Tag : journal

122 posts

Welcome to another rousing edition of T stands for Tuesday where we grab a cup a and share what we’ve been up to. I’m taking a bit of liberty with that rule this week and I know our wonderful host, Elizabeth, won’t mind a bit.

Before we begin I must apologize for the poorly lit photos. My laundry room/craft room has both florescent and incandescent lighting. Choosing the right filter for proper lighting is nearly impossible.

Now on with the show…

As I was cleaning out the school supply shelf which holds both new and partially used supplies, I happened upon a spiral bound sketch book from one of the kids elementary school days. The cover and drawings were long since gone, the spirals smashed and many pages crumpled. I decided to salvage what I could before the whole thing ended up I the recycle bin.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

So now what. I thought binding them into a journal would be a good choice but boring white pages have never made me want to use them them. Aged pages always draw me in.

This technique isn’t new, I’ve used it myself on many occasions. The one thing that really appeals to me is the randomness of dyeing or staining. You never know exactly what your going to get.T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Since I had a large stack of papers I wanted to make sure that there was irregularity of staining throughout the pages. I sprinkled instant coffee grounds every few pages in the stack.T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I used a spray bottle to gently wet the coffee to start the staining process.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

After letting it sit for a while I poured in more water and used a second container filled with water to keep the papers submerged.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I left the pages for a day…perhaps a little longer.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Now I had a stack of really soggy papers. Since I don’t have the room to lay each out individually I had to come up with a quick and easy solution.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I used old shower rings through the wire shelving to hold a metal knitting needle. They were able to drip dry over the laundry sink. Worked perfectly.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Just look at those yummy pages…the color and texture really make me happy!

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Now that I’ve got them all folded I have to decide what sort of book I want to make. The last book I made with coffee stained pages really turned out well. I cut up a suede jacket for the covers. I’m pretty sure I used all of the suede while making some Ren Fest pouches. It is garage sale season though so I might just get lucky and find something that speaks to me. Until then I will set these aside.

This should be my last really busy Tuesday for a while since most things are winding down for the summer break. I may start back with my knitting group occasionally which is Tuesday mornings. Of course.

Today I’m meeting girlfriends for a birthday lunch. Gosh, lots of May birthdays. It’s the last little hurrah before school is out on Thursday.

What are you doing today?

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday brought to you by Elizabeth aka alteredbooklover. Pull up a chair, grab a cup and stay a while.T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's HobbiesI missed last Tuesday due to the flu…but since then I’ve been getting back to being creative. Now that I’ve got a few journal pages under my belt, I feel as if the creativity is flowing again.

I’m on a a mission to finish this journal. I think perhaps there is space for one more spread. I hadn’t realized until I was over half way through this book turned journal, how filthy the language was in it. I had grabbed the book off a the free shelf at the library with the sole intention of making a journal. I never read any of it. T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

After discovering the salty language including numerous F-bombs, I have been very careful to thoroughly cover the written words. I’d hate to have my kids pick up the journal and read something totally inappropriate.

T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

The black tissue paper did a fantastic job with this. It also added wonderful texture. I also use a palette knife to spread some heavy gesso through a circle stencil. I think I was channeling the ’80s.  Actually that’s not too far from the truth. I’d been talking about the Sadie Hawkins dance with J just before this. It had a neon theme. Very 80s meets rave party from the photos that I saw. Made me think of my first high school dance (and the photo that showed up on FB a while back…WOW!)…very typical 80s…of course, it was the 80s!!

Boy that was quite a tangent…back to the journal.T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

I wish I could have captured the sparkle of this page better but it’s very grey and rainy outside and the artificial light just doesn’t show it true to life.

T Tuesday sparkle edition | Halle's Hobbies

I’m off to meet with friends this morning…it’s been so long!!

What are you doing today?

After going through the drop off lane at our local Goodwill store I always step inside to see what treasures I can find.  At the bottom of the donation tax receipt is a coupon. It’s a pretty sweet deal.


But the deal of the day was sweet even without using the coupon.

steal of a deal books

I’m looking for a couple specific books, so I always take a close look. Even though I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for, I couldn’t pass up these treasures. The novel is for the boys, the knitting directory looked like a really awesome resource and the pink Readers Digest condensed book will become a journal after I remove the text block and replace with my own papers. I simply loved the cover design. I always peek under the dust jackets of those condensed books…sometimes the covers are lovely!

