Last week was a 3 day workweek for me. Schools in MN have a long MEA (Minnesota Education Assocation) weekend off of school. Most families use this 4 day weekend to get away from it all before winter hits in full force. We used part of our weekend to visit J at college for parent weekend.
Even though we’ve been to the Twin Ports area loads of times, this time I decided to play tourist a little more since we were exploring more than just Canal Park In Duluth, MN.
I loved the old signs on this building in Superior, WI.
Some of you know this but others don’t….I HATE BRIDGES. No seriously…its a problem. Near phobia status. And there are two big ones that we use to cross back and forth from MN to WI.
I honestly kept myself busy snapping photos with my photo so I wouldn’t have to think too hard about the fact that we were on a super long bridge high above the water or land depending on what part of the bridges. ICK!!!! Gives me goose bumps.
After we had crossed the dreaded bridge for the third time we stopped and had a drink and appetizers at a local bar. I had a darn good Bloody Mary with beer chaser. The chaser is called a snit around here.
It was a nice weekend although it was cold and windy. But not as windy as it had been about 10 days before that. A crazy storm whipped up and there were gale force winds hitting the harbor.
This is an old photo for reference of the flooded walkway.
Check out this video…
Isn’t that crazy!! It’s weather like that that the Edmund Fitzgerald (made famous by Gordon Lightfoot in his song Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald) went down in. Speaking of crazy…J and his buddies decided it would be really fun to go down to Canal Park since they heard it was flooding. The wind and waves weren’t quite as bad but the canal was still flooded at the time. The invincible 18 yr olds went and stood in the knee deep flooded canal walkway while the snow came down sideways. Thankfully all was fine and I didn’t see any of these crazy videos until morning. Grey hairs people….grey.
I did a bunch of journal writing about this event. I saw the most amazing photo on FB of a wave crashing against the North Pier lighthouse by Charles Howard Smith.
I’ve created a few more pages that are more personal. In addition I got my title page done.
I’ll add then end date when I feel I’m done. I’ve started adding smaller photos to my journal for visuals as well. I’ve started resizing several images to fit on a standard photo print. It’s cheaper to print and better quality than printer ink on paper in my opinion.
See how I’m able to get many small images on a 4×6 print. This way I can add a little image without taking up an entire page in the journal.
I’ll be doing more of these type for sure. I’m loving how this is evolving for me.
Sounds like a nice long weekend-except for the bridges-I don’t like those or driving in long tunnels either. I enjoyed seeing your art too Happy T
I get your bridge phobia. I have to be in a lane not next the edge and then I can cope, but if not, I get very anxious. Maybe not full phobia, but lots of anxiety. Glad you got to visit J at school and have a long weekend to do that. Happy T day.
Yes, I can understand your fear of bridges, I have the same problem and usually on the long expanse ones have to keep my eyes closed, no I don’t drive in case you wonder. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend away and enjoyed being a tourist. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
I can imagine your fear of bridges! What a fantastic weekend – great artwork! Happy T-Day!
That’s a great place you visited. I LOVE bridges, and don’t mind heights, but basements and elevators send me into panic mode! Wonderful artwork, too. Happy T Day, and have a great week, Valerie
Well done for making it over the bridge, you did well keeping busy by snapping photos! Your drink and chaser sounds so yummy too, my friend treated me to one of her famous Bloody Mary’s which was delicious but I was a bit shocked it contained alcohol as it was breakfast time …lol ?. The weather looks so extreme, glad all is well! I’m loving your journal, it sounds such a success with all the creativity it is generating – perfect! Wishing you a very happy T Day! J ? x
Bridges can be scary, but I don’t have trouble with these modern, 4-lane bridges that are so wide. That wind and water in that video look scary, too! I’m definitely not going to wade out in that. I’m thinking I’d get washed away! The Gordon Lightfoot song made a big impression on me when it came out, and I still try to keep track of the anniversary of the disaster.
Your appetizers look like they’d do for a full meal. Happy T Tuesday!
Oh Halle, I get the bridge thing. I’m an extremely nervous passenger and my reactions to close calls and many other things could CAUSE an accident. So I always bring stuff with me, usually magazines or articles I’m working on. That is, I keep my eyes down so I don’t see what’s happening. Odd thing is I’m not as nervous when I’m driving.
Those are some waves! “Grey hairs” – lol.
Lovely journal pages. I’m puzzled by how you get those prints made. Do you do a digital version and then take or email the file for printing?
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Despite bridges and cold looks like a wonderful time and a great way to see your son too. Although I’m not afraid of bridges i get a weird feeling like I’m going off the edge as if there’s no end to the bridge. I need to be the passenger not the driver when going over such long bridges. Marvelous journal to remember your travels and experiences. Happy T day!
Thank you for taking me on a virtual trip to twin ports. Many moons ago I was in Duluth, in the peeing rain and I don’t really remember much about that trip apart from the rain. The storm sounds like really frightening. Yuck. I wouldn’t like to be in that. I really liked seeing the photo of the walkway in nice weather so I could really appreciate the storm at the same location in the video. Woah! Yes, I understand grey hairs…. That photo of the wave by the light house is a beautiful photo by the way. Thanks for the link. No, I didn’t know about you and bridges. Well done you for still going over them. Would it help if you drove yourself? I can understand you needed a stiff drink after that! Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
I am not really a fan of heights so bridges aren’t a favorite of mine. Sounds like you had a nice trip. And your Journal pages are looking great! Happy Tea Day, Kate
Great video! Wow! I guess you were glad that happened before your visit! When I am driving, I get nervous going over a bridge if there is a car next to me., or like in a construction zone in one lane with the cement blocks on one side.., so I can kind of feel your pain. Happy Tea Day!
WOW! What wild weather! My grey hairs turned white thinking of the young people wading in the flood water. You’d need a drink after that. Happy T Day
I understand your not liking to travel on bridges- and this looks like a long one! I don’t like it when hubby drives on some of our mountain passes – especially if I am on the ‘drop’ side!!! I think you deserved your drink! The story of your teens made me cringe!! Your journal pages are looking good! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx
Although I’m still not well, I apologize for taking so long to visit. I am just now making it out of bed and probably need to send you an e-mail since my watermark didn’t save.
I have never been afraid of bridges until I saw that one in Minneapolis a few years ago. Then I saw how many in my city have degraded beyond safe repair. Now I worry because to get out of my neighborhood, I have to pass over a bridge in every direction.
Loved the photos you took and the song, which I had forgotten about. Yes, teens are definitely invincible. I can see why you needed a good stiff drink and some yummy appetizers, too. This makes the perfect drink for T this week, dear.
LOVED the journal pages. I save old calendars and use the tiny images from the back side. They also blend in well, but yours are even better than anything I could make.