Tag : layers

8 posts

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve used my creative side. I’ve got a project scheduled for July, so I need to get my hands dirty and make some things! How’s that for a teaser…

While cleaning up my creative space, I found an incomplete 7×7 scrapbook album that I’d totally forgotten about. It works perfectly for loose leaf/ stand alone journal pages which happen to be a favorite of mine.

Instead of continuing to clean my space I had a little side quest and made this journal page.  It felt so amazing to have gluey, painty fingers again!

After day in which my ADD was in high gear, I settled down to create late in the evening. Past my bedtime, for sure. Evidently I was still cruising from the whirlwind of activity earlier…Mini-me even commented on the fact that I had half a dozen things going at once and I was jumping between them in crazy succession. Not sure what’s up with that but I’m not here for therapy.

wonky junky journal page

This journal had not seen any love for quite some time. I grabbed the wood grain papers without any plan and glued them down to the flimsy pages underneath.  Then added  a chunk of equally flimsy black paper to the left side. It was way to dark so I smeared some peachy, flesh tone with my fingers. Over the top I added floral washi sticker. This side was now starting to inspire me.

I used a previously made paper cluster meant for a greeting card to break up the wood grain. While digging through a small bin of saved bits I put together a little collage of punches and a yogi tea tag. After adding a bit of stamping to each side I completed the page with the words love yourself first

I was so happy with how this page turned out that I grabbed another journal to create a bit more.

Ivanhoe journal page

Layering papers has been a go-to of mine lately. I am finally convincing myself that I need to tear into those papers instead of hoarding them because they are so pretty. It’s a work in progress.

On the right side of the spread I placed this tag I have had in my stash for a while. I thought the colors complemented that page very well. I love that there is a tag on the tag.

I decided to use a wide variety of paper patterns for this spread. Things you likely wouldn’t see together, The jumble of colors and styles along with variety of textures inspired the words… everything has beauty


I was thinking about what I wanted to post about for the T stands for Tuesday, I suddenly realized that I never have posted a couple of journal pages I made early this month. I guess that would be part of the August acceleration I talked about last week.

I know I gave a sneak peek of this page several weeks ago. It was my first page in my Ivanhoe journal.

I can’t get enough of looking at the texture… The gold and bronze are UTEE. The white is your basic embossing powder.

I chose these words after thinking about the Paris image I had used…dancing and wine seemed fitting.

This next page had me again playing with some metallic colors.

I used so many layers! This book will be another chunky one… The words I used reflected my mood. Things it seems will never be the same. Its sad really.

Moving on to more pleasant things.

I am attempting to make apple cider vinegar again. My last attempt did not turn out. I think I used tap water which killed off the fermenting bacteria plus I never feed them any sugar in the beginning. These apples were heading for the compost pile since they were getting soft and shriveled. Blech. Hopefully in 6 weeks I’ll have some lovely ACV to show off.

My second crop of beans is continuing to impress me with how quickly they are growing. There are even some tiny blossoms beginning to form.

The deck box garden is nearing the end stages. Several green tomatoes, beets and summer squash will all hopefully make it to harvest.

My pole bean plant is definitely determined…it is reaching out to whatever it can find to continue to grow. I’m thinking I really need to grow more of these next year. And bonus…no fuzz!! Nice smooth green beans like they should be!!!!

I’m posting Monday evening since I have my first back to school work meeting tomorrow. Thankfully its a remote meeting…unfortunately its FOUR HOURS LONG!!

What are you doing today?

I did it! I finally got creative in the form of an art journal page.

through flowering gardens art journal page

It took me a few days to get it done but I did it. Ah makes me feel so much better knowing that given enough time, my muse is still there. Maybe she was just frozen.through flowering gardens art journal page

I honestly just kept grabbing things from my scrap bin and gluing them down onto some cardstock to get the ball rolling. Over the top I spread a bit of white paint to mute the wild background. Then I went back with teal and lime green. This combination of colors made me smile and almost forget how dang cold the basement was.through flowering gardens art journal page

This flower was created with layers of die-cut  book pages secured together with a large brad. I used various sprays until reaching the desired color. After it was completely dry I shaped the petals.

through flowering gardens art journal page

I used a little piece of my new Tim Holtz tissue up one side of the page. The butterfly and flower had me thinking spring along with the cheerful background color.

