Tag : Gracie

14 posts

T stands for Tuesday_200Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a cup while we chat.

sugar rush tea

We have way too much sugar left over from Easter. Thank goodness I don’t like marshmallows or these would be dangerous sitting all unwrapped begging to be eaten.

sugar rushThis is my weakness…chocolate.

“My weakness is strong.” ~Patton Oswalt

Maybe fueled by sugar or just that spring cleaning and purging mode but I have dug out a box of items that have been squirreled away for far too long.

sellingBack in the late 90’s I used to sell on eBay. This box was forgotten in the back of our storage room until now.  I also went thru my cookbook collection…some of it just has to go. Recently I’ve started selling a few things on eBay again but the fee structure is pretty steep. But you can’t sell just anything on Etsy.

gracie watchingWhile I work…Gracie watches the world go by.


I did get creative this past week as well. This 6×6 canvas makes me quite happy. Its a recycled canvas…meaning I hated the first painting I did so I covered it all up and began anew.

I’ve also worked in my coffee theme AB again but you’ll have to come back tomorrow if you want to see that.

I’ve got lots on my list today, more than I’ll ever accomplish.

What are you doing today?

Good Morning! Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.  T stands for Tuesday_200

Lets keep our fingers crossed that my back stays in good shape now! Geesh that was a long haul. I apologize for not stopping by many, if any, blogs for the past week.

Every year I start my seeds the week of St. Patrick’s Day.seed starting By the time we can safely plant outdoors, I’ll have nice size plants to set into the garden…or gardens as the case may be. My in-laws are graciously letting me plant in their garden again this year in addition to my two small garden plots.

So what’s in those cups?

  • 3 variety of tomatoes
  • 2 variety of peppers
  • cucumbers
  • spaghetti squash

I will also be starting some herbs in pots and sowing seeds directly into the gardens when the time comes. We love having fresh herbs and veggies with our meals…especially when they are straight from the garden!plant vigil

Miss Gracie is keeping vigil over the seeds while watching the critters romp.

gracie sittin n lookin

I’m off to run a few errands, stop to see my knitting group then make a ton of phone calls to get our ducks in a row for Little J’s upcoming knee surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

What are you doing today?


Hey, it’s Tuesday…you know what that means… T stands for Tuesday_200I am so excited about the new supplies I ordered. I’ve had them on my wish list for quite some time. T Tuesday new suppliesI’m already having fun playing with them. Yesterday, I used my gelatos to create this background. So much fun!!

I’ve also used the bubbles stencil with some molding paste and sprays on the cover of my Watkins journal. Amazing what turns up when you start organizing.watkins coverwatkins cover

Look at the fun texture!! watkins coverwatkins cover

I used a vintage map of Hawaii as the first layer to cover the bright orange covers of the original cook book. Why Hawaii? you ask… Why not?!?!  I love the colors on the back…kind of wish it were the front. watkins journal

Here’s a little recap of the pages inside. It certainly was a quick little journal to fill.

While admiring my new supplies…I had a friend join me for tea….gracie

Oh so helpful cat when trying to work and get organized. “Here let me sit on your lap so you may have the privilege of petting me.”gracie

She’s not so happy to get her photo taken. Just look at that crabby face. Likely because I stopped petting to take the photo.

I’ve got grocery shopping on list today…

What are you doing today?

Thanks for stopping by for another edition of T stands for Tuesday!  T stands for Tuesday_200

After several glorious days of way above normal temps that took away all of our snow…the cold has returned and as well as the snow. And the bonus…there is a wonderful layer of ice underneath. Treacherous driving conditions today for sure. Too bad I had to drive J to school this morning when his bus never showed…20141216_7343

I’m having a cup of tea….Earl Grey…while I get some work done preparing for Christmas Eve and Day that we’ll be hosting here.

Notice the goblet behind…there is quite a story behind that one involving one finicky Miss Gracie. This table is the only one she is allowed on in the house and she respects that rule completely. You see, it’s an endtable that sits under the front window adjacent to her cat perch and scratching post.  I tend to sit on the couch next to the table such as today with my tea. A few weeks ago I spied her drinking out of my water glass on that table repeatedly. Ewww. She doesn’t typically drink enough water so this was a good sign…except, again…ewww…my water. So I went to Goodwill and bought her a fancy goblet of her very own to drink from. She loves it and now hopefully will be more healthy with a proper amount of water. IMG_0042

Last evening was the Holiday concert at the high school. This being our first year with a high schooler we didn’t know what to expect. It was beautiful. I was amazed at how many students participate in choir. For the final number they had all of the choirs on stage together plus invited an alumni(only 4 yrs worth)to join in singing the traditional closing song. There we so many kids that they were in the wings of the theatre. So awesome!


