Tag : bottle caps

7 posts

Two posts are colliding this week as T stands for Tuesday and Second on the 2nd fall on the same day.


Thankfully Elizabeth gave a little heads up at the end of her post that reminded me before I finished writing up my post. Time to switch gears.

We’ll start with the fun packages in my mailbox from two fellow T stands for Tuesday bloggers.  So fun to get mail…friend mail, not so much on the bills or junk mail. A little while back I had commented on Krisha’s blog about the winery she had visited. She was so kind to offer me some extra wine labels they picked up as collage fodder. I was so delighted to see an envelope in my PO Box the other day. Look at the great craft fodder and lovely card. Really love that card!

happy mail day

This package helped inspire this journal page.

beginning to blossom

Thank you Krisha!

I also received a box of goodies along with a 3rd anniversary ATC for T stands for Tuesday from Patty @ Magpie’s Nest.

happy mail day

She knows my love of bottle caps.

happy mail day

So many fun bottle caps and a bunch I’ve never seen. Too fun. Patty also included some bits of collage fodder as well. Can you see the beautiful ATC that precipitated the package in the first place?

happy mail day- patty's atc

Isn’t she lovely?!?  So many tiny details. I keep noticing more and more little things that I didn’t see the first time around.  Thank you Patty!

And now for the Second on the 2nd portion of today’s post.

Three years ago I took a quick photo of a hostess gift I was bringing to our annual Independence Day gathering. Little did I know this post would eventually become the most visited post on my blog. (More on the at the end.)

Take a look…eyes

July 5, 2013

We spent Independence Day, as we have the past several years, at a friend’s house along the parade route in town. It’s always a great time.

I wanted to do a little something extra for our hostess who puts so much time and effort into making sure everyone has a good time. She’s a big fan of Rum and Coke. It ended up being a centerpiece on the buffet table.

Rum and coke


I’ve seen over the years that the re-pins of this image on Pinterest have multiplying but it wasn’t until an update in their software did I notice that all of the re-pins now count up on the original. Check out this screen shot I took last night.

run and coke cake

Amazing! When I look at my blog analytics it definitely shows that people are visiting from that pin as well.  Not 24,000 pages loads but a significant amount especially given the fact that this is a 3 year old post.

For today I’m going to try and stay cool while running an errand or two. I really need to do some baking and canning but…ugh…not in this heat!

What are you doing today?

Hello , hello…welcome to T stands for Tuesday!T stands for Tuesday_200

I’m finally back. From where you ask? Absolutely nowhere. I’ve just been caught up in the end of school year craziness.

When the kids were younger it seemed as if actual learning stopped about 3 weeks before the end of school and the rest was just filler. Now there are speeches, presentations, projects, concerts and finals.  Throw in some appointments and after school activities and driving lessons…whew!   I have a teen with a drivers permit now!!  He got it on Friday. We’ve been out practicing twice now. Last night I heard…”when can I drive again?”

Enough reasons excuses for neglecting my blog. You’re here for T stands for Tuesday. Grab your drink and sit a spell.

Currently I have half a dozen or so projects going…well truth be told if I dug all my UFO’s out there would be at least twice that number.

WIP bottlecaps

After receiving a couple more bags of bottle caps last week, I was inspired to drag out my supplies. I turned on the TV to re-watch a show I fell asleep during last weekend while wiring and beading.  Sometimes having the background noise helps me work and other times…not so much.  Yesterday was a mixed bag.

WIP painting

I’m also continuing work on this painting I started so long ago. I keep adding layers as the mood strikes. I don’t have an end vision of this piece at all…I guess I’ll just know when to stop…hopefully.

Lastly I thought I’d share a garden update.

WIP seedlings

These are the seedlings that will go in my in-laws garden likely this weekend. The tomatoes are getting quite tall.  The rest have been planted in my gardens….WIP garden

you’ll have to take my word for it of course.

WIP deckbox

We had a frost warning last night so I had to cover everything up and hope for the best.


Luckily it didn’t get quite as chilly as they said but I’m still waiting until the temps get over 40°F to uncover. I don’t want to shock them.

Errands then an appointment are on the list today, along with pesky household chores. Hopefully I’ll get a bit more creating in as well.

What are you doing today?

Happy Tuesday!! Thanks for joining me for another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

T stands for Tuesday_200

Yesterday I set up my craft sale table to get a handle on what fits and how it should look. I  thought I’d share my wares with you.20141027_7216

This candle will likely look familiar to some as I have used it as my T Tuesday “beverage” in the past. I’ve decided to part with it after all….unless it doesn’t sell, of course. :)


Upcycled t-shirt baby bibs are a new item for me this year. I made a few for a friend who just had a baby and everyone loved them. So I decided it was a great way to upcycle some of those outgrown t-shirts.20141027_7210 20141021_7203

These bottle cap flowers are the 2.0 version of my original design.  Each one is unique…plus I get to use up a bunch of those beads that never seem to get used.table collage marked

I figured I’d just share the rest in a little collage since time is of the essence. I’m heading out to walk in a bit but I’ll be back in a while to visit.

What are you doing today?

I’ve been working on this project for longer than I care to admit. I found that I couldn’t work on it in the morning because I was too shaky from numerous cups of coffee to bead and bend jumprings. By afternoon, I just wasn’t interested in working on it.

As you can see I put my own spin on it. I used an old CD for the top of the wind chime. I also included beads with the bottle caps for interest. I’m so happy to have actually used a bunch of the caps I’ve collected over the years as well as all the ones friends save for me.

Now I just need to find the perfect spot for it. Mr. G and I were talking this morning about making a tiki bar on the deck or the patio. I think it would fit in quite nicely!

Here’s the original “pin” that
inspired my above creation:

Source: flickr.com via Halle on Pinterest


After working out and running errands this morning, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon putting together all these bottle cap magnets.  I think I’m a little loopy from the glue…need more ventilation in the basement!
You may remember a long time ago I had them strewn across my work surface.
I bagged them up and stuck them away…promptly forgetting they existed.
Well, no more.
They are heading to Texas along with all the other items I’ve been busy creating plus some oldies but goodies.
I still have a list of things I want to make but am running out of time.
I hope I remember to take a picture of everything before sending it off.

Quite a while ago, after posting my Travels handmade book, Margaret asked me if I had an postcards from Switzerland for my collection. 
Since I didn’t, we decided to do a little trade of items from our areas. 
Just look at all the fun items she sent!
I’m really looking forward to using the pretty napkins.
And this postcard is an awesome addition to my collection! 
It’s very Scandinavian looking…love that! 
Have I mentioned that I’m 100% Norwegian!?!
Thank you so much Margaret!

I also wanted to share a couple more bottle cap flowers I made the other day.

They are a fun addition to my garden.

I am so happy to say that our weather has made a turn. The humidity and heat have gone.
I awoke to 61°F with a cool NW breeze.
I want to wash all the sheets and blankets to dry them outside for a change.
But first I must show you the flower I made.
I have a couple more sets laid out but the heat and humidity in the garage yesterday was too much and I got very frustrated with the heavy gauge wire. Have to try again today.

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