And for the price…


even without using my coupon…it was a steal!

Do you visit thrift stores, second hand shops and rummage sales for bargains? What was your best or most recent deal that had you smiling?

I’ve been very drawn to the multi layered look of journal pages, collage and mixed media of all sorts lately. The more textural, the better. As I sat down to create, I had two things in mind…texture and spray mist color.

wishes and dreams art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I placed masking tape down the spine then layered joint tape randomly in opposite corners of the pages. Next I gave the whole thing a thin coat of gesso.  Even with the thin coat of gesso, I got impatient waiting for it to dry so I started spraying sooner than I likely should have.

wishes and dreams art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

At this point everything was so wet I had to walk away.

After it was thoroughly dry, I began laying down some texture.  I used foreign text from a Brothers Grimm fairy tales book, leftover burlap from my monogram wreath, rusted fabric, a clothing tag and a bit of calico fabric for my layers.

wishes and dreams art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

In addition I used a punched square from an old greeting card as a focal image on the left hand page. A sweet little girl blowing a dandelion seed head making a wish.

wishes and dreams art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

Which ties into the words I used on the clothing tag. The words are from a Tim Holtz sticker pack.  I cut the phrase apart to place on the clothing tag.

I watered down some black craft paint to make splatters but was unhappy with the result so I attempted to soak them up with a cloth.

wishes and dreams art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

Lastly I used vintage photo distress ink to stamp a floral vine in opposite corners to give balance to the pages.

Art Journal Journey

I am linking up with Art Journal Journey today. The theme of the  month is Inspired by Autumn colors. The warm browns and splash of orange fit into my vision of the Autumn landscape around me.

without haste art journal page| Halle's HobbiesThis journal page has been in various states of creation for, at the very least, a week. I just haven’t “felt it” every time I went to create. In addition, I was sick for a couple of days.

without haste art journal page| Halle's Hobbies I find it amazing how quickly we can get out of a good habit, especially since picking up a new “bad” or unhealthy one is so easy. 

Today I set my mind free of an end product and just created without constraint.

I was impulsive and carefree…

It was glorious!

Week 2 of The Summer of Color hosted by Kristin of Twinkle, Twinkle has me loving the colors! I absolutely adore this color combo.

1 pink + 1 pink + 1 orange

I used a hot pink gelato through the middle of the gesso’d page…spritzed it with water and blended it with my fingers then tipped the book back and forth to make the color run.SOC5 week2I found a piece of scrapbook paper in the pastel pink shade and punched a variety of circles to place across the center. SOC5 week 2

I happened to have some fun orange mesh, washi tape and some brads all in the same shade of orange.

Since I have such a difficult time leaving a page without words, I decided that vellum would be a good choice to add the required word. I can’t explain it but for some reason words make me feel at peace with a page.SOC 5 week2Even after my word, I felt it still was lacking something….orange splatters fit the bill. I’m very happy with this page as simple as it is.

Thanks once again to Kristin for this fun summer challenge!!

I’ve been waiting all year, heck since last year, for this post.

The Summer of Color hosted by Kristin of Twinkle, Twinkle is here and I’m ready to share my page for the first weeks challenge.

1 blue + 1 blue + 1 green

I decided to use gelatos since I have a nice selection in coordinating colors.

SOC5 week 1

I scribbled the three colors straight on the book pages then spritzed with water. I blended with my fingers then closed the pages onto one another and quickly pulled them back apart. This gives a fun mix of the colors over top of each other in a very unique way.

My quote “The one who plants a garden plants happiness” guided me to stamp some flowers with faded denim distress ink across the bottom of the page.

I ripped bits of the baby wipe I used earlier to simulate clouds.

I stamped my quote on some dress pattern paper since I had it laying around. In hindsight I wish I’d taken the time to dig out some white tissue paper instead.

The words in text came last. I saw them in my bin of saved phrases right there on top and decided they were meant to be on the page as well.

Thanks to Kristin for once again hosting this great challenge.


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