Tag : canvas

36 posts

I’m a little late for T stands for Tuesday again. I went to set mom’s hair this morning then stopped by knitting for a bit. Those ladies are so funny sometimes! The stories they have to tell…wowsers…had me blushing this morning. HA!caribouYesterday I had mentioned that I’d been painting a lot. In fact I was almost late for my study group because I lost track of time.

heartstringsThis one I call Heartstrings. It didn’t come out exactly like I had in my head but I still really like it.  It’s on a 12×12 canvas. There are many layers and lots of texture.

ocean abstractThis is the one that had me almost running late yesterday. I hadn’t intended on an abstract landscape but that’s how it ended up. This is a 6×6 deep edge canvas. I picked up a 4 pack at Micheal’s last week. It’s a perfect size for me.

bold intentionsThis is my favorite. I call it Bold Intentions. I used a palette knife to create the red drag marks down the left.

I’m heading to lunch now with a friend so I’ll be back to catch up with my blog friends later this afternoon.

What are you doing today?

20130609_2202My friend Sandy asked if I’d do another canvas featuring her published poem. She wanted to give it to her mom who encouraged her to enter the contest in the first place.

I reworked a previous canvas that never felt quite done to me.

Sandy’s words in addition to the changes have now made this a completed work.



20130609_2206Two completed canvases







canvas peek1

I don’t know if I’m at liberty to show the poem on the canvas yet….hence the partial photo with words blurred.

My friend Sandy entered a poetry contest and won! Her poem is going to be published. She asked me if I’d do an art piece with her words.

The funny thing is that I had started this canvas became “stuck” at a certain point. I felt that it needed words.

Low and behold…the words fell into my lap.  After the words, I added a couple of collage pieces from an old children’s book I saved from the trash heap.

I hope she loves it as much as I do…

canvas peek2







UPDATE:  She does love it!

Here’s a photo of the whole canvas

It’s happened again…I just have to make some new things I’ve seen on Pinterest.  
Such as these Kale chips! 
Crispy, crunchy, healthy, yummy.
Here’s a link to the the original post
Credit where credit is due….

The second inspiration didn’t have any readable instructions…just a series of photos pinned. So, unfortunately, I can’t give credit to whom it’s due.

Here’s the original “pin” (left) which summed itself up nicely.

I used an ugly canvas I picked up at a garage sale…gessoed and tissue papered it before painting it green.
I thought the green left behind my leaves was a little boring so I went back with painted and retouched them. 
Looks pretty dumb on the shed door but I happened to have a nail there for the photo op.
Have you been inspired lately?


One birthday card for a man… using some Citra Solv paper and Basic Grey packaging. The recipient is back in college get his second degree and is taking some very high level math courses. I thought the normal curve table page was fitting.
This canvas is now on it’s third life.
Every time I get tired of it I just spread some gesso over the top and start over. This time I added some modeling paste for texture and then some of my rusted lace fabric. I trimmed down an 8×10 print of digital art.

So I did get inspired from sorting buttons. Not to actually used any of those buttons but by color. 
I painted a 12×12 deep edge canvas with several shades of yellow.  Then using a palette knife applied a bold wave of burgundy then some thin lines with the edge of the knife. 
I knew I wanted a circle…I love circles for some reason.  I knew I had a perfect piece of Citra Solv paper. I used gel medium to adhere it to the canvas. 

It’ still needed something. I decided to try out beeswax over the top. I’ve always wanted to try it so why not right!
It wasn’t as easy to spread as I thought so I decided to get out the heat gun to try to smooth things out a bit.
After several minutes of fussing with it …melting,…cooling…melting some more…

I came up with my finished piece.
Or at least I think it’s finished… This is where I struggle…not knowing when enough is enough.
I love that the paper that once looked slightly out of place is now firmly set into the painting..looking as if it is “one with the canvas”.
Stop by Kimmie’s to see what the Tea Tuesday gals are doing today….maybe you’ll even see a teacup in a picture.  :)

I’ve been working on this one for a couple of days. Dress makers pattern tissue was used to create texture. I laid it directly onto the wet gesso. Some random scraps of text from my scrap bucket were also used for interest. Those were attached using UHU twist & glue.

I used my fingers a lot on this painting. I just seem to have more control that way. I can feel the canvas and know how much paint is being applied. Even when I use the brush I often use my fingers to spread the paint. It gives a totally different effect.

I had no plan in mind…just let it happen. Besides if I decide I don’t like it anymore….I’ll just gesso over the whole thing and start again!


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