T Tuesday: Veterans Day edition

snow teaHappy Tuesday! It’s Veteran’s Day here in the USA. Time to remember and pay tribute to those who have served and are still serving in our armed forces.

Here’s my favorite veteran…my dad…in 1946.3-3-2013 12-35-3_051 edit

Below is the original scan of the slide image.

3-3-2013 12-35-3_051

I’m thrilled I was able to coax the colors back to a more natural look. What a difference.

As for the rest of my day…I’ll be home catching up on housework and shoveling out the end of the driveway. I’d forgotten that it needs to be widened at the end…if it doesn’t we windup with a very narrow driveway once the snow is several feet deep at the street.

What are you doing today?

EDIT: I almost forgot…my second sale went well. I sold out of one item and nearly of another. It was a good day.

12 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Veterans Day edition
    Voodoo Vixen
    11 Nov 2014

    Oh what a wonderful photograph you have there and you certainly managed to get the colours look natural. I don’t envy you the snow shovelling… :( I had quite enough of that while I was in Canada!! Annette

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    11 Nov 2014

    When I make my first million (dollars, that is), I’m going to buy you one of those powered snow shovel thingies. Then you will never have to shovel manually again.

    That photo turned out super. I’m totally impressed. I’m glad you got your dad with a more realistic look.

    So glad you had a good second sale. Seems this was YOUR year for craft fairs. I’m thrilled for you.

    Dianne C.
    11 Nov 2014

    Great photo of your dad in the navy…thanks for the reminder. I think Veteran’s Day kind of slips by without a lot of notice in the U.S., unfortunately. My dad was drafted into the army and ended up in Germany. My mom and I went over to live with him while there. I hear lots of stories about my seasickness on the boat when we came back to the U.S.! Too bad I don’t remember living in Europe-I was only 2. Great post dear…good luck with your winter driveway project!

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    11 Nov 2014

    Congrats on your sale being a hit! Great photo of your father. Happy T Day oxo

    11 Nov 2014

    Great photo of your Dad’s. Snow, shoveling … I’m not ready for that yet. Still enjoying the fall colors here. Have a great week

    Linda K
    11 Nov 2014

    congrats on your sales!!! It’s wonderful that you were able to fix the photo up-what a nice photo of your dad, and a perfect day to pay tribute. Happy T day!

    11 Nov 2014

    Hello and Happy T Day! WOW, you got snow already, thought you lived close to me but guess not. I can’t stand doing the end of the driveway, I do it but don’t like it. The rest of it is so much nicer. YAY for another great fair! LOVE this picture of your dad, thankful for his service for our country. Enjoy your snowy day.

    Divers and Sundry
    11 Nov 2014

    We have rain. All day. It’s dreary, but at least it doesn’t need to be shoveled lol

    I like your photo of your dad. My dad was in the Army in WW2, and I think all the photos we have are in b/w.

    11 Nov 2014

    Great post and what a fabulous photo of your Dad!! When I was at my friend Kim’s I saw her snow shoveller…a ride on one that I want!! Hugs xx

    Rita McGregor
    11 Nov 2014

    Glad to hear your sale went well! My dad is a Navy veteran, too. Just turned 94. I think he was in the service from about 1944-50 or something like that. Same general time as your dad it sounds like. :) Happy T- Day! :)

    12 Nov 2014

    Congrats on the sale going well. Handsome man, your Dad!!!

    Thanks for the visit this week and the wonderful comment you left. Belated T-day Wishes.

    12 Nov 2014

    You reworked that photo nicely. Good news about your craft sales. I recently attended an arts and crafts show. I always but at least a couple of small items just to support the artists that turned out.


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