Tag : organization

12 posts

Well, that month went by really quickly. I had planned to blog several times, even wrote down an outline during my lunch one day. Never happened. Such is life some times.

There is no way I’ll be able to keep this in chronological order so I’m going to be random like my brain works.

I have been creating a bit…not as much as I have been thinking about creating. Dumb, right!?!?

There are days when all I can get myself to do is look at art and think about what I’d like to do instead of going downstairs and actually doing it.

Like this piece I saved from the trash. I keep thinking about what I want to do with it. Journal covers most likely but I can’t get myself to commit.

One day that I did make it to the craft room, I made these little fairy chairs. They are both fun and frustrating to create. The champagne cage wire is stiff and uncooperative.

This week is my spring break. I’m using my time to tackle some projects such as sorting through all of my fabric and sewing supplies. I want to get them organized in a way that makes sense and makes it easy to find and use.

I’m cutting small pieces into usable scraps that are ready to go. Yes, this is an ongoing project. I think I started it in February. Truth be told…I haven’t touched it in a few weeks.

I did get some of my seeds started which makes me so happy. I still have more seeds to start this week. I feel like I need to put a shelf in my cart and add another light. Hmmm…another potential project.

I’m fully vaccinated! Technically they say you aren’t totally covered until two weeks after the second shot but I’m so excited. The side effects I got from each shot were very manageable. Nothing major and nothing to take me completely out of commission like some people. Mr G gets his second shot next week and Mini-me gets her first this week. J hasn’t lucked out yet on getting his shot. He’ll likely have to wait until he comes back home for summer.

Mini-me had yet another of her “lasts” a couple weeks ago. She had her last archery tournament. And technically her only one this season. It was a virtual tournament meaning they shot at “home” and turned their scores in. They were lucky enough to be able to continue with the tournament because they are Varsity. All non-varsity sports were paused due to an outbreak of a new COVID variant linked to some of the sports teams (not archery).

I usually only brag about my kids but this really made my day. A slideshow was created at school with each of our names on a slide. The directions were to take 10 mins and let some of the people you work with know why they matter. Its cool that its anonymous but not going to lie…I wish I knew who wrote these wonderful things.

I’ll leave you with two of my four new mugs. They were part of a silent auction at school to benefit LLS. There were actually 8 mugs in the set. The gal who won them thought for sure I was going to outbid her. She lamented that she really didn’t need 8 mugs. I suggested that we split them. Perfect! We each get a set of these beautiful mugs.

The potters name is Peter Potter…which just makes me smile.

Before sitting down to write this post, I was pulling out papers to make a new journal. I have been squirreling away all kids of bits of paper and treasures that I want to add to a more personal journal. The last one I created like this filled up super quickly. I’m going to try my best not to put too many pages in each signature so that there is still room to add bulky things to the pages. More to come on that.

Another week that has flown by. Not sure how it happens that I don’t even touch my blog for a week at a time. That being said, I have been working on creative pursuits whenever possible. Well that’s not exactly accurate…I did waste a bunch of time one day on YouTube watching other people exploring the great outdoors when we were cooped up inside. somewhat organized space

Getting organized has been a priority for me over the last few months. Trust me…I’m just scratching the surface. I’m sort of an organized chaos type of person. I want to change that so I’m working in baby steps.

scrap bin

I’ve gathered my paper scraps into this bin to make them more usable and visible.

scrap bin

But along with getting organized I trip myself up… I hate waste. Throwing stuff out really bothers me which is why I always seem to have a mountain of scraps.

creative space

With that in mind, I’m continuing my efforts to use scraps in creative ways. Mini-collages for cards and journal pages mostly.

organized sentiment stamps

Now that I have my sentiment stamps all in one spot, I have an easier time finding the words I want to use.

dark 30 coffee

I wasn’t sure I was going to get this posted when I started to write, find and edit photos etc yesterday. But I guess my brain had other ideas. I woke super early this morning soI was able to sit and finish my post with my first cup of coffee before getting ready for work.


What are you doing today?

Hello…welcome to a late edition of T stands for Tuesday. I know our wonderful hostess, Elizabeth, won’t mind that I’m running way behind today….hope you don’t either.20140916_7008

My morning started with one sick kid, a forgotten item and errands. I’ve been running ever since.

