Tag : citrasolv paper

6 posts

I used up the last of my CitraSolv the other day creating more lovely papers.


Love the blue pages!! The bubbles are awesome!

citrasolv goodness

SecondlookToday for Second on the 2nd, I’m going to share with you today a post from 4 yrs ago about a technique that I simply love.

Without further ado here is the post from December 2010…


 I am totally hooked on this “new to me”  technique. I’ve seen it in a magazine, You Tube, blogs etc. Trust me…this technique has been around the block a time or two. Of course, I am super late in actually trying it but I had said I wouldn’t buy any new art supplies. Well…technically I didn’t buy a new art supply, I bought a concentrated cleaner. That counts right!?!? Anyway…Since not everyone on the planet has read about it I’ll tell you what I did. It is so simple and has such cool results.  A word of caution…this will be messy…protect your surfaces, hands and clothing.20101209_4757

First you take the CitroSolv concentrate full strength and pour a bit into a small container. I used a foam brush to apply it directly to the front and back of the National Geographic pages I wanted to use.  The more ink on the  pages the better. After slathering on the CitroSolv to as many pages as you’d like…close the magazine and walk away for about 20 mins or so. When you come back…put on a glove and start opening the pages…they will likely fall right from the magazine as the CitroSolv seems to un-glue the binding as well.20101209_4755

I hung my pages to dry with clothes pins overnight. I painted a few pages with CitroSolv before going to bed to see if the effect would be any different. The effect seemed a little more “muddy” to me rather than having the cool bubble effect. Still totally usable papers…just different. 20101209_4747These are some of my favorites but as you can see below…I ended up with a bunch of fun papers to play with.  20101209_4754

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Our new neighbor mentioned a while back that she hosted a monthly craft club at her house.

I was very intrigued.

Last week she stopped by to tell me the date and time.

So last night I packed up a small plastic tote with supplies to make cards. I limited myself to paper from my scrap files.

I thought this would be a good challenge for me.

I learned that limited supplies doesn’t have to limit your creativity.

There was only one thing that I was really missing…my foam mounting tape. One of the gals I just met was gracious enough to give me a few pieces so I could complete a couple of the cards.

I’m already looking forward to next month!


personalThe last page in my Watkins journal. Gathered from bits and pieces thrown in a drawer.

The photo is me from a couple years ago. It was an extra from a scrapbook page…yes, have been known to scrapbook every once in a great while.

I wrote a personal journal entry on the back of the date due slip in the pocket.

All I have left is to do some things with the outside covers of this journal. It’s been a fun experimenting journal. I’ve started using a date stamp so I can keep track of what I did and when. You always think you’ll remember but I have learned that I just don’t.

Expressing feelings of gratitude…
I have been attending a MOMSnext class since September. 
The new session will being next week. 
It has been good for my heart, mind and soul.


I am totally hooked on this “new to me”  technique. I’ve seen it in a magazine, You Tube, blogs etc. Trust me…this technique has been around the block a time or two. Of course, I am super late in actually trying it but I had said I wouldn’t buy any new art supplies. Well…technically I didn’t buy a new art supply, I bought a concentrated cleaner. That counts right!?!?

Anyway…Since not everyone on the planet has read about it I’ll tell you what I did. It is so simple and has such cool results.  A word of caution…this will be messy…protect your surfaces, hands and clothing.

First you take the CitroSolv concentrate full strength and pour a bit into a small container. I used a foam brush to apply it directly to the front and back of the National Geographic pages I wanted to use.  The more ink on the  pages the better. After slathering on the CitroSolv to as many pages as you’d like…close the magazine and walk away for about 20 mins or so. When you come back…put on a glove and start opening the pages…they will likely fall right from the magazine as the CitroSolv seems to un-glue the binding as well.

I hung my pages to dry with clothes pins overnight.

I painted a few pages with CitroSolv before going to bed to see if the effect would be any different. The effect seemed a little more “muddy” to me rather than having the cool bubble effect. Still totally usable papers…just different.

These are some of my favorites but as you can see below…I ended up with a bunch of fun papers to play with.

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