Tag : Marvin

38 posts

I’m not really starting up a treat shop…it just feels like it. Every year I give plates of cookies and sweet treats to the neighbors but the list seems to be growing and therefore the amount of goodies is getting crazy! But still fun. I get to have a little of this and that without having to keep all of it around.


I’ve also made a double batch of spritz, pretzel hugs and Rolo pretzel turtles….unfortunately all the turtles have been eaten or maybe that’s fortunate since I couldn’t seem to leave them alone.


It’s super, duper cold here and will be all week so there is lots and lots of hot tea being consumed.


I just had to share this photo of Marvin….when I tell people he’s a big cat they really don’t have the concept of just how big.

Grocery shopping and ortho appt are on the list for Tuesday…oh and trying to stay warm!!

What are you doing today?

Now that we’ve had a bit of snow that stuck for a few days…although it’s mostly gone again…I’ve been getting into a festive mood.

Christmas tree at night

The tree looks so pretty even with a meager amount of ornaments this year. The ones that are on the tree are not breakable just in case.

Marvin enjoying the lights

Marvin enjoys lounging on the tree skirt and so far has only knocked two ornaments down.

tea for wrapping duty

I enjoyed a cup of tea yesterday morning while wrapping a few presents.


And even my crochet is a festive green color. I know I have tons of flaws, mistakes and goofy stitches in this one. I did it while watching TV, basically in the dark with Mini-me. It doesn’t matter though since this will just be a dish cloth. My stemware really doesn’t care if the stitches are right.

Mr. G is on vacation again this week so I have no idea what the day has in store. It’s kind of fun to have a blank slate once the kids are off to school.

What are you doing today?

Last week for T stands for Tuesday I had wanted to share a video with you. I am 99% sure it will work but first I want to give you a little back story.

We have a stray cat that keeps coming around. It’s really friendly to a point…such as it rubs itself all over you but if you pet it “improperly to its standards” it will spit at you. I have yet to figure out if its a boy or girl or if it still has front claws. Close inspection is definitely not allowed with this one.


Look at it’s funny tail. It’s curly like a pug dog. So weird and cute at the same time. We’ve taken to calling it Pumpkin for the gender neutral name. We do feed and water Pumpkin when he visits usually once a week. It comes when I call to it so it makes me think that it has a home but for goodness sake…keep it inside then.

Marvin is an inside only cat so these two have only met through the window screen. I think Pumpkin wants to be friends….


We’re thinking about building some sort of shelter for it as we are not sure if this cat has a safe and warm place to overwinter. Since Pumpkin is quite feral and possibly belongs to someone we hesitate to bring him in as well as the fact that we know nothing about his health.

We are in search of another kitten though. We’ve visited a few and fell in love more than once. Who can resist a fluffy, playful kitten?!?

I’m battling a sore throat currently…more tea with honey and lemon is in order.


What are you doing today?

I was really hoping to share a video today for T stands for Tuesday but I’m having trouble with it. Perhaps next week. Instead I’m going to share the canvas painting I did yesterday.


I’m fairly happy with how it turned out. I must admit though after I was interrupted by a phone call I had to take, my painting mojo kind of wavered. I’ll likely do another as this one has already been claimed.

After painting and a cup of green tea….


I was energized so I got to work cleaning and organizing some spaces that have been on the list for a while. No photos…bummer.


After following me around for a while Marvin was exhausted and put himself to bed in his kennel. This where I put him when he comes in before the alarm wanting to talk about things. I’m not interested in talking about things before the alarm…at all… I carry him downstairs and stick him in the kennel. He settles right in and is fine with it…and quiet until I actually get up. He may look small in here but keep in mind this is a dog kennel…not the tiny one either. Its the mid-size one.

Today is another action packed Tuesday. It’s the last Tuesday before school starts. Summer is all but over.

What are you doing today?

Hello there…you came back for yet another edition of T stands for Tuesday! Thank you! For those of you who are new to my blog, WELCOME and let me tell you a little about T stands for Tuesday. Elizabeth aka alteredbooklover hosts a weekly link up or virtual tea party, if you will, where we share what ever the heck we want for the week as long as we can somehow tie a beverage or beverage related item into the mix. Pretty simple huh? So lets get on with it, shall we…

This week I’ve been a mix of artsy and domestic. I’ve previously posted a couple of artsy things so now you get to see some of my domesticity. Last week…no, two weeks ago (geez where does the time go) I shared our “new” hutch for T stands for Tuesday. I mentioned that I need to make a curtain to cover the wine rack shelf. I went searching through a box of vintage linens and found the perfect solution.

vintage linen

Simple beauty. These were my Grandma’s as well. Or perhaps her sisters…a cousin of mine just told me a story that my grandma talked her sister out of a bunch of linens saying that she needed them more in the parsonage than her sister did on the farm.  Hmmm…

vintage linen

I’m guessing these were purchased by my grandparents in Minneapolis if the stickers are to be believed. Dayton’s became a upscale department store here in the midwest and started the discount chain Target.