One of my errands was to Michaels. They are having a big sale right now including storage containers… Yeah! I’m working on organizing my art zone.20140916_7007

I’ve managed to get a few things under control but additional storage was definitely needed.20140916_701120140916_7010

When everything has a place, it is much easier to put it away where it belongs….instead of stacked here there and everywhere.20140916_7009I’ve still got some work ahead of me for my space but I’m hopeful that with it organized, I’ll be much more inclined to create and then clean up. One can dream right?!?

I’ve still got a little bit of homework helping to do but then I’ll visiting my T Tuesday friends…at least until I get too tired…then the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.

I’m so done with Winter’s bitter cold that has been plaguing us for the past month or so.  The kids have yet another day off of school. I’m glad…crazy cold temps and wind chill today. I’m afraid the school is going to have to add a day into the schedule somewhere to make up for the 3 days they have had off due to extreme cold.

coldSo….since it was a cold day in Hell, I decided to organize. *grin*

yarnI got all my yarn into one bin.

fabricFabric into another…well, the fabric that was in random boxes anyway.

emptyAnd look at this…I ended up with an empty bin. It won’t remain empty for long.

puzzle prepI did do a tiny bit of playing with another giant puzzle while I was waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle. It was just to darn cold to hang out down there any longer than necessary.

yo yo maI found this photo when I pulled the pictures off my camera today. Little J had set up the yo-yos I had sewn yesterday into a fancy little display and photographed them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I guess. :)

Seems to help me sometimes. It is yet to be seen if it did the trick 
this time. 

Yesterday, I ran across someone asking about ATC storage. Some people use trading card sheets in 3-ring binders, others have them in baskets and so on.

I have several storage methods.

My first option was to use this very old photo album. It was in rough shape. I decided to make it my own by stamping and painting randomly on the pages for visual interest. I used photo corners to attach each ATC. The thing I like about this album is that you can see the backside of the card through the opening.

This book filled up rather quickly so…

I came with with my own storage option by creating a book that can have my ATC’s upright whether they are made in a portrait or landscape style. This was very important to me. Once again I use photo corners to attach the ATC’s so they can easily be removed to look at the back.
I wrote a tutorial when I created a second one.

I recently acquired this vintage wooden cheese box for the sole purpose of housing my ever growing collection. I tend to put ATC’s that are thick, uneven or heavily embellished in the box. This box sits on my desk right by the computer so I can hopefully be inspired daily.

Do you have an ATC collection?  How do you store yours?

Recently, I was asked about my craft area. Did I have my own room? How do you handle storage? Lighting?
Here’s a glimpse into my world.My art space has gone through several transformations.

Above is the view from utility portion of the space. My back is pressed against the water heater as I took the picture.

This area has remained mostly unchanged. I have TONS of stuff within reach when I sit in the “command chair”. I use the cute Chicks Rule bucket to hold my scraps. My little girl was kind enough to let me use it. Thanks sweetie!
I have a small florescent fixture that hangs for direct task lighting. There is also a large florescent fixture smack in the middle of the room that provides light but since it’s behind me when I work, I tend to create a shadow for myself. Fabulous…

I love my Pampered Chef tool organizer. I know it’s meant for kitchen stuff but it is perfect for all my “go-to” items. I use a self-healing cutting mat to protect my counter top. The stamp pad and ribbon storage rack was bought on eBay a couple years ago. Can’t image what I did without it!

This cabinet was the latest piece we added to the space. I sold the old TV stand that was here to make room for this.

Now I have a standing working surface as well!! I love it.

Look at the rolling shelves! Awesome storage!

My husband put up this cabinet several years ago to help control my creative clutter. I have it jammed full as well. Although, I do know where every single thing is!

This is how I store my 12×12 scrapbook papers. Not the prettiest system but it works for me. Your eyes do not deceive you either…yet another storage piece under the counter top. It’s on wheels so I can pull it out to store my sewing machine behind it when not in use. I didn’t take a picture but there is also a tiny 2 shelf bookcase under the counter. It was way to messy for a photo.

The large orange file cabinet is also “new”. To me at least. It came from my folks place along with the cabinet. The top 2 drawers just boring administrative stuff.
Oh, did I mention my craft area is in the laundry room… The dryer makes a great spot for my guillotine cutter.

But the bottom one holds all my scrap sorted by color and other ephemera.Well, that’s probably more than you ever cared to know about where I work. Now I should probably start using my space instead of just talking about it!


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