Tag : crochet

15 posts

Ok…it took me three rounds to to notice my mistake.  Do you see it?


Here’s a clue…


We all learned in school that hex means 6, correct?!

And now lets count together…


 Like I’ve said many times…I’m pattern challenged.

I think watching TV while crocheting isn’t the best idea to begin with but I can’t blame it all on that. Maybe next time I’ll try and easier pattern…and learn to count more accurately.

I’m not giving up and starting over. I’ll just have a pentagonal dishcloth. There’s nothing wrong with that. If a Pentagon is good enough for the U.S. Military…it’s good enough for me and my dishes.

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What’s a girl to do when she has a bunch of boring white cotton yarn?

Dye it of course.

I used a batch of red cabbage dye that I saved in the freezer from dyeing eggs.

I decided  to use some crochet skill to try out a dishcloth.

I love that the yarn isn’t a solid color. Some people would look at that as a flaw but I think of it as a bonus.

I made up my own pattern. Frankly, it looks like a thick doily to me.

I’m not sure how the color will stand up to repeated washings but who cares! It’s a dishcloth after all.

Next I’m going to attempt to follow an actual pattern. We’ll see how that goes…since I seem to be pattern challenged.

PS…it’s snowing here again.


I finally learned how to knit on needles…albeit only with a new special kind of yarn. There are many brands and styles of this yarn on the market…but this was the only one at the fancy pants yarn shop that a few of my knitting group friends and I went to last week.
I made this knitted scarf.  The surprising thing (that will only make sense to knitters)is that there are only 6 stitches per row….all knit stitches!
I even figured out how to bind off by myself!! It was without a near catastrophe but I managed to save it….thank goodness.
I think I’d have cried it it had fallen apart.

Then last night while watching “Wheel of Fortune”,
hey it’s educational for the kids,
I crocheted this scarf with the leftover yarn.
I can’t believe how quickly it went!
Of course it’s much thinner and much longer. 
I am pretty sure I have to stop all yarnwork for a while. 
I’ve had a pain in my basal thumb joint for a couple of months now. I had some stiffness and then something that felt like it came out of joint and popped back in. Honestly, after that it felt better than is had in a month or so…but now it  has flared up again. 
I’ve decided (with my non-existent medical degree) that it’s either tendonitis or arthritis….hopefully the former.

I’ve been all over the place lately when it comes to creativity.
I think I may have Art ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Ok…some might argue that I have ADD in other areas of my life as well but the Art ADD is self-diagnosed.
I blame the other on Motherhood. Children steal you’re ability to keep a clear running thought in your head. :) But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Anyway…these are the things I’ve done in the past week.
I papered our recycling cabinet to match the fridge.
Knitted another dishcloth on the loom

Knitted a cowl on the loom…

Miniature terrain on a recycled CD…
Another terrain piece…
And last night I started another twirly crochet scarf because my elbow was hurting from the repetitive motion of the knitting.
Crochet seems to work my wrist more and doesn’t bother me.

In addition I’ve been washing and ironing my way through a large box of old linens. Deciding what is decent enough to save and use and what I can use in my artwork. Vintage linens and fabric are part of my idea for the Postcard Challenge book.

So, yeah…definitely Art ADD.

I missed Tea Tuesday yesterday…
I was busy getting a root canal.  Oh, Joy.

So the cups remained in the cupboard…they looked pretty while waiting though.

I’ve also spent an enormous amount of time in waiting rooms lately so I’ve brought stuff with to keep me busy and make the time pass more quickly.

While I was under the weather but well enough to do something…I decided to crochet another twirly scarf. This time I used some worsted weight wool (I think) that I bought at a local yarn shop while on my quest to learn to knit. Shockingly, it only took me about 2 hrs total. Such a quick and awesome pattern.

Tonight as I was picking up the dinner dishes I noticed what was keeping my girl so captivated at her plate…

Love in angel hair pasta… oh, to be 8 again….

When I saw this scarf at Simply Modern Mom, I knew I had to try it. It really took no time at all.

I am so proud of myself!! I actually followed a crochet pattern and completed a project. 

I’m going to try another one with a different type of yarn. Maybe something a little fuzzy.
Check one New Year’s goal off the list!

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