Tag : junk journal

14 posts

Since the cold weather finally found Minnesota, I’ve been doing a bit of lap crafting. It’s too cold in my basement craft space to spend any length of time. I had yesterday off for Martin Luther King Jr day so I spent a bit of afternoon time by the fireplace re-watching a series. Re-watching something lets me craft while still getting a bit of entertainment value simultaneously.

I’ve definitely been more inspired by junk journaling lately. I watched a YouTube video the other day that talked about using those 6×6 paper pads for an easy and practical embellishment. A full page pocket.

They were super simple yet slightly boring on their own. I decided to add clusters to them to jazz things up a bit.

As you can see they are kind of like chips…can’t have just one.

Here I grabbed an ATC to show the pocket part. When the pocket get glued to the journal page it will be adhered only on three sides creating another pocket behind.

After embellishing the pockets with clusters I decided that my stash of clusters needed a bit more interest. I grabbed a container of paper flowers and set to work.

I had so much fun working with this limited palette of flowers.

As you can see I went a bit crazy, but I used up the whole container of flowers from my stash. I’ve been think a lot about all the stuff I have for crafting and how meaningless it is to have around if I’m not using it. I made a pledge to myself to use things. Even if I don’t have a specific plan at the moment. Moving forward with creating. Not everything has to a a plan. I’m being BRAVE and using the stuff. Creating without an end goal in mind per say.

While I crafted, my buddy Marvin kept me company. He’s sweet like that.

This is a poor picture taken as the sun was setting but look at the blossoms! This plant has never bloomed for me. I’m so pleased that it finally did!

Over the long weekend I had plans to have Bloody Mary’s with the neighbors but they came down with a cold. I wasn’t too sad since it was so frigid outside. I didn’t relish the idea of walking across the street. Instead we all had our own and shared a photo in our group chat. :) I suppose we could have done a zoom call but that really would have been overkill.

It was back to reality for me today. The end of semester is Friday so suddenly all the kiddos want to get some work done! Imagine that! Keeps me busy and makes the day go by really fast.

Linking up with Elizabeth and friends for T Tuesday where we share a beverage and whatever else comes to mind.

Technically these aren’t super long ago… but a couple months old. Honestly, with the way this winter is dragging on and on it still feels a bit like January-February. It’s all just a cold white blur.

My wonky junky journal is getting super thick. I’m on the last signature and am trying to be a bit more aware of the thickness of embellishments I am using. 

I hadn’t realized that I never posted any of these pages. Thankfully I was looking through the folders on my laptop and discovered my error.

I love the colors in this one. I was certainly wishing for warmer days when I created this one.

This page has hidden journaling about my baby girl turning 20! What in the world…that just isn’t possible.

Again with this page I am wishing for springtime. How foolish I was to think it was coming anytime soon.

I used a scrap of fabric to make a little fabric flip to hide a bit of journaling.

When I finished this page I realized that my date stamp ended with 2022. I had to improvise. Since then I ordered this new date stamp. My problem is solved until 2032.

As so often happens, I was inspired to create smack in the process of cleaning up my art space. I had bits of this and that laying around…parts of projects that went astray…papers headed for the recycling bin…you know the usual junk that seems to take up my precious space.

The inspiration to make a small hand bound art journal was from Susanne Rose art. I follow her in Instagram and always love seeing her work in these small journals

All of the pieces I had laying around really worked well in a small size.


Including these upholstery fabric strips… again cut for another project that never came together. They worked perfectly stitched down on a stack of book page and plain newsprint paper.


I stitched my signatures in using waxed linen and a pamphlet stitch.

I was sure to leave lots of space this time around. I tend to make very chunky pages… especially when I don’t have the space.

I goofed a little here. The needle didn’t pierce the gold fabric on the first stab through. I may use some lace to cover or just leave it as is.

It’s not meant to be perfect. It’s wonky. It’s junky. It’s fraying. It’s just perfect for experimenting.

Hello!! I bet you thought I forgot all about blogging. December has been full of highs and lows….none of which had me racing to the keyboard to share. Since my last completed post was December 3rd, we have a great deal of catching up to do.

December 10th I actually had a partial post written for T Tuesday wrapping up November.

T Tuesday: November wrap-up edition

I’m a little slow on the draw lately. I’m finally wrapping up November. Technically, I’m not fully wrapped up since I haven’t completed the #junkjournalnov19 prompts. But just go with me on this.

11/30 Zodiac sign

12/30 Autumn evening

14/30 Dress


As you can see I never finished the post including missing one of the days. That’s ok…I’m learning to embrace imperfection.

December really was a whirlwind. Lots of activities, snowstorms, J coming home for winter break, shopping, cooking, sewing, shoveling, cleaning, decorating and a little bit of creating.

