Tag : not art at all

111 posts

We figured out what to do with the giant bowl that formerly held the corks.

Meet Sheldon, Speedy, Sherman and Goldie.

We had the rock and coral piece but the kids bought the fish and food themselves.

Remember…spring ahead 1 hour.

I’m not so fond of the loosing an hour of sleep part of the deal. Although it is nice when the kids sleep in….for once.

There has been no time for art…

I can even begin to tell you how much snow we have moved over the past few days.

See our pathetically short snowman… Buried…

The piles are so high…”How high are they?”….
I can hardly throw the snow over the top anymore. The garbage can may help for reference.

Welcome to the double digits, son!
I finally had a chance to pull my photos from Saturday off the camera! I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share some of the wonderful animals we saw at the MN Zoo.

Turtle…Tortoise..not really sure which. Magnificent creatures though.

If I didn’t get such a kick out of this photo, I’d never post it since it’s blurry but…I can’t help it! The kids pointing at the fish and it’s silly face just crack me up!

This coyote was very kind to strike a pose for me.

Our little girl is peering into a fun interactive exhibit.

There are several types of sharks and stingrays swimming around in a small pool. You are welcome to reach in and give them a pet.

I learned that a stingray feels like solid jelly and a shark feels a bit rough like sandpaper. Very cool!

Flamingos are our neighborhood symbol for “The party is here!”
I couldn’t help myself, I had to take a photo.

Tuesday started with the packing of 4 lunches instead of the usual 3…I was going on a field trip with the boy!

There was only one problem. I broke my toe on Saturday. I was lucky enough to score my own seat on the bus on the way there.

On the way to River Rendezvous we drove past the Best Buy corporate campus. I thought maybe we’d go past the Mall of America as well but it was not to be.

For one week each year this 1800’s River Rendezvous sets up in a city park that was once land owned by a missionary. The class had various stations to visit to learn about different skills needed to survive in MN in the early 1800’s.
There was the bow maker…

Spear throwing!!
That was totally fun. I got to throw a couple spears and hit the cardboard bison!!

There was a potter. I wish I had gotten a photo of him working but there were too many kids faces all around him.
The cooper was really great. He was interesting and funny. He had the kids put together a canteen, a rum keg and a German style bucket. Speaking of buckets! He asked the kids if they had seen the Pirates of The Caribbean movies. He made all the buckets for the second and third installments of the series. That was a cool little tidbit of info.

My foot fared pretty well for a whole day of walking.

Of course, there was plenty more work waiting for me after supper…

We ended the day with a nice little fire in the chimenea, a rousing game of Uno and some roasted marshmallows.

I am very fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom!


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