Tag : ornaments

9 posts

I always like to have a little something to give to friends… usually it’s handmade…what else would you expect from me.

Mini-me brought home a large spool of kitchen twine that she had used in an art installation last year. I wasn’t sure how we were ever going to get through all the yardage until I started making these cute gnome ornaments.

I was inspired by a Pinterest video. https://pin.it/4wRPmea

I wrapped the kitchen string around my hand until it felt thick enough. I tied the middle then slipped off my hand and cut the opposite side from the tie. I then tied a loop of bakers twine to serve as the hanger before beginning work on the hat.

 I made a circle template with a bowl then cut it in half. I used scraps of flannel from my stash for the hats. After rolling my half circle of flannel into a cone shape.  I used a hot glue gun to adhere first the hat together then stick the hat to the gnome body being careful to thread the hanger loop through the top of the hat. I then added a coordinating button or two to the hat and a wooden bead tucked up under the rim of the hat for the perfect gnome nose.

Thankfully I also have a stash of wooden beads to make the noses.

They turned out so cute and I used up the whole spool! Renew, reuse, recycle. ♻️

What a wild ride at the beginning and end of my winter break. We’ve had snow storms that bookended the time off.

Winter break started two hours early with an early release due to weather. Now we are having our second snow day in a row! That just doesn’t happen!! Can’t say I’m sad about two full weeks off.

Leading up to break we did a couple fun things at school such as winter week theme days, treats and even pancake breakfast cooked by our administrators.

We each got a mug to fill with treats. I decided to add a my signature flower as well as my name to my mug.

Our special education team had a week long secret Santa exchange…this was day 1 for me.

I also made a bunch of Gnome ornaments for work friends. I’ll do a separate post on how I made those.

Christmas is a favorite time for Marvin. He loves a good box.

And bows!! Bows are his favorite. We actually save them so he can have some to play with all year long.

Mini-me got him this very special bow. He LOVES it!

The whole family was off work between Christmas and New Years. The company Mr. G works for generally closes that week and J took the week off so he could move. Yep you heard me…he moved out. He is living in a house in the neighboring town with one of his buddies from high school. Of course with the crazy horrible weather yesterday, we went and picked him up from work and brought him here for the night. None of the roads were plowed and his little sedan would have never made it. Thank goodness for four wheel drive.

New Years Eve we went for brunch at Hell’s Kitchen and enjoyed some great live music.

And a massive Bloody Mary! I couldn’t eat more than a couple bites of my meal after that. Lucky for me, I had a good leftover lunch the next day! 

I’ve been doing a bit a creating as well such as this card from scraps laying around my desk. There are a few journal pages as well but that will be a different post.

It’s almost here! Winter break. Christmas. Mini-me’s sweet sixteen. New Years. It’s all just around the corner. I’m so ready and not ready all at the same time! So much excitement…so much to do.

Saturday Mini-me and I got up early, grabbed coffee and breakfast( sorry not photographic proof) then drove to Duluth to pick up J for his winter break. Finals are over. He’s off for almost a month. 

The weather was beautiful…42°F and sunny! Mini-me and I took a brief walk around canal park before heading to the university to get J and his gear.

The weather is continuing to be very unseasonably warm as we sneak up on Christmas. In fact, Mr. G and I removed the screens and washed windows on Sunday afternoon. Now I know you are all super jealous of our momentous afternoon date. :)

Last week we had a team party at work. We were all asked to bring a $5 giftcard in disguise. As soon as I read the email the cartoon bubble in my head went to work.

Behold…my giftcard in disguise. I had really wanted to make the eyebrows and mustache more “furry” but since I was so sick I wasn’t able to find anything more than some black ribbon.

Since the grass is showing green outside with very little snow anywhere to be found I am looking to our tree to bring up the festive spirit. Maybe some of these words will inspire me more.

What are you doing today?

Happy Tuesday!! Thanks for joining me for another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

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Yesterday I set up my craft sale table to get a handle on what fits and how it should look. I  thought I’d share my wares with you.20141027_7216

This candle will likely look familiar to some as I have used it as my T Tuesday “beverage” in the past. I’ve decided to part with it after all….unless it doesn’t sell, of course. :)


Upcycled t-shirt baby bibs are a new item for me this year. I made a few for a friend who just had a baby and everyone loved them. So I decided it was a great way to upcycle some of those outgrown t-shirts.20141027_7210 20141021_7203

These bottle cap flowers are the 2.0 version of my original design.  Each one is unique…plus I get to use up a bunch of those beads that never seem to get used.table collage marked

I figured I’d just share the rest in a little collage since time is of the essence. I’m heading out to walk in a bit but I’ll be back in a while to visit.

What are you doing today?

Merry Christmas

misoThanks for stopping by once again for T stands for Tuesday hosted by the one and only     Dr. E, Queen of Free.

I made myself a mug of miso not only to warm my hands but my insides as well.

So that’s the hot soup…what about the hot scoop?

Well…after 13.5 years or so of being a stay at home mom, I am now gainfully employed. I’ve been added to the sub list for our school district. I still have an orientation to go to but other than that, I’m ready to work again.


I’ll still be crafting, making art and blogging.

I had to show some of the ornaments I made last week.  I made some others but they sold and I never photographed them. Bummer!! Although I do know one of the ladies who bought 3 of them…think it would be weird for me to ask her if I could take a picture??

What are you doing today?



This isn’t the final placement for my freshly crafted snowflake ornaments…
Our Christmas tree will go up the day after Thanksgiving. It’s one of our family traditions.

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