So I did get inspired from sorting buttons. Not to actually used any of those buttons but by color.
I painted a 12×12 deep edge canvas with several shades of yellow. Then using a palette knife applied a bold wave of burgundy then some thin lines with the edge of the knife.
I knew I wanted a circle…I love circles for some reason. I knew I had a perfect piece of Citra Solv paper. I used gel medium to adhere it to the canvas.

It wasn’t as easy to spread as I thought so I decided to get out the heat gun to try to smooth things out a bit.
After several minutes of fussing with it …melting,…cooling…melting some more…
I came up with my finished piece.
Or at least I think it’s finished… This is where I struggle…not knowing when enough is enough.
I love that the paper that once looked slightly out of place is now firmly set into the painting..looking as if it is “one with the canvas”.
Stop by Kimmie’s to see what the Tea Tuesday gals are doing today….maybe you’ll even see a teacup in a picture. :)