Tag : digital

58 posts

Just how good you’ll know towards the end of my story that is jammed with lots of pictures…you’ve been warned.
Our first morning in Duluth we woke to this beautiful sunrise over Lake Superior.
Then panned to the right and saw a couple of “Lakers” …big cargo ships that travel through the Great Lakes system.
After we went down for breakfast and returned to our room this was our view!
It had steamed in that far. 
This ship was one of the biggest in the fleet at 1004 ft long.
We quickly walked down to the canal to watch.
Was it going to fit?
Just cleared the lift bridge.
Here’s a view from the lift bridge when it’s down for traffic to flow.
Duluth is pretty at night as well with the lights reflecting on the water.
And then we got food poisoning…luckily just us and not the kids as well. At least it was our last night there…sure was a miserable one though. Oh yeah and about 4 AM that miserable night…the power went out in the hotel.  It was only out for about 5 minutes and most likely no one but us even noticed.
I’ll share some more high points later but for now I must go rest again. 
Still not feeling 100%
I think they are baby wrens. The mama of these 3 tiny babies is pretty small herself.  The nest is only about 3 feet off the ground in our dwarf lilac bush along the front walk. She was scolding me from a nearby tree for peeking in on her brood while I snapped a quick picture.

Much to my surprise this morning this is what I saw when I pulled open the shades.

Can we say humid!?!  That condensation is on the OUTSIDE of our windows. It’s not even like we run our A/C very cool…it’s just that thick out there.

(“mini-me” says I look like a deer in this photo…I don’t see it.)

Through the patio door we can usually see the kids playset…now just the yellow blob of the slide.

Keeping my fingers crossed that lacrosse will be cancelled again tonight. To dangerous to practice in this heat for anyone…much less kids.

Stop by Kimmies if you’d like to visit more bloggers hosting tea today.

My neighbor and I went for a walk such as we do several evenings a week but this time we walked to one of the nearby lakes with our cameras.

There’s a wonderful trail through the woods along the lake.

It even seems slightly magical…

Can’t you just imagine this as a little house for a fairy or gnome?!

And this…an arch for tiny woodland creature weddings.

I seem to be all about the photos lately! Probably because we finally have wonderful weather…gotta soak it up!

It’s such a beautiful day!! It’s bright and sunny. A perfect day for a walk.
I love how warm the sun is this time of year in comparison to the air temp.

After going to get water at the spring I stopped by a local park to take a little nature walk.

I don’t think there will be any picnics today.

This is where the canoes are usually stored.

This cute little squirrel stopped to posed for me…wasn’t that sweet.

I cleaned up my art zone a little bit yesterday…enough to do a quick page in an altered book.
I used some of the scrap laying around the workspace for this page. I still need to get to work on some similar themed swap pages.

I also started work on yet another attempt at a braided rug. Things are going much better this time around… *quickly knocking on wood*

The morning sky was pretty so I thought I’d share it with you. The photo was taken through the glass of the patio door. Way to chilly to stand outside for a lousy photo op for me.

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