T Tuesday: turtle shell edition

Last updated : January 1, 2021

I can’t even begin to tell you how long it has been since I have even considered posting or even visiting other blogs. I have been “turtled up” so to speak in my shell. Sometimes I feel the need to do that. When things are out of my control or I feel I have nothing positive to share. At times like that I often turn to my art to walk me through. Other times, it’s all too much.

I finally felt the drive to create. Maybe because things are starting to look better. We still have a long way to go but I’m trying to see the silver lining. I think COVID is really starting to weigh me down. My emotions are raw. 

Regardless…I made art!  It felt amazing. I wish I could get that into my head when I’m feeling down. Art this good therapy. It’s just like exercise…I feel so much better after I do it…it’s just the getting out there and doing it that is the challenge.

So what else have I been up to? I made a few more masks for both my family and commissioned orders for kid sizes.

I’ve also been making pretty envelopes in hopes of sending out purchased items from my Etsy store inside. Of course I’d have to get a few more things listed for that to actually happen. Baby steps…

I had a health scare almost a month ago now which I believe sent me into my proverbial turtle shell. All is well on that front though. I went back for further tests and got the clean bill of health.

Mini-me has committed to her college of choice for next fall. We will be empty nesters with kids almost 3 hours away in different parts of the state. So crazy. The thought has given me very mixed emotions. Can you tell I’m extremely emotional right now? It’s not my usual state of being. I am usually quite stoic. I’m Norwegian…it’s the way we are made. But I feel as if I’ve been running on adrenaline and now I’m crashing.

As usual. I dressed up for Halloween at school.

What else made sense in a pandemic but to be a doctor?!

School continues in-person for me so far. I can’t imagine it will be much longer before we go to distance learning though…at least for a time. Exponentially more positive cases and self-quarantines every day. 

One of the things I do when I’m stressed is starting purging things. This weekend I tackled my clothes. I’ve lost 20 lbs and it was time to get rid of the old, the ugly, the ill-fitting, the “why did I ever buy this” and the vastly out of style. Amazingly, I still have a ton of clothes. Nothing super cute but we aren’t going anywhere now anyway. The time will come and I will buy myself something cute. I may do a bit of thrift shopping between now and then to fill in some gaps but the thought of going into stores to browse doesn’t thrill me. I’m shopping out of necessity only these days to stay safe.

In keeping with the rules…here is the obligatory beverage alongside a yummy open faced bagel with cream cheese and lox. 

Another day of school is in front of me followed by my at-home teaching day.

What are you doing today?
16 Thoughts on T Tuesday: turtle shell edition
    Erika N
    9 Nov 2020

    Hi Halle. You sound like you me when I get too much stress. (I’m Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish so I know about stoicism.) Thank goodness for art and cleaning. I think school would be stressful enough with covid. I just heard from a still teaching friend tonight that my old school is going fully remote next week. It must be scary sometimes being in school with all the kids and wondering. I love your art though and you must be thrilled to have lost all that weight. Congrats! And Happy T day too. hugs-Erika

    Kate Yetter
    9 Nov 2020

    Wonderful that you were able to create some art. Your envelopes are so pretty. Hope that you are feeling better soon! Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    9 Nov 2020

    I wear the mask you made me every time I go outside. I wash it nearly every day. It fits better than any I’ve seen on people like commentators. I can talk through mine and it never slips down my nose. I would GLADLY give you a recommendation, because mine fits SO well. I love it.

    Sorry you had a health scare. It was good to read you have a clean bill of health, though. I love your art and that typewriter is adorable.

    I love how you dressed up for Halloween. Where did you get the clear mask? I have seen them on TV, but haven’t known anyone who made them. Did you make one using the 3-D printer?

    Thanks for sharing your incredible art, your masks, your Halloween costume, the envelopes you made, and your coffee with a bagel, cream cheese, and lox. You have NO idea how long it’s been since I’ve had lox.

