Tag : painting

128 posts

journalI was about to chuck this book in the trash. Every time I made a journal page in this book, it was simply awful. It seemed as if the book was stealing my mojo.

This was a last ditch effort for the book. If I wasn’t happy today…it was going away in a really permanent fashion.

I think I’ll keep it around, at least for the time being.

canvas peek1

I don’t know if I’m at liberty to show the poem on the canvas yet….hence the partial photo with words blurred.

My friend Sandy entered a poetry contest and won! Her poem is going to be published. She asked me if I’d do an art piece with her words.

The funny thing is that I had started this canvas became “stuck” at a certain point. I felt that it needed words.

Low and behold…the words fell into my lap.  After the words, I added a couple of collage pieces from an old children’s book I saved from the trash heap.

I hope she loves it as much as I do…

canvas peek2







UPDATE:  She does love it!

Here’s a photo of the whole canvas


I’m back at my Children’s Literature altered book.

Click, Clack, moo quickly became a new favorite children’s book.  It’s about these cows that find a typewriter and start sending a list of demands to the farmer. They decide to stop production unless given electric blankets. It’s super cute.

There is actually several in the series now by Doreen Cronin. She definitely has a knack for children’s stories.





I finished the very last page in one of my journals, which ironically happened to be the inside cover.

The bold orange made me happy. When I spotted the quote in my stash I knew it was meant to be.

Other bits and pieces also found their way into my hands from a drawer of randomness. I keep thinking I need to sort that stuff but sometimes chaos is best for my creative process.


This heart makes me so, so happy.

The texture…  The inking on the edge… The the fact that its asymmetrical…

Yeah! Love it when things work out.

If you’d have seen the mess I made yesterday in another book, you’d truly understand why this one has restored my confidence. YIKES!



Something light, bright and Spring-like  was what was called for last night.

Must have been the sunshine that had me feeling the love.

20130406_1706After our snow yesterday…yes you read that correctly…snow on April 5th, I guess I wanted to remind myself that a new season is actually upon us.

It is Spring according to the calendar and before we know it, the weather will be hot and humid.

When I started this journal page I had no idea where it was going. 20130406_1705

I spread my super thin, lame gesso over the pages in my Watkins cookbook journal then kept adding layers of paint and stamping.

Next I wanted to try out some molding paste applied through a stencil…a technique I’ve seen several times on YouTube videos. I love the texture it adds. I’ll definitely be trying that one again!20130406_1708

I used water and walnut ink to age this library card which is placed on top of a bit of a forest scene magazine page. Love it when things like that work out.

Still looking for more texture I glued down a bit of flower trim.

I am incredibly happy with 20130406_1704the way this one turned out.

And look..the sun is even shiny bright today promising that the Season is actually changing.





I’ve been staring at this piece for a good week now trying to figure out if it’s done.

I kept thinking that it needed some words.

Now I’m thinking that words are not needed. Just like it works with love in the real world.

Words aren’t necessary, you just know.

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