T Tuesday: work in progess edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Hello , hello…welcome to T stands for Tuesday!T stands for Tuesday_200

I’m finally back. From where you ask? Absolutely nowhere. I’ve just been caught up in the end of school year craziness.

When the kids were younger it seemed as if actual learning stopped about 3 weeks before the end of school and the rest was just filler. Now there are speeches, presentations, projects, concerts and finals.  Throw in some appointments and after school activities and driving lessons…whew!   I have a teen with a drivers permit now!!  He got it on Friday. We’ve been out practicing twice now. Last night I heard…”when can I drive again?”

Enough reasons excuses for neglecting my blog. You’re here for T stands for Tuesday. Grab your drink and sit a spell.

Currently I have half a dozen or so projects going…well truth be told if I dug all my UFO’s out there would be at least twice that number.

WIP bottlecaps

After receiving a couple more bags of bottle caps last week, I was inspired to drag out my supplies. I turned on the TV to re-watch a show I fell asleep during last weekend while wiring and beading.  Sometimes having the background noise helps me work and other times…not so much.  Yesterday was a mixed bag.

WIP painting

I’m also continuing work on this painting I started so long ago. I keep adding layers as the mood strikes. I don’t have an end vision of this piece at all…I guess I’ll just know when to stop…hopefully.

Lastly I thought I’d share a garden update.

WIP seedlings

These are the seedlings that will go in my in-laws garden likely this weekend. The tomatoes are getting quite tall.  The rest have been planted in my gardens….WIP garden

you’ll have to take my word for it of course.

WIP deckbox

We had a frost warning last night so I had to cover everything up and hope for the best.


Luckily it didn’t get quite as chilly as they said but I’m still waiting until the temps get over 40°F to uncover. I don’t want to shock them.

Errands then an appointment are on the list today, along with pesky household chores. Hopefully I’ll get a bit more creating in as well.

What are you doing today?

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: work in progess edition
    Divers and Sundry
    19 May 2015

    Orange Crush bottle caps? That used to be my favorite soft drink, though I haven’t had any in ages.

    It’s cooler here than usual for the time of year, but that means highs around 80F, so we’re long past any danger of frost. I’ll look forward to seeing your plants when they can step out of their covers :)

    Linda K
    19 May 2015

    Now that is a lot of bottlecaps to alter!! I hope you will share a few finished pieces:) I am loving the theme and colors of your canvas. I hope we don’t have to cover anything anymore, but then you never know with the crazy weather sometimes. Happy T day!

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    19 May 2015

    Amazing that you can garden at all with such fluctuating temps! Hats off to you Halle also on having a student driver … a few stories come to mind going through that ;-) Fun to see what you’ve been up to. Happy T Day oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    19 May 2015

    Wow, not sure where you get all those bottle caps, but lucky, lucky you. Glad your plants were saved, because it would be a shame to lose them after all your hard work.

    Thanks for sharing these various projects with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    19 May 2015

    You were busy! I feel with you ..it is a hard job to be mom..lol! Love your paintin in progress and thank you for showing your plants! I was able to plant all my seedlings last week.. I am happy that all is out – Happy T-Day Halle and wishing you enough time for making some art! oxo Susi

    19 May 2015

    Yep! I can really relate to the “busy” part of life….grin

    Absolutely adore your “painting in progress”

    Thank you for the birthday wishes……Happy T-day

    19 May 2015

    I don’t have any unfinished so…but I have a HEAP of unstarted! We’re experiencing a bright but showery spring over her in the UK, and 40 is about an average overnight temperature…although my plants must be a little more hardy, it hadn’t occurred to us to protect them! I hope your days are a lot warmer…that ice cold drink gives me the shivers!

    19 May 2015

    I’m anxious to see what you do with that load of bottle caps. I have picked up a few flattened ones on the street but so far they just sit in my pile of rubble. Gardening going on here but a little warm weather would help.


    19 May 2015

    You have been uber busy, but family life just seems to go that way sometimes doesn’t it. Hopefully it will settle down a bit for you, just as the fine weather appears and you uncover, and enjoy the fruits of your labours. Your canvas piece is looking beautiful, so colourful. I look forward to seeing it complete. I’m curious as to what you use all those bottle caps for? Thanks for your comment on my post. I love to hear from you. Happy T Day {{Hugs}}

    Rita McGregor
    19 May 2015

    Ya! I saw snowflakes yesterday! they melted when they hit the ground–but snowflakes! Crazy! That’s one thing I am learning about acrylics–you can keep going and adding layers and changing things till you like it. Can’t really do that with watercolors–LOL! Acrylics may just grow on me. Happy T-Day! :)

    Carol L Samsel
    20 May 2015

    Hoping that you do share some of the bottle cap projects also :) The painting is looking good!!!! I’ve almost got all of the veggies planted then to finish the flower beds… It’s been a chilly spring here so I’ve been dragging getting things into the ground.

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