    10 Nov 2020

    Sorry you have been feeling down, I know how that is. Being completely alone for so many months has really got at me, too. I just try to keep busy and productive, and also did a clothes clear out. Now I’m working on the kitchen! Hope you soon feel better, Happy T day, Valerie

    iris Flavia
    10 Nov 2020

    Yes, art is good therapy! Glad you´re well, the costume sure fits theh situation. Happy T-day!

    Kokopelli Design
    10 Nov 2020

    Yes, art is great therapy! Glad you were able to make some art and come out of your shell. :) I feel the same sometimes, but art, knitting or a long walk in the woods usually helps to get me back on track. Have a nice day! :)

    10 Nov 2020

    Art is good therapy during these times congrats on the weight loss! I lost 20 pounds too over the last year-but now am at a standstill would like to lose 5 more. all we can do is try to be positive, have faith, and push forward. Happy T

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    10 Nov 2020

    I always say “art helps me breathe”, it’s so therapeutic and I’m glad it helps you too! Your pages are beautiful, I love the pretty colours and layers ?. Great Halloween costume and how wonderful to have lost so much weight, with Lockdown over here in the UK I seem to be putting it on …lol! I’d love to join you for a cuppa and bagel, smoked salmon (lox) and cream cheese is one of my favourites! Take care and happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Nov 2020

    These days are so difficult! I am glad you got good health news during it all. I’m still using disposable masks even while all around me are switching to cute hand-made ones. Clothes-purging sounds like a constructive activity :) I love your costume! Happy T Tuesday!

    10 Nov 2020

    I can relate to everything you wrote, with regard to your emotions. I’m glad to hear your health scare turned out to be nothing serious: that can cause quite a lot of stress. Your artwork is beautiful. I’m glad you and your fellow teachers got into the Halloween spirit, and wore costumes. Congratulations on losing 20 pounds. Happy T-Day!

    10 Nov 2020

    I’m happy that your health scare turned out to be just that – only a scare. And I’m happy to see you at T again with art to share!

    I’m thankful that I learned the lesson of art as therapy early in the pandemic. But I have a few down days here and there. Then it’s hard to start again. It’s normal in such times. Good for you. I do hope we’re nearing the end of COVID-19.

    Lovely envelopes. That’s such a special touch when you’re selling handmade things.

    Happy T-Day! Stay safe, happy and stay well. Hugs, Eileen

    Lisca Meijer
    10 Nov 2020

    I’m sorry to hear you have been feeling so emotional. It has been a really stressful time, especially in the US with the election, with Covid, and then also a health scare on top of that. Great that you are slowly coming out of that. Thanks to Art. Yes it deserves a capital letter! It is also very therapeutic to get rid of a lot of ‘stuff’. You are right in that we don’t use so much clothes now we are not able to go anywhere. I find I am only wearing house clothes (older comfy stuff with an apron over it). Your bagel looks very inviting. It looks like smoked salmon to me. (I must look up the word ‘lox’. I’ve not heard that one.) I had a smoked salmon bagel last month when we had lunch at a nice restaurant (sitting outside of course) and I enjoyed it very much. Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    LA Paylor
    10 Nov 2020

    luckily they finally went back to distance learning here. All that mixing was causing neighborhood infection rates to rise. You’re halloween photo is fun, yum to a bagel, pass one over.

    10 Nov 2020

    Teaching in person sounds very stressful on its own, besides all the other stressors we have now. I hope your health scare is well and truly over.

    be safe… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    12 Nov 2020

    I think we all feel like turtles from time to time.. it’s good that you can. Use art to destress. It’s hard to let go of the young ones, but they won’t be that far away. Far enough for their independence and close enough so you can still see them . It will be a adventure for them and you. What will you do with all your new free time? Happy T Day

    Sharon Madson
    12 Nov 2020

    Well, I just bagged up clothes that I grew out of! Two large trash bags of clothes too small for me. Ugh! I eat when I stress! LOL Happy belated Tea Day.

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