Tag : Holidays

71 posts

I had forgotten about this post so when I found it today I knew it what the one I had to share.

Take a look…


T Tuesday: Christmas rhyme edition

T Tuesday: Christmas rhyme edition | Halle's Hobbies

T’was the Tuesday before Christmas and the day before break,

my mind was a whirl with all I’ve yet to make.


The presents are wrapped, all tied up in bows,

 the cookies are baked, but calories? Who knows


The tree lights are twinkling and sweet treats abound,

it really makes more sense when there’s snow on the ground.


So I looked out the window, and what did I see?

A dusting of snow! I squealed with glee.


So funny how quickly my mood turned bright,

and all it took was a light coat of white.


Merry Christmas to all my family and friends,

I bid you adieu as my rhyme has reached it’s end.

Merry Christmas from Halle's Hobbies


Hope that blast from the past put a smile on your face.



2018….wow! I remember thinking as a young girl that I’d be “so old” when the millennium changed. The last 18 years have flown by and I’m not that old at all! ;)

We went to the neighbors to celebrate on New Years Eve…thank goodness it was just across the street because we’ve been in the deep freeze like much of the country. Lots of food and sweet treats as well as some games.

This was a new one to me…a Christmas gift one of the party goers brought along. It was ok but you definitely need a group of people all around the same age to “get” the jokes you had to make up with random cards.

The kids and I head back to school Tuesday. It’s shocking how quickly 11 days can go. It was so cold that we really didn’t do much outside the home. We had company for Christmas Eve and Day, Mini-me got her braces off and celebrated her birthday.

Mr. G had tried to get tickets to a play the day after Christmas as soon as he found out he was off that day. The shows that day were sold out, so instead he cleaned up the kitchen after Christmas. Best gift ever!!

There were so many dishes over a 3 day period…including the mixing bowl and bundt pan used to make this little gem. This rum cake has become a Christmas tradition at our house. We tried a different rum this year. It wasn’t bad but I think next year I’ll stick with the Captain Morgan.

We’ve been battling against the frigid temps…there are icicles on the inside of my windows…no joke.

As I sat down to do a bit of knitting while Mini-me played a video game I grabbed the remote for the gas fireplace. BRRR…no wonder I was feeling the need for my quilt. I’m sure our lovely host Elizabeth will scoff at that temp but that’s cold enough for me.

I’ve gotten a bit further on my knit hat. I’m realizing now that it won’t be adult sized. Since I’m pattern challenged and not much of a rule follower, I didn’t use the right size yarn or needles according to the pattern basically because I didn’t have any. Oh well. I’ll find someone this hat fits.

The kids start archery tomorrow after school so that should be interesting to hear about.

I’m thinking I’m going to give a photo challenge a go again now that the commitments seem to be fewer again at home. This is my challenge.

What are you doing today?

I admit it…I’ve been neglecting my blog again. I haven’t had anything artsy or craftsy to share so I figured I wouldn’t bore you to tears with nothingness. As I began to pull photos together for this post I realized that I have a multitude of things to share, with many different facets.

Last week I skipped T Tuesday entirely both posting and visiting….in fact, I hardly touched my computer all week. I realized how truly close to Christmas we were getting. With something on the calendar every night after work, I couldn’t quite wrap my brain around blogging too. Gosh I miss it though. Sitting at the keyboard typing away is so soothing…it’s like therapy without paying someone to listen to you bare your soul. No, there will be no soul baring today.

Where should I start since I can’t remember what order things came in anymore. Ok…first of all…I’ve abandoned my December photo challenge. As I got further into my list I was just not loving it or getting inspired for that matter. It’s supposed to be fun…not work. I’m sure I’ll do another at a later date but for right now…I’m good with my occasional random Instagram posts.

Speaking of Instagram…I posted this the other day…after getting it from Fitbit.

I thought that was pretty cool! I can’t wait to see what my next badge will be.

We had some beautiful weather so I decided one of our favorite summertime meals was in store.

Crab boil or Low Country boil complete with a Corona beer. See how I snuck that beverage in there. :)

We attended the kids Holiday choir concert.

And got to hear the boy sing up close and personal.


The weekend was spent in the kitchen….

J and I made Krumkake…his favorite. My old vintage Nordic Ware iron is well seasoned….it may not look pretty anymore but it makes the best krumkake. Way better than the electric one my mom had given me a couple years ago.

Mini-me and I tackled lefse making. Neither of us have perfected rolling them out round but they taste the same no matter the shape.

After we got the majority of the flour swept up…(trust me…its everywhere…ugh.) I was recruited to help out with a mouse trap car. Thankfully Mr. G was available to lend a hand as well. That wire is tough!!

