Welcome to yet another rousing edition of T stands for Tuesday.
This week finds most of us in the same place as last…at home, still at home. The difference for me is now my job has started back up after an extended spring break. I find myself in a very strange place much like hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people. Trying to figure out how to work from home.
I had two laptops set up on opposite sides of the table yesterday. My work one was the only one that actually saw any work. I had thought I’d get this post written but navigating through day 1 of distance learning proved to be more intense than I had expected. Honestly, I think it’s easier to just go to school. Likely because there is also no distractions.
When I’m at home I tend to wear those other hats; chef, nutritional consultant, household manager, inventory specialist, artist, garden and landscape architect, blogger, chief procurement officer, mom, seamstress, and wife. All these titles…and likely a few I missed…I’m used to at home…it’s the new one, the one that is my actual paying job that needs to be my focus. So weird. Such uncharted territory. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work since with so many folks now unemployed. I am determined to do my absolute best to support my students during this confusing time.
Speaking of the artist hat. I have been neglectful in posting this journal page.
It’s a very simple page. The striped background is an artist page from an old Stampington & Company magazine. After adhering bits of scraps, I was at a loss as to what I wanted as a focal image. I decided on drawing simple greenery. I used watercolor crayons over my pencil marks until achieving the look I wanted.
The green plant provided hope for spring. We are definitely in need of a little greening up out there. Everything is brown, matted grass and depressing. It is warming up though, so it’s coming!!
Last week I was also sewing masks. I had seen repeated calls for help with providing masks for health systems that are running low. Ones that aren’t used on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. Since I had materials to create the specific ones shown in this video tutorial.

I love that! I’m so happy that our little exchange has the potential to save lives!!
Today is day 2 of distance learning. My own children seem to be doing just fine. I talked to a neighbor last evening…at the proper social distance…her girls are early elementary age and in Spanish immersion. Her day was not so easy. Hopefully, we will all settle into this new normal quickly and keep on learning each day. Perhaps discovering something deep inside ourselves that we weren’t able to see before.
This lonely hallway photo I snapped gives me pause. So quiet, so lonely. Yet look…there is light at the end, just as there is light at the end of this journey for all of us.