Tag : cursed journal

19 posts

Hello, hello! I’m feel a little thrown off this morning from the Memorial Day holiday yesterday. Today seems like Monday. Waking up late didn’t help matters any.

But today is Tuesday… so that means it’s time to join Elizabeth and Bleubeard for T stands for Tuesday.deck box gardenI brought my coffee outside with me to check on the gardens. I won’t bore you with a bunch of pictures of mostly dirt. I have 10 tomatoes planted…4 yellow pear plants and 6 Thessaloniki(Greek heirloom)plants. My beans are sprouting. The cucumbers are planted. Hopefully the leaf lettuce seeds I planted will sprout soon form the galvanized bucket in the deck box garden.

It’s misty raining so I’d like to show you my before and after on my cursed journal. After completing the journal I assumed I would leave the outside unadorned. The cover graphics and color was what made me choose this book in the first place. cursed journal beforeBut the spine left something to be desired. It kept bugging me as it sat on the bookshelf. Since my art space is currently out of commission…there wasn’t a whole lot I could do. Then my tea dyed curtain scrap came to mind. I could have the best of both worlds…pretty graphics and the ugly spine covered.cursed journal afterI decided to add the little bits of chain and charms at the last minute. charmedThey add a little movement and bling.  Now I’m very happy with the journal that caused me so much grief in the beginning.

dream bigI’ve reached the end of my cursed journal.   This is on the very end of the book.

I realized that I used this same sentiment earlier in the journal but it seems to be one that comes to mind a lot for me.

We must dream big or we will never reach for something just beyond our fingertips.

cursed journalI think I’m going to leave the outside covers of the book as is at least for now.  They are a nice shade of teal with a geometric pattern that is pleasing to the eye.

I always love the edges of an altered book or journal. All thick and wonky from paint and glue.

After the hard start for this journal…making me feel as if it was cursed. Seriously…the first few pages of this book are awful. Luckily I skipped around so they are interspersed with pleasing pages.

promise meIt’s been a while since I’ve sat down and worked in one of my art journals. Or at least it feels that way.

This was a quick page I did one morning while feeling inspired. It felt really good to be painting again.

I’ve been preoccupied with crafting for an upcoming craft show. My focus has been expanding my inventory…not art for the sake of art. :)




Some days I have trouble labeling myself as an artist. I find it super easy to call myself a wife, mother and blogger…but artist, I struggle with.



artist quote


This quote makes me me realize that I can embrace myself as an artist after all.

Now if my neck and shoulders would play nicely. I’ve been in pain since Friday afternoon when apparently I moved in some way that my body disagreed with.

Looking down at the keyboard is very painful. Yes, I still occasionally look down when I type. I think mostly out of habit…but it hurts!!!

Chiropractor in the morning…hoping that will set me right.



With the hot and humid yuck of August fully upon us, I was feeling the need for something I little more Spring-like.

This journal is nearly full. If I can get 3 more entries to fit, I’ll be really surprised. Good thing I have another going and yet another book waiting in the wings.

20130821_3165Layer, layers and more layers for this journal page. I had an idea in mind when I started. What was in my head didn’t match in the least bit what was coming out on the page.

I walked away for a couple days…literally.

I really liked pieces of the pages so I took my circle stamp to those parts.  I filled in around with blue and white with my fingers. I’ve really got to remember to get a picture of my hands one of these days all covered with paint. But I digress…20130821_3166

Anyone remember the 1984 movie Footloose? Well, I certainly do. It’s still a favorite of mine.

This set of Bible verses was used in a scene by Ren McCormack, played by Kevin Bacon, as he was trying to convince the very conservative city council to allow the high school kids to have a dance. This scene amazed me to hear that the Bible said dancing was ok because I grew up in a very conservative church that dancing was not allowed either.  Its a beautiful and powerful set of verses.

20130821_3168I decided that the verse needed to be added after I looked at the pages. I thought that might be a view from heaven…the universe in front of you…all the stars and planets.


a time for everything yarn haul

Another page in my cursed journal. Photographing this page proved to be a challenge. This was the best shot I could get and it still doesn’t have the look that it does in real life. I’m bummed because I think this is one of my very favorite pages EVER.

After I stamped and embossed the pocket watch image, it looked just too perfect. I took some sandpaper to it to mess it up a bit. This made me much happier. :)

I also had to show off my yarn haul from the thrift store. Woo-hoo…lots of knitting and crochet material for the less than the price of 2 average skeins.

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