T Tuesday: upgrades continue edition

As I continue to recover from a neck/shoulder issue…which incidentally is doing much better… *quickly knocks on wood* …work has slowly progressed on the crafty zone. Over the weekend Mr. G replaced this old florescent fixture over my workspace

with a new energy efficient and natural daylight color LED fixture.

It not only gives me better light but really cleans up the space.

As you can see I haven’t only spent time cleaning and organizing…I’ve been doing a bit of creating as well. I just can’t help myself. There are currently two work in progress pieces on my desk.

Tuesday has an afternoon appt and a giant pile of paperwork to complete on my desk since I’ve been pretty much avoiding the computer for going on two weeks! Although it has seemed to help.

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: upgrades continue edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    6 Mar 2017

    I still can’t believe how much stuff you pack in the tiny area. I am always impressed with this area. And I am even more impressed now that Mr. Hobby has given you far better lighting.

    What is the thing in a metal tin on the top shelf that looks like a knife. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely art and your wonderful cheery craft space with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday. I hope you are feeling better very, very soon, too.

    6 Mar 2017

    Your craft spac looks very well organized and filled with goodies. Have fun! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    7 Mar 2017

    Happy T Day

    Such a wonderful craft space and so well organised with all the different place for things.

    Love Chrissie xx

    Erika N
    7 Mar 2017

    Love seeing your clean work space since mine is a disaster. I am hoping to find some time to clean this month but so far I don’t know when that will be. Love seeing your latest piece too. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

    Let's Art Journal
    7 Mar 2017

    Wow, your craft space looks so organised and your new LED fixture bathes it such in wonderful light :-). Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

    Linda K
    7 Mar 2017

    oh so many wonderful things everywhere to craft with!! Mine looks pretty much as filled as yours:) Updated lighting makes a big difference. Beautiful card. Happy T day!

    7 Mar 2017

    What a fantasic well organised work space you have, the lighting looks great. Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    7 Mar 2017

    Your studio space looks great with lots of organization and light going on. Mr M is crazy for LED lighting of all kinds. It really is a great invention. Take care of yourself Halle and Happy T Day (they sure come around quickly!) oxo

    7 Mar 2017

    Halle love seeing your workspace… After a little experimenting we have decided on ‘daylight’ bulbs for my craftroom too… It was such a difference when we put those in there… Love the piece you are working on too… Your right we can’t help ourselves… its in our blood!!! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    Dianne C.
    7 Mar 2017

    I recently saw a billboard for a chiropractor’s office that proclaimed “We fix texting neck!” I frankly hadn’t known it was a ‘thing.’ But technology seems to be a mixed blessing in some ways. Glad to hear you are doing better! Love your craft space…it looks pretty organized compared to mine…which is basically spread all over the house! Love your mixed media piece! ♥

    7 Mar 2017

    Oh, take care of you! Your space is looking great. Have a seat and get creating in that lovely organized space!

    Divers and Sundry
    7 Mar 2017

    You have a wonderful space there. I’m sure the lighting change will make a huge difference!

    Happy T Tuesday :)

    7 Mar 2017

    I’m drooling over your craft space and your supplies, Halle! You’ve done a fabulous job. I know you’ll love the daylight LED. It’s so much easier on the eyes and colors are easier to discern. [I almost said “colors are more true” but that’s not technically correct since colors are just the visible light waves that reach our eyes.]

    Your page is gorgeous! I love the sentiment and all the dimension you’ve added.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    9 Mar 2017

    Good morning and Happy T day but on a thursday lol just now getting to the computer this morning. Glad to read you are on the mends. You will really enjoy the natural light bulb makes a huge difference-I bought an ott bulb and lamp for handwork. enjoy your day

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