Everything came to a screeching halt when I threw my back out on December 12th….the morning of Mini-me’s holiday choir concert…also a Thursday. This was really unfortunate because my chiropractor doesn’t work on Thursday! I always seem to break on a Thursday!

The last 2 weeks have been painful and scary at times. I’ve had an urgent care visit, 2 ER visits, 2 injections, 5 medications, an MRI, 7 days of missed work and numerous chiropractor visits…including one today.

In the end, I’m doing much better. Diagnostic tests came back good, the healing process is moving forward. My back still is easily fatigued and a bit fragile but something really positive came out of this. I’m learning to ask for help, let others do, letting go of things I can’t change and embrace the chaos.

So playing catch-up is harder than I expected. But I’m not giving up in #junkjournalnov19

Repurposed 6/30

This page isn’t my favorite but I definitely nailed the prompt. I used all repurposed items or ones headed for the trash. Such as the end cuts off a quilt block, packaging from a makeup brush, a scrap of greeting card and it was all adhered to a magazine cover as my substrate. If that isn’t repurposed I don’t know what is!

Colored leaves 7/30


I had a ton of fun with this one. I stitched a few pressed leaves into an interactive specimen pocket. After journaling about my love of fall and memories of fallen leaves I decided that a few punched leaves would add the right touch to the page.

Vintage 8/30

Not my usual style but I do love vintage!! Honestly, every time I create a super vintage page I wonder why I don’t more often.

I picked out a few pieces that seemed to fit with the embroidered piece that was on the book page before I started. I originally thought the embroidery would be a focal point. Nope..my mind took a sharp left. I ended up with a two-page spread since I had so many things I just had to use.


Foggy 9/30

This prompt had me a bit stumped…then I thought of waking from a dream. How the images are a bit foggy in your mind. Just out of reach. I used vellum to cover the existing page to give the illusion of fog. The found text story was super fun to come up with from my stash.


Autumn food 10/30

Ah, apples. The perfect fall food. Whether you grab one straight off the tree and polish it on your shirt before crunching into that beautiful gem. Or a fresh-baked apple crisp. Apples are a gift.


Linking up with Art Journal Journey today for Rike’s theme of Fruits and Veggies.

Art Journal Journey

I did it. I committed to a new challenge. Even knowing I’d be behind in the beginning.

I’m over halfway to being caught up.  Not too shabby.

Time Travel 1/30

All the pieces fell right into place for this one. I had the tag premade from another scrap busting project. The clock face is vellum. I have no idea where I got it…I have a small baggie of clock faces and gauges in vellum.

Collage 2/30

I wasn’t sure where I was going with this one…I didn’t really think, just started layering papers. I knew I’d end up with a focal image or words. The fussy cut elephant told me she belonged on the page. I love elephants. One Saturday I spent the afternoon watching documentaries on elephants while cutting fabric. Such a great way to spend a couple of hours.

Old-fashioned 3/30

I’m sure this prompt was meant to be old -fashioned as in a period in time and all that went along with it. My mind went in another direction entirely. I immediately thought about Don Draper of Mad Men. The character had a drink of choice…an Old-Fashioned.

I did my best to mimic a low ball glass with whiskey. I even added ice cubes.

Reduce 4/30

I didn’t particularly care for this prompt so this is what I came up with to get it over with.

Fox 5/30

This one feels a bit too scrapbooky. I journaled about the time we had a sick fox under our deck. It was really gross…we could smell it before we could see it. The police and animal control were in the area looking for it as they feared it had rabies. It ran away before they caught it. I never heard the end of the tale but I have to assume they got it or it crawled in a hole somewhere and died.

Stay tuned for more pages as I get caught up. You can also see them on Instagram if you can’t wait for them to post here.

I can hardly believe it but I’m posting something other than T Tuesday. It’s been a while. I’ve been in a creative slump. Not sure how it happened but never the less it did.

I’ve sat down a couple of times trying to force creativity.

Don’t do it. It’s ugly.

What I did finally decide that I’d like to create was a place to create. A junk journal. I’m sure you’re thinking…hey wait…didn’t she just make one of those. Yep sure did. But that one is for bits of my life, more personal.

This one is for the creative process. Whether that may be art journaling, responding to a prompt or a challenge.

I loved this calendar ephemera my BFF sent in a package. She knew I’d love it as much as the actual gift she sent.

I used some rusted fabric on the inside of the softcover.

The outside is watercolor paper that had been painted and whitewash some time ago. I found it in my stash and knew it would make a nice flexible cover.

I decided to use a 5 hole pamphlet stitch this time instead of my usual go-to of three hole stitch.

This journal has a wide variety of papers that should prove to be a good and challenging launching point for the creative process.

I’m considering joining another junk journal challenge on Instagram as I did in July. I need to decide soon otherwise I might be too far behind.

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