Tag : painting

128 posts

One thing I love about art is that it’s so individual. I can create whatever I want…as long as my skill and ability allows. Blue green poppies are a thing, right? Well they are in my minds eye.

Artistic license blue green poppies

This was a canvas that Mini-me had played around on and no longer wanted. Gesso to the rescue. Artistic license blue green poppies

I almost think I like painting on a canvas for the second…third…whatever time better than the first go round. The added texture pleases me. Or perhaps its all psychological. The thought being: It’s no longer a blank canvas…the mistakes have already been made and now I’m saving it.

Artistic license blue green poppies

This was what I would call a speed painting. I did this in about 5 minutes. I didn’t overthink it, mess around with it, retouch or take myself too seriously. I just let it flow. WHY don’t I just do that very same thing all the time. Not put pressure on myself to perform in a certain way. Just create from my gut and not worry or be concerned about the result.

I was really hoping to share a video today for T stands for Tuesday but I’m having trouble with it. Perhaps next week. Instead I’m going to share the canvas painting I did yesterday.


I’m fairly happy with how it turned out. I must admit though after I was interrupted by a phone call I had to take, my painting mojo kind of wavered. I’ll likely do another as this one has already been claimed.

After painting and a cup of green tea….


I was energized so I got to work cleaning and organizing some spaces that have been on the list for a while. No photos…bummer.


After following me around for a while Marvin was exhausted and put himself to bed in his kennel. This where I put him when he comes in before the alarm wanting to talk about things. I’m not interested in talking about things before the alarm…at all… I carry him downstairs and stick him in the kennel. He settles right in and is fine with it…and quiet until I actually get up. He may look small in here but keep in mind this is a dog kennel…not the tiny one either. Its the mid-size one.

Today is another action packed Tuesday. It’s the last Tuesday before school starts. Summer is all but over.

What are you doing today?

Yesterday a recommended video came through a YouTube update email. Normally I ignore those but this one combined with the fact that I actually had the time to watch one made quite the impression…or perhaps that should be impressionist. *wink* Thanks Jane.

I was instantly inspired to give this technique a try. This also gave me an excuse to start another journal. Yeah I know…like I really need another journal. This one is actually a Creative Memories scrapbook album.

album turned journalI decided to get real with myself.  I’m never going to scrapbook. And certainly not in this album. It’s the same as some of those clothes in my closet. I’m never going to wear them so why have them unless they can serve another purpose.

Since Creative Memories albums have a metal edge on each side of the page, I decided to cut a piece of scrapbook paper down to the proper size to fit in between. IMG_1391

I had originally intended that some of the original pattern would show through but evidently I was heavier handed with the paint than expected.

Impressionist Poppies

I created the page in a similar manner to that described in the video. I really like the result. I’m not into recreating others work but I do really appreciate the inspiration and willingness of others to teach and share.

Mini-me saw my practice page and said she’d really like a painting of this in her room.

Impressionist Poppies

I think it would really look great on the grey walls. I’m sure there will be a few more practice attempts before the real deal on canvas.

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a your favorite cup and stay a while.

T stands for Tuesday

This summer I’ve been tackling projects and items long overdue on the to-do list. I’m drowning in half finished goals. It’s really beginning to drive me a bit crazy. I start my morning or my 3am bout of insomnia with thoughts of how my day is going to go and then BAM…I get hit with a curve ball or worse yet, am distracted and start another project.  I haven’t even finished a pot of coffee lately, which is totally out of character for me. (Ah ha…just there….see how I worked in a beverage reference) :)

But seriously, the frustration with myself is mounting. Every “not used daily” surface has something in progress all over it and that’s not even mentioning the outdoors. I think I have too many ideas and unfortunately have enough stuff around to get started but either run out of steam, ideas or gumption to continue. I even totally blew up my blog over the weekend and am still working on fixing it. UGH! The blog backup I used definitely didn’t work the way I thought it did….I could not recover what I lost.

I am feeling a bit of accomplishment with both a personal project and a household one.

I completed the cover on my heART journal just yesterday.

heART journal T Tuesday progress edition

Here are the inside pages. The earliest page was from Feb 2014. Good grief…talk about taking a long time to to 6 pages.

heART journal T Tuesday progress edition

Mini-me and I did get her room painted. Here’s an old before and the after side by side.

T Tuesday progress edition

What a difference. She’s had the green and stamped flowers since we moved in 13 years ago. It had just been painted so we just left it as is. Definitely time for a change.

T Tuesday progress edition

We’re slowly going to be replacing the accessories such as the fabric bins in the cubbies. Mini-me had yet to decide what color she wants for her accent color.

T Tuesday progress edition

It’s definitely more sophisticated already. Agh…my baby is growing up!

So today…I’m going to try my best to finish a thing or two I’ve started. Wish me luck!

What are you doing today?

I painted this for a friend yesterday….just as a reminder for her. She knows why…


So what’s a girl to do when she doesn’t want to repaint a wall quite yet…hide the imperfections, of course.

This first one is were my dustbuster hand vacuum formerly hung. It finally “bit the dust” so to speak. Oh man that was bad.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

My solution is not too shabby. Totally hides the wall anchors. It’s an awkward little section of wall anyway…might as well try to dress it up.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

This UGLY phone jack was truly an eye sore in the kitchen when I took down the wall phone. Just the simple hanging of the painting over the jack gave that wall a fresh new look. I didn’t even have to pound in a nail!

 Big J says the painting makes him of cells….and that’s from the kid who says he doesn’t like biology.  Me…I just like the colors. LOL

Hello! Did you miss me? I’ve been around just not keeping up with the digital world. Summer is passing so quickly and it seems as if the appointments and events are multiplying on the calendar. This seems to happen every year at this time.

I finally was inspired to do some art journaling. I started with a page I had used to clean my brushes and palette on during a long ago project. Having that base of color gives a jumpstart on building the layers that give depth to a page.

Pete's problem art journal page| Halle's Hobbies

After putting down some more colors it was a little too “in your face” for me. I took some white paint on my finger and mellowed out some areas. The end result made me much more happy than the beginning loudness.

I found the image of the old cowboy in a bin and thought his color scheme meshed well.

Pete's problem art journal page| Halle's Hobbies

Then it was the hunt for the perfect found text to give life to the page.

Pete's problem art journal page| Halle's Hobbies

I thought these words spoke to the worn down look of the old cowhand.

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