Tag : list

3 posts

Here’s the tea ladies….

I’m taking a break from T Stands for Tuesday for a while…or at minimum a break from posting weekly T Tuesday editions.

This coming school year has me a bit up in arms with how it is all going to go. Perhaps once things settle into a routine…which I think is very unlikely…I will be back at it. Who knows…I might be kidding myself and I’ll be posting and visiting like crazy. It was more of a heads up to you…I’m not lost…just pausing.

That being said…I’m not stopping creating or even stopping blogging. Just not committing to a weekly routine.

My mornings have begun to start earlier again. My list is long. School prep is on my mind.

I prepped this last evening to bake this morning…so yummy! Our weather has finally cooled down enough that I want to run the oven.

Well that’s it for me today…onto my list.

What are you doing today?

It’s just a typical Tuesday at my house. I had a brisk morning walk…52°F. It was refreshing but I’m not going to lie…I wished I had worn long sleeves.

Next it’s time for a bit of coffee and list writing. Lists help me stay focused. Trust me…I was WAY off task this weekend and Monday. Mr. G took yesterday off so typically I take that “time off” as well. I don’t create lists and sort of go with the flow. Not always the best choice for me.

Good news though…last week I was very productive.

I replanted green beans, snap peas and zucchini.

They have all sprouted! Hopefully I’ll get some good production before our first frost.

My tomatoes are ripening. My squash lost the battle with pests…squash borers got to them…but now I know what to look for.

Marvin was busy watching the birds while I was snapping a few photos.

My tiger lilies are in full bloom and the deer have left them alone!

Perhaps its the new guard bear my neighbor painted and gave to Mini-me. That or the bar of Irish Spring soap I have hanging from the cage around the lilies. I heard that deer don’t like the smell of clean people. :)

I’ve started working in a new journal. I’m not loving this book as I’m afraid that its not well made enough to withstand the abuse that I put my art journals and altered books through.

It was the only one I had laying around at the moment. Since I’m not thrifting at all, it will have to do.

I thought it was funny that it had traveled half way across the country into my hands just for me to destroy alter it.

I’ve completed 4 spreads so far. This is a snippet of a page. I’m having a lot of fun playing with texture.

The T Tuesday post from last week had another one of the spreads. I’ll share more in another post. I’ve already rattled on too long for today.


What are you doing today?

Hello and welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday along with Art Journal Journey: A Stitch in Time.

I have to admit this is my favorite so far of the pages I’ve created for A Stitch in Time. It has three of my favorites: a square page, warm color palette and vintage ephemera.

When working on a challenge I often am stepping outside my comfort zone either by the nature of the challenge or some self-imposed extra challenge. This was not one of those times.

I indulged myself in all my favorites. Old books and postage get me every time. I also mixed in some new scrapbook papers in coordinating colors. I like the mix, it gives it personality.

A good part of my stitching was hidden by the elements I added, but that’s ok. It adds interest. I am also loving these washi stickers I found on Amazon. The delicate botanical addition makes me smile.

This also makes me smile…

My helper as I photograph my pages.

I thought I’d also give a little peek at how my garden is growing.

I had to move my containers that were alongside the garage onto the deck and into the fenced in shed garden.

A deer ate my potato plants down to nubs and started on my summer squash. UGH!

This garden is next to be pest proofed. A squirrel dug a hole between my tomato plants yesterday morning.

Today has me plugging away at my list

What are you doing today?

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