T Tuesday: updates edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday!  (just a touch early this week)T stands for Tuesday_200Grab your cup and join me for a few updates.

Where shall I start?  I guess the garden is as good a place as any…update1 update2 update3

Everything is planted…the Alfalfa’s Secret is around some of the plants. My inlaws swore by this stuff last year and I have to admit that my tomatoes at their house were amazing! So I bought a bag of it myself this year to try here at home.  Only about half of the beans came up so I went back and planted some more seeds, soaking them this time hoping to speed the germination.

I got my advanced copy of Sew Somerset containing my article last week. You can check out my post about it. It’s so exciting to hold it in your hand vs just seeing it on the computer screen!


Yesterday morning was spent on the deck with my coffee disassembling some jeans that no longer fit anyone.


I cut the legs off then open the seams and also save the back pockets. All of this will be utilized for other projects.

20150601_7755Only a little bit of waste….or maybe that should be waist. Oh so punny.

I have a few errands as usual today and of course, my Second on the 2nd post which will be following shortly.

What are you doing today?

13 Thoughts on T Tuesday: updates edition
    1 Jun 2015

    Your garden is looking smashing. Is that a prayer flag bunting? It looks wonderful moving in the breeze. Happy T Day :o))

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    1 Jun 2015

    I had to click on the Alfalfa’s Secret because I had NO idea what it was. I hope it works for you. I had never heard of it until now.

    I can tell you are still on a Somerset (not sugar) high. I’m so, so happy for you.

    I see, like me, you have your chiminea out and ready to go. It’s been so wet here, there’s no way I can burn anything until some of my wood dries out a bit.

    Thanks for sharing your ripping chores and coffee with us for T this week. I had to laugh at your waist-ful pun, too.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    1 Jun 2015

    Forgot to mention. YES. I so, so, so love my “new” camera. It is more than I could have ever asked for. It just goes to show I’m not as bad at taking photos as everyone imagined in the past.

    Karla B
    1 Jun 2015

    I have no idea what Alfafa’s secret might be but I love your post. Have an inspring month.

    Much Love


    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    2 Jun 2015

    Alfalfa’s Secret is a secret I guess cause they didn’t really say what’s in it LOL Your bunting looks nice and serves a good purpose too I bet. Still so excited for you and your 5 page article in SEW SOMERSET!!! Happy T Day and Happy June oxo p.s. I have denim waiting to be trimmed too…definitely too good to “waist” heehee

    2 Jun 2015

    Your garden is doing well! It’s nice to be outdoors and enjoying craft prep or whatever. It is cold and rainy here in NY for the past few days–today ends that trend I hope–so not much outdoor activity here!

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Jun 2015

    You are right! The garden is always an excellent place to start :) I hope your “secret” does the trick. Happy T Tuesday!

    Carol L Samsel
    2 Jun 2015

    Of course the garden is the best place to start :) ! Your’s is looking good and the Alfalfa’s Secret sounds like a good plan. I have actually planted a row of alfalfa this year just so I can cut it and use it in my own garden . I have planted it in an area of the yard that used to have a burn pile on it and is not the most plant friendly area on the place. I’m hoping the root system of the alfalfa will also help heal that area so it can become a real flowerbed :)

    Linda K
    2 Jun 2015

    Love seeing all the flags hanging -they seem to be protecting your garden space so I hope it does well for you this year! Congrats on being published-I’ll be looking for this magazine-one of my fave Stampington issues besides Somerset Studio! And a happy T day too.

    Dianne C.
    2 Jun 2015

    Wow, congrats on the article! you’re right…those photos are gorgeous, and a feature article is quite impressive! Love your garden flags…and looking forward to seeing what you do with those jeans. i love denim projects! happy T day! ♥

    2 Jun 2015

    I save jeans too!!! mostly the jean pockets but some legs too… I don’t know just WHAT i’m going to make with them but i will think of something.. :) Happy happy Tday! hugs!deb

    Rita McGregor
    2 Jun 2015

    I just watched a video where somebody was making a tote bag from old jeans! :) Hope the garden does well. Happy T-Day! :)

    4 Jun 2015

    beware, These “slaughtered” Jeans are so addictive!! i just did a lot of stitching on These, couldn´t stop any more;) love your bunting in the garden and i will have to check out the Alfalfa secret.

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