We’re having a collision of posts today. T stands for Tuesday and Second on the 2nd.
Last week was very emotional for me… mom was doing very poorly, had fallen 3 times in less than 2 days and basically could no longer be left alone. I found a care center for her to move into but had to wait for all the paperwork to go through. I became mom’s nursing assistant in the interim. Now she is settled into her new place. Currently, I am working on cleaning out her apartment. Mini-me helped me box up her teacup collection. You’ll be seeing more of those as the weeks move along. I was inspired to dig up a post about some teacups mom’s gifted to me long ago.
My mom surprised me with a small box of “orphaned” cups and saucers last week. (ah…who is it that used that term on their blog!!!)
She said…” Don’t know what you’ll do with these but I’m sure you’ll find something. Or else sell them.”
This one was in instant favorite for me. It looks like a mug but is very small in size.
I know this cup is very old. I’m hanging onto this one as is. It will find a home in my lawyers cabinet when I’m not using it.
That’s it for today. As I mentioned before, I’ll be busy emptying mom’s apartment today. Then *gulp* a meeting after school with J and an army recruiter. I’m not certain that is the route he wants to pursue but it doesn’t hurt to get the info.
What are you doing today?
Sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she will soon be settled into the care home. Those little cups are just darling, love them. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
sorry to hear about your mum love the little cups
I can’t even imagine Halle how difficult it must be to go thru that with your mom. She’s very lucky to have you. All you can do is the best you can do and i think you are doing very well indeed.. Lovely Tcups there from your mom. Daughter was in the Airforce and the Army… sigh… its not a bad choice… Happy T day hugs! deb
So sorry for your Mom, these changes in life cycles are always so difficult. I love your tea cup-beautiful Happy T Day
That cup is truly lovely.
I remember emptying out Mother’s apartment and my heart goes out to you :( Hoping you find comfort through it all.
I hope your mum will soon settle in and be happy in her new place. It must be difficult for you and especially sorting through her belongings
Happy T Day and a big hug
Love Chrissie xx
What an emotional week it must have been taking care of your mum and now clearing out her apartment, my heart goes out to you! The teacup mug is beautiful – I love it! Sending you big hugs and wishing you happiness this T Day! J :-)
Sorry to read about your mom, she will be cared for very well I’m sure, it must be difficult times for you. The teacups looked lovely. Happy T day. Yvonne xx
My goodness, lots of changes happening in quick succession. Hope the move for your mom will be a good one, and give you a bit of a break-I know care giving can be exhausting. Prayers for your son’s future and good decisions. Those recruiters can be quite persuasive, so if he decides against, be firm when they keep calling back! Have a nice cuppa tea and relax… Happy T Day!
I remember the day we had to decide that a care home was the best place for my Mum too! It’s very hard – but she took to it fine! Clearing things out is difficult too – we knew pretty well which things she would like to keep in her room but were afraid of missing something that meant something to her without cluttering it up! Hope the meeting went well! Happy T Day! Chrisx
Thinking of you. I had to move my mom into assisted living and go through her things, which was weird. Hope you are taking care of yourself during this stressful time. Hugs-Erika
What a sweet little cup. Maybe a child’s cup? It’s so hard when parents become frail and our roles reverse from child to parent of our parents. Hard to have parents live in a nursing home, but safety must come first. You’ve done the right thing. It’s a very stressful time so be kind to yourself.
What a tough week you’ve had, Halle. My heart goes out to you and your mom. The little mug is a treasure.
Hugs, Eileen