Tag : altered art

75 posts

In the continuing effort to use what I have…I decided to make a new wrap to go around this candle tin.
I got the candle a few years ago after Christmas on clearance…super deep discount that I couldn’t pass up. Especially when I realized that the ugly Christmas paper would come right off. 


I used watercolor paper as my base. The background color was achieved with distress inks, dress pattern tissue and found text.

I sifted through some of my new stash from a couple of swaps. I’m sure some of you may recognize some of your stuff. I love new fodder. It can be very inspiring.

This is going to be a gift…I hope the recipient likes it!

This was made from stuff I had in my scrap bucket.  I’m trying to back to making art but sometimes I feel as if I’m trying too hard. Maybe I just need to let it happen.

I am totally hooked on this “new to me”  technique. I’ve seen it in a magazine, You Tube, blogs etc. Trust me…this technique has been around the block a time or two. Of course, I am super late in actually trying it but I had said I wouldn’t buy any new art supplies. Well…technically I didn’t buy a new art supply, I bought a concentrated cleaner. That counts right!?!?

Anyway…Since not everyone on the planet has read about it I’ll tell you what I did. It is so simple and has such cool results.  A word of caution…this will be messy…protect your surfaces, hands and clothing.

First you take the CitroSolv concentrate full strength and pour a bit into a small container. I used a foam brush to apply it directly to the front and back of the National Geographic pages I wanted to use.  The more ink on the  pages the better. After slathering on the CitroSolv to as many pages as you’d like…close the magazine and walk away for about 20 mins or so. When you come back…put on a glove and start opening the pages…they will likely fall right from the magazine as the CitroSolv seems to un-glue the binding as well.

I hung my pages to dry with clothes pins overnight.

I painted a few pages with CitroSolv before going to bed to see if the effect would be any different. The effect seemed a little more “muddy” to me rather than having the cool bubble effect. Still totally usable papers…just different.

These are some of my favorites but as you can see below…I ended up with a bunch of fun papers to play with.

With the long Holiday weekend, I finally took some time and felt inspired enough to do a bit of creating. 

First I grabbed my “maybe some day” journal that I slap my leftover paint in. Then grabbed my scrap bucket. This was just sort of something to remind myself that I actually could make something again.

After that I felt like I could be on a roll. I was thinking about gifts for teachers, casual friends and just those “oh gosh I totally forgot about so and so” gifts. It’s always good to have a little stash of items around without breaking the bank.

These are a couple of altered composition books that I may keep for gifts or maybe list in my etsy store.
Yes, you read that right…
I finally got up the nerve to actually list some things in my storefront. I’ve been busy photographing items to list and then of course writing up the listings. I’m sure once I get a system down it will go quicker.

I can happily say I’ve made my first sale as well. If I’d known it would have happened that quickly I’d have listed stuff months ago.

When I saw the Tag Tuesday Challenge theme of butterflies this week I was amazed. The night before I’d just created a tag…a shape I rarely use…with a butterfly as the focal image. It was kismet.

Be sure to check out the other participant tags over at Kard Krazy.

I just put the finishing touches on my Gothic Arches for the 7th Anniversary swap on ABC. I’ve never worked in this shape before. My goal was to get these in the mail by tomorrow and I think I’ll meet it.  That is, unless chaos reins since it’s the first non-school day of the summer.

It’s that time again…  ABC_alteredbookclub is having it’s annual anniversary swap. This year the shape & size was put to a vote and Gothic arches won out.
Previous years  have been skinny pages, chunky pages, charms and even my personal favorite…circles!

I’ve gotten all my arches cut out as you can see. I’m struggling with the paint I used to cover both sides as it has remained slightly tacky. To remedy this I glued dressmakers pattern tissue to the stickiest side. I’ll have to come up with some thing to deal with the other side as well but for now I have a workable solution to start with.

See this gal.

I call her the “crazy eyed girl”. The scan and subsequent digital work have really subdued the scariness of her eyes from the original photo. You’ll be seeing her on my finished arches…hopefully. :)


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