Tag : art space

16 posts

Hello…welcome to a late edition of T stands for Tuesday. I know our wonderful hostess, Elizabeth, won’t mind that I’m running way behind today….hope you don’t either.20140916_7008

My morning started with one sick kid, a forgotten item and errands. I’ve been running ever since.

One of my errands was to Michaels. They are having a big sale right now including storage containers… Yeah! I’m working on organizing my art zone.20140916_7007

I’ve managed to get a few things under control but additional storage was definitely needed.20140916_701120140916_7010

When everything has a place, it is much easier to put it away where it belongs….instead of stacked here there and everywhere.20140916_7009I’ve still got some work ahead of me for my space but I’m hopeful that with it organized, I’ll be much more inclined to create and then clean up. One can dream right?!?

I’ve still got a little bit of homework helping to do but then I’ll visiting my T Tuesday friends…at least until I get too tired…then the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.

T stands for Tuesday…you know what that means…I’m linking up at Elizabeth’s blog for our weekly virtual tea party.

mammoth muffinI’ve got my snack…how about you?

too big for the mug Just look at the size of that Mammoth muffin from Perkins. No affiliation…my kids just love the place.  We went out with my mom and I skipped the toast and brought home a little bit of sin. Now that my muffin is out of my mug I can enjoy a bit of coffee with my sin.

Last week for T Tuesday…on Wednesday I mentioned I would be sharing some news. I finally got an interview for a position I applied for about 7 weeks ago. Sadly, I didn’t get the job. Not the news I was hoping to share but I guess it wasn’t the right place for me right now. That’s ok…I’m still subbing and this way I have a lot more flexibity.

workdeskOver the weekend I started cleaning up my crazy workspace…only to get sucked into art journaling. I saw that nice empty space and there is just some sick need of mine to immediately fill it with something. I got called away from creating and cleaning for that matter when it was decided that it was time to do some rearranging of the house.

I executed some fish gave our fish a whirlpool ride…then took down the aquarium. It was sitting on a desk that would be much better served as a homework station than supporter of several hundred pounds of water.game areaIn its place we put a much smaller antique desk that holds misc game supplies such as cards, dice, paper and pens. Since this is in our game area we decided to group some vintage toys and games to fit with the theme. The mason jar is filled with random bits and pieces from old games.

The other desk went into Little J’s room…where the antique one had resided previously. But we still were not done with organizing…

cat cubbyLittle Js room has this very awkward space that is about 4ft off the floor.  The space has  always been a collector of crap junk treasures. While measuring for the desk we realized that one of these 9 hole cubbies would fit perfectly in the opening. We left the back off the bottom three squares since there is still a good 2.5ft behind it…just in case stuff fell behind, we’d be able to retrieve it.  Look…someone has her own clubhouse now…

I’m not entirely sure what my plans for the day are but I do know I’ll be checking out the other T stands for Tuesday posts. :)

What are you doing today?


As much as I love Minnesota…I hate days like today. When it’s dangerous to be outside with exposed skin.  It has risen to a balmy -3°F since this screen capture.

I got distracted…


… while writing this post.

long shadows

It looks beautiful outside with the fresh snow…  The long shadows from the low sun.

You may remember that I was having a couple of craft boutiques this past week. The first was a bit of a bust. Not much traffic but still a good times spent with Little J and friends.

The second was great…even though we were in a fierce snow storm. They even dismissed school a bit early to get all the kids home before dark.  Only in MN would a snow storm bring out the shoppers. :)

crazy messSince I had been mad crafting up until the last minute…I have quite the mess.  I’m only showing you a little snippet of the mess.

Seriously embarrassing.

But maybe a bit of public shaming will help me get it cleaned up.  One can hope. ;)


I’ve been in non-stop arts and crafts mode in preparation for this Saturday’s craft sale. 
Haven’t taken a moment to clean up 
Yes, that is my clothes dryer…
Don’t judge me, the height is perfect for a workstation
I’m both nervous and excited.
So much so that I’m having 
those dreams….
you know the ones…
like the one when you’re on your way to take a final the determines if you graduate 
and you can’t find the way… 
or you forgot to study…. 
or you get there 5 minutes before the test is over.

I’m planning to do a test setup of my table display and make sure I have all my ducks in a row tomorrow.


I’ve got a bunch of ideas in my head but not enough time to play lately. As a result…I have chaos.

Stop by Kimmies for the list of the Tea Tuesday participants this week.

Recently, I was asked about my craft area. Did I have my own room? How do you handle storage? Lighting?
Here’s a glimpse into my world.My art space has gone through several transformations.

Above is the view from utility portion of the space. My back is pressed against the water heater as I took the picture.

This area has remained mostly unchanged. I have TONS of stuff within reach when I sit in the “command chair”. I use the cute Chicks Rule bucket to hold my scraps. My little girl was kind enough to let me use it. Thanks sweetie!
I have a small florescent fixture that hangs for direct task lighting. There is also a large florescent fixture smack in the middle of the room that provides light but since it’s behind me when I work, I tend to create a shadow for myself. Fabulous…

I love my Pampered Chef tool organizer. I know it’s meant for kitchen stuff but it is perfect for all my “go-to” items. I use a self-healing cutting mat to protect my counter top. The stamp pad and ribbon storage rack was bought on eBay a couple years ago. Can’t image what I did without it!

This cabinet was the latest piece we added to the space. I sold the old TV stand that was here to make room for this.

Now I have a standing working surface as well!! I love it.

Look at the rolling shelves! Awesome storage!

My husband put up this cabinet several years ago to help control my creative clutter. I have it jammed full as well. Although, I do know where every single thing is!

This is how I store my 12×12 scrapbook papers. Not the prettiest system but it works for me. Your eyes do not deceive you either…yet another storage piece under the counter top. It’s on wheels so I can pull it out to store my sewing machine behind it when not in use. I didn’t take a picture but there is also a tiny 2 shelf bookcase under the counter. It was way to messy for a photo.

The large orange file cabinet is also “new”. To me at least. It came from my folks place along with the cabinet. The top 2 drawers just boring administrative stuff.
Oh, did I mention my craft area is in the laundry room… The dryer makes a great spot for my guillotine cutter.

But the bottom one holds all my scrap sorted by color and other ephemera.Well, that’s probably more than you ever cared to know about where I work. Now I should probably start using my space instead of just talking about it!

I buckled down and got at least half of my space clean and organized.

I scrubbed most of the paint and glue off my self healing mat and counter top as well.

I think now that it’s clean, I’m going to work on some jewelry. Nothing worse than a messy space with beads and jumprings floating around!

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