Tag : Marvin

38 posts

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth.

fusion breakfast

When I took this photo last week I was intending to show you both my Indian/Mexican fusion breakfast and my new journal. Turns out the journal is no longer mine. Mini-me came home and asked if Micheal’s had more like this one but with a J monogram. Lucky for her a whole alphabet of monogram letters came in the back of the journal. Looks like I’m out of a journal.

You may have noticed my announcement on the main page that I’m working on my site. I’m attempting to make it more user friendly with category pages as well as the main front page to find the newest content. I know I have some readers who could care diddly squat about my garden but came to see crafty projects. Hopefully this change will happen as I imagine.

Speaking of gardens…


my seedlings are coming along quite nicely even with the late start they got.  I have them in a large plastic bin with a clear top so that Marvin can’t get to them but they still get the grow light and sunshine from the patio door.


Look at that innocent face while he’s sleeping.


“No I wouldn’t cause any trouble”


Yes, yes he would. He’s definitely still a kitten…just a giant, clumsy kitten.

I’m off for my usual Tuesday craziness. I’ll get around to visiting eventually.

Until then….What are you doing today?

After completing the cover on my last art journal, I had some scraps of stamped tissue paper laying around. I layered the lovely brown tissue on the pages. This gave my background instant texture and an even more aged feel than the original pages already have.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

I really enjoy this color combo. It’s bold yet not something that makes you search for your sunglasses.

It didn’t occur to me until just now that this journal entry is very similar to a small canvas creation that adorns my livingroom.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

Someone is very curious about mom’s camera…

Halle's Hobbies

As I was saying…before my ADD had me running up to take a photo of the livingroom wall…this color combo is obviously something I like a lot. The complementary colors work so well and the black and white accents give a nice pop.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday. Today I wanted to introduce you to a new member of our family.


After having to make the tough decision to put Miss Gracie down mid- February (no I never mentioned it here) we had a hole in our lives.

We had talked about getting a kitten…or two and had been actively seeking them. Then we met Marvin at a local rescue.


He’s a curious guy. He literally stops to smell the flowers each time he walks through the living room. He is also a very big boy.


This is the loveseat…easily seats two adults. We believe he has either Norwegian Forest Cat or Maine Coon in his background. He can put his front paws and face up on the kitchen table if that helps reference his size. Hmmm…so we went from wanting a kitten to getting pretty much the biggest cat we could find.

He is such a lover though. Especially to us girls.


I was curious how he’d be with the kids headed back to school. He loved all the early morning activity such as lunch making. 

Another busy Tuesday ahead…

What are you doing today?


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