It’s not the prettiest thing but it definitely moves!

I have made some progress on the hat I am knitting but I set that aside after work today to make this little hat for a very special early delivery.

It’s hard to believe that will actually fit on a little ones head. Hopefully not for long!!

I’d also like to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas from our house to yours!

What are you doing today??

I can’t believe we are into December already!! I think its because we have no snow that I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around it.  Although that is supposed to change in the next couple hours as I write this. I am happy to say that we at least have the tree up and the house decorated…as much as we do. We aren’t outside light people. I admire those who do…it’s just not us.

Last year after the holidays I bought a tree on clearance at our grocery store of all places….totally sight unseen. All I knew was it was pre-lit with white lights. It was such a steal that I couldn’t pass it up especially since out old pre-lit tree had a band of dead lights smack in the middle.Isn’t it pretty!?!? Not bad for $34.

Mini-me put together some new hanging decor for a bare corner of the livingroom.  I gave her a little springboard idea and she ran with it while I was busy. It turned out really cute.

Last Friday I had the privilege of supporting a couple of students on a field trip to Orchestra Hall. I hadn’t been there since Mini-me was in preschool.

It is so unique inside…and beautiful, not that my quick phone picture really captured the beauty.

I spent a good share of Saturday trying to decide between designing a photo card and writing a Christmas letter to send out this year. Who knows…I may do both.

Oh that’s right…I need to update you with my photos to finish out the November photo a day.

22. A favorite thing…..Marvin, of course

23. I made this! ……fabric star ornament (shared the tutorial links last week)

24. I need to do this! ……put all this crap away…just keepin’ it real folks.

25. Time……clock I made over a decade ago….likely should change the battery one of these days.

26. Wall…….my favorite wall especially this time of year.

27. I’m thankful for this…… Love

28. Black…….J’s school chrome book

29. So, this happened…..inflation of the new activity dome outside my school (it’s truly immense)

30. I bought this! ……not telling what’s inside though.

And with that…November is done.

This is my new challenge for December. I followed an old version of the October challenge by this same site. I’m enjoying the creative challenge of these photo a day prompts especially since most days this is my only creative outlet.

Want to see what I’ve already gotten for December?

What are you doing today?


This year for Christmas we changed things up a bit.  In the past several years we’ve had a Christmas brunch and it worked out very well since the kiddos weren’t too great at waiting to open presents. In those days I think they would have preferred everyone spend the night and get up at 6am.  Since they are older now, we decided moving back to a more traditional time for our family was best. That meant we’d need a dessert.

I decided to make a rum cake. I’d made this one before and it was so yummy. The recipe comes from a cookbook called Booze Cakes that I checked out from the library.  The first time I made it I used a standard bundt pan in the classic bundt shape. This time I decided to get a little adventurous and use my fancy bundt pan since it looks a bit like Christmas trees.

rum cake

As it was baking, I was realizing that the tree pan was smaller than the classic pan…I kept watching it in fear that it would run over as it baked. I was lucky…

rum cake

Look how beautifully it came out of the pan! I took a lot of time preparing the pan in hopes that it would work.  So cute!

rum cake

Remember I mentioned this was from a cookbook called Booze Cakes…yeah…that bottle was full when I started and I wasn’t sampling. I don’t even like rum in drinks…but I sure do in cake!!!

Just before serving I dusted the entire cake with powdered sugar giving it the appearance of snow. I totally forgot to snap a photo though. You’ll just have to take my word for it. It was yummy and boozy.

The kids head back to school after winter break so I’ll be all by myself for a change…well I’ll still have Marvin to keep me company.


What are you doing today?

Now that we’ve had a bit of snow that stuck for a few days…although it’s mostly gone again…I’ve been getting into a festive mood.

Christmas tree at night

The tree looks so pretty even with a meager amount of ornaments this year. The ones that are on the tree are not breakable just in case.

Marvin enjoying the lights

Marvin enjoys lounging on the tree skirt and so far has only knocked two ornaments down.

tea for wrapping duty

I enjoyed a cup of tea yesterday morning while wrapping a few presents.


And even my crochet is a festive green color. I know I have tons of flaws, mistakes and goofy stitches in this one. I did it while watching TV, basically in the dark with Mini-me. It doesn’t matter though since this will just be a dish cloth. My stemware really doesn’t care if the stitches are right.

Mr. G is on vacation again this week so I have no idea what the day has in store. It’s kind of fun to have a blank slate once the kids are off to school.

What are you doing today?

Have a safe and happy Holiday!

Happy Independence Day


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