12 posts
I thought I’d show you some of the projects I’ve been trying to work on until my back tells me to stop.
I had started each of these projects BEFORE hurting my back…
First, a bunch of glass marble magnets…
Then a tiny sneak peek at my 12 Days of Christmas swap…
And finally, another piece of miniature terrain.
I have to admit that I’m really having fun making this stuff. It’s a challenge and work is slow…which can become frustrating but the results are worth the wait.
Here’s my latest bit of miniature terrain for the boy. Obviously it’s a hill but this one is tall enough to block line of sight. Otherwise know as something to hide behind. :)
I think another building will be next.
As if I couldn’t get any more random… This weekend I started making terrain for miniatures.
My son recently got very interested in a miniature wargame called Warhammer 40k but the cost of said game can drive a person into the poorhouse. After talking with the hobby store owner about terrain and looking at some books I decided that I could make some hills and ruins out of stuff we already had around.
The hill was my first piece. It’s made from foam sheathing. I carved it into hill like shapes then glued them together. Sand was used in place of the expensive texture paint that was recommended. Then came the paints to make it more “real”. Little bits of moss as bushes helped with the allusion.
The other piece is a ruined building….at least one corner of a building.
I had a lot of fun with this one. I used molding paste to give the heavy cardboard some stone-like texture then used some paint techniques to give it definition. Again, little bits of moss as bushes helped with the realism.
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