great coasters from forgotten projects. That’s incredibly impressive.
Sounds like you are even more busy than usual. I suspect you actually like it most days, though. Thanks for sharing your junk journal and your coaster project, along with your lovely glass with us for T this Tuesday.
Those coasters look like just the thing. Sounds like y’all are busy. I hope the ortho appointment goes well :) Happy T Tuesday!
I love sewing in the fall so I know what you mean. Your coasters are lovely and look to be the perfect use for fabric leftovers. Love your journal. it is so fun being able to go back and keep adding to it until you like the result. Happy Tea Day, Kate
Glad you are having time to create – you certainly are being kept busy! I have quite a lot of things prepared to make a junk journal of things I can’t part with! I think I will be sewing this Winter again – dark evenings do seem right for it! Happy T day! Chrisx
Enjoyed seeing your journals.The fabric coasters are a good idea and would make nice gifts. Yeah, you can’t wait for the kidlets to be able to drive themselves around, and then you worry every second they are out of the house with the car. Can’t win! Happy T Day
Your “this and that journal” is very cute, Halle. It looks like fun to do too. Your coasters came out great! A little too large is much better than a little too small.
You’ve got a busy week ahead. A 7AM appointment is the pits.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
What a great journal. It’s good when you can put something you have lovingly made to good use. I’m impressed with your sewing project. L;ovely coasters. It’s the cute material that makes it really. Here I cant get such nice materials. They sell dressmaking stuff here but nothing like that. The smaller motifs, meant for blouses, are often synthetic and don’t work well with sewing projects like yours. So I am slightly envious… Boy you sound busy! How old is Minime? Is she ikely to get her licence any time soon? In the meantime you have to be her taxi. Well done you! You wont know yourself when she is able to get there by herself. Happy belated T-Day, Lisca
love your journaling… it is always great to add stuff in envelopes etc. – the coasters are beautiful, too! and you remind me of years of (my husband) driving our older son to volleyball, too… but it was worth it. he still loves playing it – in a lower level group meanwhile, but it is fun and great leisure time sports!
Sorry to be so late visiting this T Day, we have been on a 2 week vacation visiting our friends in Maine, America and Tuesday was our last day with them. We flew back yesterday and arrived back home today, so I figured better late then never …lol ?. I love your beautiful journal pages and I think it would be lovely to create more journals to capture memories and photos of your kids ?. I’m loving your patchwork too and it sounds you have a busy week ahead – enjoy! Sending you happy belated T Day wishes! J ? x