After ironically running to Target to pick up a tension rod, I realized that I wouldn’t even have to cut these linens. I folded them in half and ran a straight line of stitching an inch from the fold.

vintage linen curtain

This gave me a double layer of fabric providing more light blocking which was exactly what I was going for with this project.

vintage linen curtain The linen curtain makes this piece feel more Scandinavian. Marvin still loves his spot by the door and really could care less about the curtain.


I did a bit of canning and baking as well when the weather cooled down.

spicy beans

I made spicy beans, zucchini bread and pumpkin bread. I like having a little bit of baked goods in the freezer just in case we are suddenly having company and I was completely out.

I also have to share a day that Mini-me  and I had about a month ago. I keep meaning to share but it just hasn’t worked out. She’s been wanting to dye her hair…not all of it but some. A streak or some underneath. She just couldn’t decided so we waited. She finally decided, so we did it.



It’s faded now quite a bit so we are going to redo it likely in the next couple weeks before school starts.

We went out to eat at Old Chicago to celebrate her fun new hair. It’s one of her favorite restaurants.


Well that’s it for today. I’ve got another busy Tuesday ahead of me but I’ll be around eventually to visit.

What are you doing today?

After a weird issue was pointed out to me on my blog, which incidentally I did fix, the discussion came up about how the way web pages display on different systems and browsers. This is something I often forget.

Way back the options were very limited, the majority of people browsed on the industry standard so if it looked good to the creator using the industry standard, it was probably good for most, right? Today the options are vast both in hardware and software. As well as connectivity.

I’m still dealing with another issue that doesn’t seem like a big deal to me but may to others. When I post a photo such as this:

reader preferences |Halle's Hobbies

(don’t be distracted by the cuteness)

If you move your mouse starting at the left edge of the blog content space, about 5mm the image become clickable even though you are no where near the image. This continues until about 5mm from the opposite edge. I’m really not sure how to change this or if it’s even an issue other than accidentally clicking the image.

My first thought to the solution of this problem was to post the image like this:

reader preferences |Halle's Hobbies

But then I wonder if that is just way too big causing unnecessary scrolling and perhaps an image that no longer fits with the blog content area depending on the system.  Or even just it being annoyingly large.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

  1. Is my photo issue a non-issue in the original size?
  2. Does the large image fit in the content box for you? OR is it being cut off or running over the box?



Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

T stands for Tuesday

Last week I was lucky enough to stretch my birthday celebration out over several days. On Tuesday (which is one of the reasons I missed last week) I was treated to lunch with friends. We actually celebrated two birthdays. We had a great time although I never snapped any photos. I did receive this wonderful violet from the other birthday girl.


On my actual birthday. May 5th, I was running errands in the morning and picked up my free drink from Caribou…the best chain coffee shop in my humble opinion. (not affiliation…just a very happy customer)


Since it was a hot day, I decided on a cold press coffee with room for cream.


Mr. G surprised me by not only coming home early that day but also with a lovely bouquet of flowers. I have no idea what the orange ones are but they are so cool! I was really worried Marvin wouldn’t be able to resist them but he was surprisingly restrained after a few initial attempts to get to them.


The look of innocence.

I did see a very strange sight during the week as well.  I was taking J to the eye doctor when we saw the Mystery Machine from the Scooby Doo cartoon.


Stranger yet was the very old police car ahead of it. It was as if it had rolled off a movie set or something. I’d guess late 1950’s classic black and white with a single cherry light on top.  When I shared this photo on FB, my cousin suggested that perhaps they were on the way out to Paisley Park which was just another mile up the road. No clue…just one of those things that really makes you do a double take. Glad I had J to quick snap a photo for me.

On Saturday, Mini-me and I went shopping using some of the birthday coupons and specials I had received then picked up yummy sushi to bring home. It was a really nice cap to a great week of celebration.

I actually have done a bit of crafting…


I used a skein of cotton yarn to make 4 small dish cloths. I like them small so they can fit down inside skinny glassware more easily.

I’m also continuing work on the commissioned scrapbook album. I’m half done with the pages. Eventually I’ll show another little peek at it. It’s always a tough endeavor to show a scrapbook without showing photos.

I’ve got an outdoor project in mind with some leftover fireplace stone veneer I was given. Hopefully I have enough to do my plan. When the rain stops, I’ll have to lay things out and see.

What are you doing today?


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