I’m hopeful that I can continue a bit of crafting here and there as the temperature seems to finally be getting warmer. Maybe then the basement won’t be so frigid.

cold early morning coffee x2

This was my Wednesday morning on the way to work. It was so cold. It’s also my early day. I had finished my cup of coffee I brought from home well before arriving at school. I had to stop in an grab a cup to go as well.  A two coffee morning for sure!

What are you doing today?
Also linking up with Try it on Tuesday for Go Green

Welcome back to Halle’s Hobbies. Glad you could stop by today to check out another page for Words to live by on Art Journal Journey which I happen to be guest hosting this month. Yay!

I had really thought I posted this earlier but I had only uploaded the photos. I guess that’s what happens to our brains during the last week of school. Mush…mush for brains. Anywho…

I started with a page of thin blue/green mop up paper. Since it was too thin I adhered it to another sheet of thicker paper. Next I began using my favorite tool…my fingers…to paint over the chaos with bright happy colors…yellow, pink and orange. It was a little crazy so I muted things down with some white paint. After setting it aside to dry a while I cut it down to my 7×7 scrapbook journal size.

I pulled out some scraps that complemented my color scheme at this point. I began to play with layers until I found something that pleased me. Before gluing them down I decided some spatters of black were needed to help form a cohesive look.

Next I added some cheery flower stickers that just happened to match my color palette. The last thing was the words. I searched through my stash of words and phrases and quickly found the perfect one. 

Share the joy.

It wasn’t until I was taking these pictures did I notice that the scrap with the words had JOY visible twice.

I’d love it if you’d join me for Words to live by at Art Journal Journey this month.

Art Journal Journey

This Spring has been a real challenge for me to stay creative AND post about it…or even catch up with my blog friends. It’s been 10 days since my last post…ridiculous!

I did sit down and do a bit of creating last evening and finished this morning.

I kept adding layers to the background. In fact the paper I started with was oversized for my scrapbook journal. It was a purposeful choice. I wanted to just work on the layers, then cut it down the the part I loved the most.

My only regret is that the image I used of the woman buckled from the wet glue I used. It’s ok though…art journals are a perfect place for all those imperfections.

Speaking of layers and imperfections…

I love how my little stack of papers and fabric turned out. Frayed and torn but lovely.

Did any of you T Tuesday people notice the coffee mugs in the background? Yep I’m counting it.

This afternoon after returning from another funeral, I found this baby bird.

It was still alive and breathing really hard. I was afraid it had crashed into the patio door but looked ok. I checked on it on and off for a while. Finally I decided to go see if I could help or at the very least scare it enough to fly into the nearby tree with low branches.

After a few attempts it was able to find its way to the tree.

I texted my bird loving cousin, who I happened to had just seen at the funeral, asking what kind of bird it was. She is pretty sure its a Tennesse Warbler. I hope he/she is able to continue its migration with the rest.

I am happy to say that there are only 12 school days left of the year. Not that its been a bad year but I’m ready for a break…the kids are too. I have so many things I want to do this summer, way more than I’ll be able to fit in but it will certainly be fun to try!

What are you doing today?

Easter Sunday I was up bright and early like usual. The strange part was I had absolutely nothing to prepare or even get ready to bring along for our family meal. My mother-in-law told me to take a break and that she had it all handled. (which she did)

For once I had both the drive to be creative and the time to do it.  Thank goodness I had gotten my hair done and makeup on early because I got totally lost in art journaling right up until having to change my clothes to leave home. 

This was the first piece I created. Warm colors celebrating the warmth outside.

I really love all the texture in this journal page.

Next I completely changed my color palette for more seasonal pastel Easter egg colors.

Layering bits of this and that has definitely been my style of choice lately.  Also creating loose leaf style pages that will be adhered to my Creative Memories scrapbook pages…cause you know I’m not going to actually use those for the intended purpose.

I had to add stitching to this piece. I love how simply I can create texture and movement through textiles and trim.

I even zig-zag stitched over baker’s twine as a quasi frame for the quote I chose. I tried a tiny key to the corner for a final touch.

I wonder how many more pages I might have created had it not been Easter Sunday. Although other Sundays I’d have been worried about cooking for our family.

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey for Having Fun.

Art Journal Journey

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