Tag : door journal

7 posts

Just a quick journal page for today… Needed a little art therapy.

focus on the important

The words…a reminder.

focus on the important

Forty-Two I believe

Now who can tell me what I’m referencing?

Forty-Two I believe

This page was created on the back of a Ritz cracker box bound into my door journal. I very rarely use this journal…in fact I had put it away in the cupboard and forgotten about it until yesterday.

Forty-Two I believe

I seem to do my pages about a year part…so at that rate I’ll be done with this one in about 8 years. HA!

Having a bit of fun in my door journal today. Nov 19 2014Bits and pieces….accumulation. Found text. Paint, pens and stamps. Ah, the fun and freedom in creating.

The words appeared for this page and I fell in love. The streaks of grey give the illusion of objects falling. The heart was already on the page. Love it when things work out like that!20140822_6828

I’m also loving the font of the book I’ve been using to find text. It’s a children’s or maybe a tween novel called Ghost in the Machine Ryan’s Journal.

Feels good to be creating again.


We’ve had a glorious change in weather and it has me thinking about starting seeds, building a fire pit, sitting on the deck, long walks and windows open.

These thoughts inspired a new journal page.

sunflowersI haven’t used molding paste for quite a while. I’d forgotten how much fun it is to work with.

Since I had my photo booth set up I figured I’d show you my supplies. suppliesOf course, now that I’m typing this I realized I forgot the script stamp, ink, embossing powder and heat gun. Geesh. This is why I rarely, if ever, write tutorials.

kaijuI had my photo booth set up to photograph the toy Kaiju brought home from Japan by my BIL and new bride-to-be.  Mr. G has been Photoshopping the Kaiju into photos that they have been posting on social media. He’s gotten really awesome at it.

scatter joy

There was a break in the sewing and knitting….

So I uncovered my worktable to make some art.

I had no idea what I wanted to do so I just “did”.

I don’t love every part of this page but that is okay.

I do love that I made art of the sake it art…not for sale or gift…just because it needed to be made.


I can’t stop sewing. I know I go in jags like this. Tissue cases and coffee sleeves are piling up. My coffee sleeves use old jeans on the backside. I throw them in the washing machine to make them fray in the most wonderful way.



I did take enough time away from the sewing machine to make a new journal. I used cereal, cracker and pasta boxes for the interior pages.






20131104_3658This was my first entry…



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