Tag : Gypsy journal

24 posts

Welcome to the first edition of Second on the 2nd of 2019. It’s fun to look back and re-share posts from the past. Since my focus lately has been journals I thought I’d re-post a tutorial I wrote about one of the ways I prep a vintage book for altering. The altering after this point is completely up to you.

Take a look…


Since I was starting a new journal I thought I’d share with you my process for prepping the book.  First find yourself an old book that appeals to you. For me it was the size of this book. Not too small or too big… Just call me Goldilocks.journal prep5

Look inside to see what kind of binding you have.journal prep1

This inside cover gave me a really good indication that I had a sewn binding but I had to make sure.journal prep4

Yep…sewn binding. Perfect! Now we’re ready for the thinning of pages without leaving chunks of torn pages along the inner spine. Removing pages reduces bulk since the altering of a book whether journal style or a themed altered book adds lots of bulk!

I find the center of each signature (as seen in the above photo) and remove the page from each side.journal prep3Like this. I go back and carefully pick out all of the torn fragments. It will appear as if nothing has changed until you look at the page numbers. You’ll have a definite gap which would make reading the story a real challenge at this point.

I remove at least one page from each signature, sometimes more. You can always go back and remove more. journal prep7

Here you can see the gaps along the spine and how the book is more narrow going toward the outer edge. This is exactly what you want. journal prep8

You have a nice stack of pages for your altering pleasure when you are done.


So here’s an after photo of the completed Gypsy journal.

Thanks for stopping by for Second on the 2nd.

I haven’t worked in any of my art journals in quite some time. I’ve been kind of obsessed with sewing lately. But today I was inspired when I saw the new theme of Autumn over at Art Journal Journey.

sounds like autumn art journal page

When I think of Autumn, the rustle and crunch of leaves comes to mind. Memories of shuffling my feet through the leaves alongside the road and jumping into piles of raked leaves abound.

sounds like autumn art journal page

Warm colors and abundant texture dominate the landscape.

sounds like autumn art journal page

 I love this kind of page…  I used to be afraid of white spaces. Now I embrace them on my pages. Negative space can be quite powerful.

Art Journal Journey

There is a new theme over at Art Journal Journey…Back to School. Well that certainly is a timely theme since mine have been back for a week now.  On typical years the kids don’t go back until after Labor Day but ours went back early to make up for the week they’ll have off at the end of September.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

Of course school as we knew it is gone. No black boards…they have been replaced by first white boards then smart boards.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

And remember these…you’d look up the book you wanted in a card catalog then check it out by writing your name on the library card which would be stamped with the due date. That system has been dead a very long time. Bar codes and scanners with emails to remind you of due dates is the way of today.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

This page is a tribute to school the way we knew it.

Art Journal Journey

Another art journal page on the books…er…the book. *wink* I was heading in a different direction with this page when I began last night. I walked away while waiting for the gesso and a bit of light green paint to dry. I was feeling as if I’d make another abstract geometric type page. Those have been my favorite kind lately. I feel as if they are becoming my “signature style” so to speak. This morning my muse took a sharp right.

beginning to blossom

I was in the mood to use some gelatos. I used a light hand when applying several shades of green and yellow. I used a baby wipe to blend.  At this point I was at a loss so I started looking though my scrap bucket for inspiration. I found a book page with the words and knew then I had direction. The scrap of vellum got me thinking about a sweet paper pieced daisy I recently received from a generous fellow blogger…more on that in another post. (em-hem…Tuesday)

Daisies are really one of my very favorite flowers. I journalled a little about how they make me feel before stamping the date. Incidentally while doing that I realized that I had inadvertently stamped August on the last two pages I did. DUH! I’ll have to go back and fix those.

I’m once again linking up with Art Journal Journey for the current months theme of In my garden.

Art Journal Journey

After my previous mellow subdued journal page, my inner wild child was kicking and screaming to get out.

 simple machines textural journal page

Bold texture and color makes me so happy.

 simple machines textural journal page

As well as finding words that speak to me in the moment.

After sitting down to create ATC’s for a swap (more on that another time), I was feeling quite inspired. I decided work in my art journal with the current AJJ theme of In my garden in mind. I definitely wasn’t going to limit myself to the theme though.

rose garden journal

Turns out that was the direction I was heading anyway.

After painting on the page with my fingers, I added some more background texture with stamped text to simulate greenery. I fussy cut around one of my rose photographs then went off to find some words.

rose garden journal

I like that I leave you hanging…wondering….”what did she realize?”  I added a bit to line-work with both black and white pens before stamping my date and calling it a day.

Stop by Art Journal Journey and check out all the fun entries for this months theme.

Art Journal Journey

I’m finally picking up my art supplies again. I’ve been occupied with so many other things lately that I almost forgot that I had art supplies.


Each month I put a sticky note on my computer monitor with the current Art Journal Journey theme and more often than not lately that note hits the trash without ever getting more than a passing glance each day. Today I made a point of making art.

Not wanting to wait for paint to dry prompted me to use gelatos to create a background. Since there happened to be a ewe and her lamb on the page I decided that a road through a pasture was appropriate.

Take the scenic route art journal page using gelatos

I did a quick scribble drawing of the road and used several shade of green for the pasture. I blended with a baby wipe. I used a portion of a rubber stamp for the trees…without them the page was super boring. Pitt pens and craft paint was layered over the trees to add a touch of realism. Once I added the shadows at the base of the trees and the sheep I was satisfied with my quick journal page and actually checked a challenge off my list for a change.

I’m not saying this is my first and last for this Art Journal Journey challenge theme of journeys but it could be.

Art Journal Journey

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