Tag : Halloween

7 posts

I can’t even begin to tell you how long it has been since I have even considered posting or even visiting other blogs. I have been “turtled up” so to speak in my shell. Sometimes I feel the need to do that. When things are out of my control or I feel I have nothing positive to share. At times like that I often turn to my art to walk me through. Other times, it’s all too much.

I finally felt the drive to create. Maybe because things are starting to look better. We still have a long way to go but I’m trying to see the silver lining. I think COVID is really starting to weigh me down. My emotions are raw. 

Regardless…I made art!  It felt amazing. I wish I could get that into my head when I’m feeling down. Art this good therapy. It’s just like exercise…I feel so much better after I do it…it’s just the getting out there and doing it that is the challenge.

So what else have I been up to? I made a few more masks for both my family and commissioned orders for kid sizes.

I’ve also been making pretty envelopes in hopes of sending out purchased items from my Etsy store inside. Of course I’d have to get a few more things listed for that to actually happen. Baby steps…

I had a health scare almost a month ago now which I believe sent me into my proverbial turtle shell. All is well on that front though. I went back for further tests and got the clean bill of health.

Mini-me has committed to her college of choice for next fall. We will be empty nesters with kids almost 3 hours away in different parts of the state. So crazy. The thought has given me very mixed emotions. Can you tell I’m extremely emotional right now? It’s not my usual state of being. I am usually quite stoic. I’m Norwegian…it’s the way we are made. But I feel as if I’ve been running on adrenaline and now I’m crashing.

As usual. I dressed up for Halloween at school.

What else made sense in a pandemic but to be a doctor?!

School continues in-person for me so far. I can’t imagine it will be much longer before we go to distance learning though…at least for a time. Exponentially more positive cases and self-quarantines every day. 

One of the things I do when I’m stressed is starting purging things. This weekend I tackled my clothes. I’ve lost 20 lbs and it was time to get rid of the old, the ugly, the ill-fitting, the “why did I ever buy this” and the vastly out of style. Amazingly, I still have a ton of clothes. Nothing super cute but we aren’t going anywhere now anyway. The time will come and I will buy myself something cute. I may do a bit of thrift shopping between now and then to fill in some gaps but the thought of going into stores to browse doesn’t thrill me. I’m shopping out of necessity only these days to stay safe.

In keeping with the rules…here is the obligatory beverage alongside a yummy open faced bagel with cream cheese and lox. 

Another day of school is in front of me followed by my at-home teaching day.

What are you doing today?

I sometimes feel guilty about dressing up for Halloween when we skipped the whole works when our kids were young. At the time it made sense due to food allergies. Now with my job, it’s kind of a thing again.

I dressed as a VSCO girl. Those of you who don’t have teenagers won’t get it. but the kids at school loved it! “Oh my gosh Mrs. G…you’re a VSCO girl!” “That is so awesome!”  You can google it if you are super curious…

This was a good chunk of the staff who dressed for the occasion. So fun…and some actual learning took place believe it or not.

Over the weekend I went to a local craft fair and immediately fell in love with this bowl.

Something about it spoke to me. I told the potter that I’d be back…I had to think about it. I quickly made the rounds through the rest of the vendors in the gym and came back with cash in hand.

I LOVE IT!! The potter is a retired orthopedic surgeon. After decades away from the wheel, he started creating again.  I’m certainly happy he did!

I have to show you my view this morning after the time change. Marvin is not a fan. He doesn’t understand why I’m not willing to open the shades @dark 30.

So he waits… giving me the cold shoulder…or rear.

What are you doing today?

pumpkin minionsWe decided to go a little different route with our pumpkins this year. They make me chuckle every time I look at them. They were so much fun to make!!

I spray painted the pumpkin yellow then used acrylic paints to create the denim overalls. The goggle rim is a canning lid. I cut out a circle of card stock then painted an eyeball on each. The canning lid and card stock are hot glued to the pumpkin. The hair is black pipe cleaner that I stuck into holes created by poking a nail into the top of the pumpkin.

Not too long after taking the photo I had to rush my minions into the garage since there was sleet falling on them. I put forth much effort to let some half frozen precipitation ruin them when the paint is is hardly dry!!

I feel as if it’s been ages since I’ve posted anything.
At least I had my Friday freebie scheduled to post…  I threw out my back on Thursday and today is the first day I’ve been able to sit at the computer without a great amount of pain and back spasms.

I have been slowly working on a couple things over the past couple weeks. Some miniature terrain and a 12 days of Christmas swap(which I can’t show full photos of until they are opened). 

My girl and hubby carved some nice pumpkins over the weekend. I roasted the seeds and they are oh so yummy!

Stay tuned…I promise I’ll be back in gear soon. Feeling better each day!

We are opting out of Halloween this year. I’m so glad!

Last year I went kicking and screaming into Halloween. This year we convinced the kids that since they have to throw so much of the candy away anyway due allergies that it wasn’t really worth it.

The kids are getting a trip to Toys R Us with cash to buy something and the candy of their choice.

Oh good…my least favorite holiday. I LOVE Fall but hate Halloween. The candy, the costumes, the spooky decor. I wish I could skip it all.

Don’t get me wrong, I love kids…especially mine ;) but the absurdity of this holiday really gets to me. To dress up and take your kid house to house and beg for candy iritates me so much.

All year long we tell them “don’t talk to strangers” “don’t take candy from strangers” “don’t walk around outside(espically on the road) at night” “be nice” “be kind” “be gentle” “don’t scare people” But for tonight…forget all the rules!!

Of course, even with all my complaining, I jump right on the stupidity bandwagon. My kids are going to be Nintendo’s Mario and the classic Little Red Riding Hood. We made Jack O’lanterns (which have nearly rotted on the front steps), bought candy and decorated the living room with pumpkins.

Just so today wasn’t a complete waste of time…I transformed my new (on clearance), boring brown file holder.

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