Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday where we share a beverage and catch up a bit.
Summer is winding down. The back to school preparations have begun. Orientation, picture day, curriculum night.
But before that happened we got out of town for a few days. The weather was a scorcher the day we arrived…105°F heat index. All we could think of was jumping in the lake. It was delightful!!
The evening ended with a beautiful sunset.
We woke the next morning to overcast skies and rough water.
The kids did their best to try out the activities, I even did the stand up paddle board for a bit. The waves made it a bit more challenging. Even a bad day by the lake is a better day than at the usual grind.
The following day was even more windy and rough water to start the day. I don’t even have photos of that. The lake looked and sounded more like the ocean with the crashing waves.
But then something wonderful happened. The wind calmed, giving way to another beautiful evening.
Hot dogs were roasted. Marshmallows were toasted. A lovely final evening for our mini vacation. The rest of the extended family were staying a few more days…we had to hurry home for the aforementioned school preparations.
The kids and I also made it to a local pub yesterday for their Monday special…2 for 1 appetizers and drinks all day.
The calamari was delish!!
I chose to sit at lucky table #13.
More school stuff today and hopefully I’ll get some salsa canned as well. I have a ton of tomatoes!!
What are you doing today?
The start of school doesn’t really affect me anymore since mine is finished, but I did take note that our schools are starting early this year (usually after Labor Day) on Sept. 1, maybe in the hopes of having a few extra days built in for bad weather.
I agree, it is just fun to be away even if the weather is not perfect.
Going for my daily 3 mile walk and hopefully some crafting on the menu this afternoon!
I say any time by the water is the best remedy no matter what the weather. Your sunsets are so lovely and I’m glad you had this bit of time before the hectic start of school. Glad to say I am over that and don’t even know when schools begin in my area:)Wishing you a happy T day!
What a smashing looking place to get away to :D Your food does look very appetising. I’ve never had calamari, I always think of it as being tough and rubbery :/ Perhaps you can tell me ;) Wee Man went back to school last week and is settling in well :D I miss him being home, and even more so now he is in until 3.15 as opposed to 2.30. Not too long until mid-term break tho’ and we’ll be off on another adventure; this time to Edinburgh :D Happy T Day :D
If calamari tastes tough and rubbery it has been overcooked! It shouldn’t taste like that. It should taste like pasta ‘al dente’ with a bit of bit but not rubbery.
Sorry: with a bit of bite
That food looks great, makes me feel hungry! Looks like a great place for a vacation, and how brave to try stand up paddling, well done!. I am happy I don’t need to go back to school any more, I taught for 35 years and that was a looong time! Have a great week, happy T Day, Valerie
You are so right there is no such thing as a bad getaway. There is always something to enjoy away from the regular routines we left behind. Lovely photos Halle (I do enjoy travel pics!!!) Your #13 would have been our choice too as that number holds very special meaning for our family. We marvel sometimes walking into new places and being seated randomly at table 13 which we always look at a a Godwink! Happy T Day and best wishes for the new school year (how can it be here already!!!) oxo
Wonderful photos Halle! Best wishes for the new schoolyear! Happy T-Day! oxo Susi
Playing in the water does sound like the perfect activity on a hot day. I’m glad it calmed for you before you had to leave. Ours are long past school age, but schools here started a while ago. Kids don’t get the entire summer off any more.
Sounds like the perfect way to end the summer! by the water and a campfire with marshmallows and a sunset! great memories…hope it’s a terrific year for all of you! happy T day!
A few days away are great whatever the weather! The lake looks lovely. I’m ghlad you had some fun and some good food too by the sounds of it. Calamari sounds strange as it is not a lake produce but sea food. We have a lot of it here (in Spain). I love calamari but my husband doesn’t like any seafood. He sticks with good ol’ white fish and if he find one little bone, that’s it… end of meal! So you can imagine I’m a bit fish/seafood deprived! Have a good week, Lisca#10
Divers and Sundry’s school term she mentioned sounds like ours in Wichita. After looking on the calendar, this is actually the THIRD week of school here. Seems MO and MN are on similar school time schedules. Somehow I find that very weird since you have so much snow. Of course, if MN schools shut down every time it snowed, the kids would go all year (grin).
When we were talking about theme parks, I don’t know if you knew that Worlds of Fun is a HUGE theme park just north of Kansas City, MO. It is next to Oceans of Fun.
It was good to see some family time with the kids this week. Vacations are important, and that’s why I never failed to take one when I worked in industry. Some years I would take two. It was good to see the lake, but I would have been a bit hesitant if everyone wasn’t wearing a life jacket. Yes, I’ve been told I must have worked for OSHA in a previous life.
I think the sit down restaurant made all the difference in the world for Big J’s attitude. This looks like a place where none of his friends would have worked.
That looks like a beautiful photo of a sunset. Gorgeous in fact. That would have made it in my top ten photos of the year, if I had taken it!!
Thanks for sharing your vacation photos, your trip to the pub, and your drinks with us for T this Tuesday dear friend. So good talking to you, too. And it made the perfect entry in my calendar, too!
What a great few days you and your family seems to have had! Just the thing to do before heading back to school and work and the daily grind. I am going back to school this year too, at the ripe old age of 48. I thought I´d be the only old-timer back at uni, but no, there are plenty eager to learn something new or go deeper into something they are really interested in. It looks like it is going to be great fun! Happy T Day!
I always loved the school prep time and the beginning of school for as long as I can remember. My son wasn’t as excited as Mom was–LOL! Nice getaway. Glad you had some good calm water part of the time. Happy T-Day and good luck with the tomatoes! :)
Our schools started a couple of weeks ago. They seem to start earlier and earlier around here and go longer in the spring. Looks like and amazing vacation spot to visit. Where there is water there is fun :)
Ahh Halle my kids are grown and gone and no grandlittles yet… That looked like a wonderful little vacay… too bad the wind didn’t cooperate!! Happy happy tday ! Hugs! deb
What a brilliant sunset photo! No more back to schools for me but now we are involved in picking up GD two days a week we are getting ready for shorter weeks at our caravan! She doesn’t start back until the 8th September though. My youngest GS starts back on the 3rd and eldest and son back on the 9th…why can’t schools get together and have the same days? Belated Happy T day, Chrisx