Tag : candles

5 posts

Thanks for stopping by today for T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth, Dr. E (yep she’s got a Ph.D), Queen of Free, caretaker of Bleubeard, teacher extraordinaire and all around nice gal. How’s that for an intro!?!

I’m getting a bit stir crazy again…I’ve had at least one sick kid since last Wednesday. I’ve been disinfecting everything they touch or at least trying. I’m scheduled to work later this week and it would be just like it for me to get deathly ill for that day.

Once again I’m not showing my mug of tea…yes, I’m drinking a cup of Twinings Lady Grey but its in my ugliest mug. I just can’t post that…yuck. I might even throw this one out today…stained and ugly.

But I will show you the mug candle I made last week.

candle tea

I picked up the mug at Goodwill a while back. I recycled my candle bits and made a new candle with a touch of fragrance oil and colorant.  The mug seems very Scandinavian in design although I think it’s just a cheapy from HomeGoods.

watching and waitingMiss Gracie keeps thinking now that there is no ice on the inside of the windows that she should be able to go outside. She sits…waiting and watching…ever hopeful I’ll take her out. Nope…not going to happen honey. She’d get lost in the deep snow…another 4-8 inches are coming on Thursday…oh joy.

I thought this article about Lake Superior being 95% frozen over this year and for the first time since 2009 people can walk over the ice to the Apostle Islands was really interesting and the photos are fantastic.


Photo credit to Paul Johnson…he’s amazing!!!!!

Maybe this post should have been named T Tuesday: random thoughts edition, since I was really all over the place today. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. :)

What are you doing today??

tea lightI’m enjoying a quiet, overcast, drizzly morning with a cup of coffee. Mr. G is out the door to work and the kidlets are still sleeping. How long do you think I can keep calling them kidlets when the oldest is my height? I say, FOREVER!!

Since it is so gloomy I decided to light my tea cup candle while I read and sip my coffee.

rainy day GracieKnitting group is on the docket for today as well as a little back to school shopping. School supplies have been purchased and are packed  in the backpacks. Big J is in denial while Little J is excited to go back in just over a month.

Gracie is attempting to will away the rain with her mind so that we can go sit outside. Good luck kitty. Maybe we can  enjoy a little time later but that concrete has to dry to make it comfy for furry paws.

What are you doing today?

Want to join the T Tuesday fun? Just click the button on my sidebar and it will take you to Elizabeth’s blog.

We had a wonderful Christmas! 
Family over for both Christmas Eve and Day.
Laughed lots, ate too much, made a mess opening gifts, played games and visited until my throat was scratchy.
I had to  show you one of the centerpieces from our table. I saw this on Pinterest and loved it. So bright and early Christmas morning I stepped outside to trim some greens from the bushes. I’m sure any neighbors that spotted me though I was nuts. It was 0°F at the time.
Greens in a mason jar…add water and fresh cranberries which are ever so kind to float. 
Drop in a floating candle. Ta-da…
Simple and festive.


It’s been a long time since I had a Tea Tuesday post…mostly since I always have a super busy Tuesday and I don’t often schedule my posts. Likely because I’m not very good at planning ahead. I’m sort of a fly by the seat of my pants type of girl. 

 I just had to show you the teacup candles I made. 
Once again, something I’ve been wanting to do for a long, long time but just never did…until now.

I’m totally in love with them. They turned out perfectly.  
I couldn’t have imagined better results! 
Hooray! Love it when something comes out right!


Continuing one with my need to melt things…I made some candles.
Over time I’ve collected containers and supplies at garage sales to create some OOAK candles.
This one in the tin is so feminine. It has a nice soft scent…not flowery as the flower on top would suggest. Just soft, sweet and slightly fruity.

For this one I placed chunks of a darker, broken  candle in the glass jar before filling with the new wax. I was hoping for a more dramatic look but what can I say…I’m experimenting.


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