My gorgeous poinsettia from the concert. A wonderful but late night…for a school night.

Today…back to reality. Housework, baking, wrapping the last couple gifts and checking the packing mini-me did for her 6th grade trip tomorrow.

What are you doing today?

Hello…I’m back for T stands for Tuesday. Did you miss me?20140519_4885I took last week off to attend Little J’s all-district track meet. She did awesome! First place in her school for girls 100m run and her relay team finished a good 3 seconds before anyone else in their heat. She was the anchor, so this photo appears that she is running unopposed. What a great way to finish off her elementary school years! The meet brings together all 7 elementary schools in the district at one of the high schools…too bad it wasn’t the one she’ll be attending since that would be cool at that age. 20140513_4812If you look at the way the adults at the finish line are dressed, you’ll get an idea of the temperature that day. Real feel of 39°F.

Anyway…I named this post gardening edition…so where the heck is the gardening?!?20140520_4894Here we have my tiny seedlings waiting to be strong enough to live outside. Notice the plastic barrier I had to erect around them…I’m sure you can guess who that is for.

Mr. G and I worked outside most of Sunday prepping the garden.20140518_4858He built a gate for me this year so I no longer have to climb over the fencing. 20140518_4859The beans are planted…tomato cages are ready and the flags are blowing in the breeze both for decoration and deer deterrent. 20140518_4857My deck box garden is also ready for planting…my cherry tomato plants and cucumbers will live here.

And where was Miss Gracie…20140518_4877Running from door to door begging to come out. Nope. Not going to happen. Not since she chased that squirrel up a tree. Too strong of hunting instincts for that one.

Lots of things on the list today ending with an evening choir concert, so I better get at it!

What are you doing today?

rainy dayI come to you today with wet feet. Figuratively…thank goodness. We’ve had over 6 inches of rain in the past 72hrs and it’s still coming down….and is expected to thru Friday. coffee listToday as usual I’m making my lists. It’s yet another busy week…actually busier than normal. I’m thinking I need to redefine my normal.20140428_4667I did do another painting over the weekend. It’s on a 12×12 canvas. I’m thinking that I want to put a gloss or at least satin coat over the top because I liked it even more while it was still wet.20140428_4668So far it’s untitled. The top makes me think of sun flares and the bottom, the ocean…what’s in the middle? I’m not sure. I just loved those colors together and the bleeding effect both up and down.

Oh joy…I just looked outside and now it’s snowing.snowingActually much harder than this picture, now that I got it edited. Camp is not going to be fun if this keeps up.

I’m off to do errands but will be back later to visit all my T stands for Tuesday friends.

Thanks for stopping by today for T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth, Dr. E (yep she’s got a Ph.D), Queen of Free, caretaker of Bleubeard, teacher extraordinaire and all around nice gal. How’s that for an intro!?!

I’m getting a bit stir crazy again…I’ve had at least one sick kid since last Wednesday. I’ve been disinfecting everything they touch or at least trying. I’m scheduled to work later this week and it would be just like it for me to get deathly ill for that day.

Once again I’m not showing my mug of tea…yes, I’m drinking a cup of Twinings Lady Grey but its in my ugliest mug. I just can’t post that…yuck. I might even throw this one out today…stained and ugly.

But I will show you the mug candle I made last week.

candle tea

I picked up the mug at Goodwill a while back. I recycled my candle bits and made a new candle with a touch of fragrance oil and colorant.  The mug seems very Scandinavian in design although I think it’s just a cheapy from HomeGoods.

watching and waitingMiss Gracie keeps thinking now that there is no ice on the inside of the windows that she should be able to go outside. She sits…waiting and watching…ever hopeful I’ll take her out. Nope…not going to happen honey. She’d get lost in the deep snow…another 4-8 inches are coming on Thursday…oh joy.

I thought this article about Lake Superior being 95% frozen over this year and for the first time since 2009 people can walk over the ice to the Apostle Islands was really interesting and the photos are fantastic.


Photo credit to Paul Johnson…he’s amazing!!!!!

Maybe this post should have been named T Tuesday: random thoughts edition, since I was really all over the place today. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. :)

What are you doing today??

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