Tag : Children’s Literature

2 posts


I’m back at my Children’s Literature altered book.

Click, Clack, moo quickly became a new favorite children’s book.  It’s about these cows that find a typewriter and start sending a list of demands to the farmer. They decide to stop production unless given electric blankets. It’s super cute.

There is actually several in the series now by Doreen Cronin. She definitely has a knack for children’s stories.




Children’s books are so much fun.  charlottesweb

Silly stories, tales with a moral, social stories, nursery dairyofawormrhymes and so forth,  all have one idea in mind. To get kids reading or being read to by others.

I volunteer in our elementary school library once a week and love to see those certain titles that are being checked out time and time again. They are sometimes tattered and torn…what I like to call, well loved.

In my new altered book I’ll be highlighting some of my favorites. I’ve been throwing this idea around in my head for a while. Now I’ve finally gotten started.   veryhungrycaterpillar

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White…a classic.  I remember my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Clark, reading it to our class.

Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin is one of the funniest kids books I’ve read. I get a chuckle just sitting here thinking about it.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is just one of many favorites by Eric Carle. Certainly the easiest to illustrate.

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