Tag : painting

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I made a couple of quick ATC’s yesterday.  The sewn one was a forgotten work-in-progress. It had fallen behind some stuff on my ever shrinking workspace. Time to clean and organize again I fear.

I also did some more on my painting.  I should have stopped before adding all the green. Of course, I didn’t take a picture at the previous stage.

I may scrap the whole thing and gesso over it.  Or maybe some molding paste. For now it will sit off to the side waiting for me to decide

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of “fix-it-up” type of work instead of art. Such as a cover for our game table.  This table is a white tile top table that we have had for a very long time. A kitchen table in the family room just doesn’t fit in, so a functional cover was needed.

I bought some table padding  and green flannel at the fabric store. The grommets and ribbon to fasten it down were an afterthought. I was originally thinking that I’d use elastic like fitted bed bedsheets but I soon realized I was mistaken. That would have allowed too much shifting of the fabric.

I’ve also sewn some curtains for an awkward cubby area and a matching curtain for the stairwell. Seems odd if you don’t own a split level home but the heat rises up the stairwell shutting off the thermostat therefore making the lower levels very chilly.  The curtain solves the problem. Thanks to my “always thinking” husband for that one!!
BTW–the fabric was from my folks house…the green fit with the carpet so I went with it…no cost solution… Awesome!

Today, I felt I had to have a break from all my domestic duties so, I started a painting…not sure what it will turn into but here is the work in progress.

Stay tuned…you never know where it will go with me. I’ve been known to scrap the whole thing, spread gesso and start over…

As soon as I finished Wine 2.0 I just knew it wasn’t going to work for me. We’ve used it a bit anyway since I’d put so much time and effort into the piece.

I’m sure this one is going to work really well for our journal.
It is an old 3-ring binder cookbook with a dozen dividers so we can arrange and rearrange our labels and notes as much as we want.
We even have a “black listed” section for truly awful wines. Ones that under no circumstance do we ever want to have again.

I’ve been working on this one for a couple of days. Dress makers pattern tissue was used to create texture. I laid it directly onto the wet gesso. Some random scraps of text from my scrap bucket were also used for interest. Those were attached using UHU twist & glue.

I used my fingers a lot on this painting. I just seem to have more control that way. I can feel the canvas and know how much paint is being applied. Even when I use the brush I often use my fingers to spread the paint. It gives a totally different effect.

I had no plan in mind…just let it happen. Besides if I decide I don’t like it anymore….I’ll just gesso over the whole thing and start again!

I love playing in this board book. I’ve been using a Kelly Rae inspired background technique on all the pages. The book has no other theme or direction. Maybe I should call it Random Inspiration. Hey, I like that!

The little girls came from a sewing book. The watering can girl reminded me a Alice in Wonderland. It all came together in my mind after that.

It feels a little trippy to me. All it needs is the caterpillar with his hookah.

Get it!?! Awh, never mind. My sense of humor is a little dry at times.

I used punches to create the leaves and flowers. I had a great book about the Caribbean that provided the colorful images. The yellow was a spectacular tropical fish.

I only used a spot of glue in the center of each of the punched pieces. The glue made them curl a little which unexpectedly gave them great dimension.

I felt the urge to paint something. The blue and orange combo is something I’m loving a lot more lately.

The texture is dressmakers pattern paper randomly set into the still wet gesso. I love texture!

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