Tag : kira-kira

25 posts

A little over a year ago I started work in a new journal. It was a book I’d picked off the free shelf at our local library…which incidentally is closing in a week or so. They’ve built a new building to fit with the character of the historic main street. I’m really excited about the new building but also a little sad. The old location is the library where got my very first library card.

OK…done waxing nostalgic…on with the original reason for my post. I’m done…completely finished…with my little kira-kira journal. Today, I added my title page….


…and gave a little attention to the covers, leaving the original title visible.


Here’s a little peek at the pages inside.kira-kira collage

For me, it’s always nice to put a check mark next to a project as DONE.  What about you…do those UFO’s call to you…finish me…or not really?

rp_soc4button.pngOnly one more week to go until The Summer of Color is done…unbelievable how fast 6 weeks can go.
This weeks colors…

IMG_0031_2Red & Royal Blue with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Light Blue

When I saw the red I knew I’d be using hearts on my page. I have a tiny bit of the light blue as wings on one heart. I tried to keep it to just a pop of that color this time. 20140707_5790

The words are just something silly that jumped out at me from a book page.


Yikes…Kristen picked a little harder set of colors for me this 3rd week of The Summer of Color! On first inspection I thought….”sure, you got this”…but as it turned out…it was harder that I thought to come up with something.

IMG_0011Lavender & Grey  with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Plum

20140624_5408It’s not my favorite journal page. My grey paint was way thicker than I wanted so the page looks too “flat” to me.  Oh well…live and learn.

rp_soc4button.pngIt’s time play along again with Kristen for week 2 of The Summer of Color.

The palette for this week is:IMG_0008Coral & Teal 

with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Bright White

This one was a little out of my comfort zone but that’s what this challenge is all about.coral and tealYou’ll just have to take my word for it that the coral is more coral.  I took over a dozen photos and played with them in Photoshop trying to get a realistic color representation of the real page but it was not meant to be today. My photo mojo is gone.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by over the past week to check out and comment on my week 1 entry. I’m hoping to make it around to everyone this week but I won’t make any promises.

wishLayers and layers under the aqua. I finally settled on that color after auditioning several others. The others were definitely not right.

I’ve used this technique of making circles on my pages before. Highlighting little pieces of the page make it much more interesting. Having the layers underneath give wonderful texture to the page.

I took some quiet time yesterday to work in my kira-kira journal. It’s nearly full. Then I’ll just need to figure out what to do with the cover.exposureThe page came together with elements from my desk. I only had to go hunt for the vintage slide. As the page was coming together I just had to include a slide. I was lucky enough to find one in my stash that matched so very well.up close exposureI’m not sure how much I’ll be able to create in the next week. My clothes dryer broke so Mr. G will be taking it apart today. Since I share my art space with the laundry…my space will be severely limited. Not that I don’t have tons of other things that I could be doing.

A couple days ago I had something that was eating me up…interfering with my entire day. Someone that I care about…not living in my house…but that I care about…had hurt me once again.  After supper, I decided to do what always helps me…WRITE.  Just get it out. A simple rant.  An unloading of all the bottled up ick. Spill it out on the page…and so I did.rant blurredIt’s funny because as I write I see myself working through it in my mind. Of course…you…cannot see it since I blurred it. Sorry…personal stuff…no peeking.

So today…feeling much better I painted over my rant. I still know its there. I know what it says. It helped, so it can now become something positive.

let it goThese words of wisdom come from the recent Disney movie “Frozen“. If you’re not familiar with it here’s the song that inspired the end product of this page.  Both the song and movie are a new favorite in our house.

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