Tag : painting

128 posts

Hello , hello…welcome to T stands for Tuesday!T stands for Tuesday_200

I’m finally back. From where you ask? Absolutely nowhere. I’ve just been caught up in the end of school year craziness.

When the kids were younger it seemed as if actual learning stopped about 3 weeks before the end of school and the rest was just filler. Now there are speeches, presentations, projects, concerts and finals.  Throw in some appointments and after school activities and driving lessons…whew!   I have a teen with a drivers permit now!!  He got it on Friday. We’ve been out practicing twice now. Last night I heard…”when can I drive again?”

Enough reasons excuses for neglecting my blog. You’re here for T stands for Tuesday. Grab your drink and sit a spell.

Currently I have half a dozen or so projects going…well truth be told if I dug all my UFO’s out there would be at least twice that number.

WIP bottlecaps

After receiving a couple more bags of bottle caps last week, I was inspired to drag out my supplies. I turned on the TV to re-watch a show I fell asleep during last weekend while wiring and beading.  Sometimes having the background noise helps me work and other times…not so much.  Yesterday was a mixed bag.

WIP painting

I’m also continuing work on this painting I started so long ago. I keep adding layers as the mood strikes. I don’t have an end vision of this piece at all…I guess I’ll just know when to stop…hopefully.

Lastly I thought I’d share a garden update.

WIP seedlings

These are the seedlings that will go in my in-laws garden likely this weekend. The tomatoes are getting quite tall.  The rest have been planted in my gardens….WIP garden

you’ll have to take my word for it of course.

WIP deckbox

We had a frost warning last night so I had to cover everything up and hope for the best.


Luckily it didn’t get quite as chilly as they said but I’m still waiting until the temps get over 40°F to uncover. I don’t want to shock them.

Errands then an appointment are on the list today, along with pesky household chores. Hopefully I’ll get a bit more creating in as well.

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday_200Welcome to T stands for Tuesday…grab a cup while we chat.

sugar rush tea

We have way too much sugar left over from Easter. Thank goodness I don’t like marshmallows or these would be dangerous sitting all unwrapped begging to be eaten.

sugar rushThis is my weakness…chocolate.

“My weakness is strong.” ~Patton Oswalt

Maybe fueled by sugar or just that spring cleaning and purging mode but I have dug out a box of items that have been squirreled away for far too long.

sellingBack in the late 90’s I used to sell on eBay. This box was forgotten in the back of our storage room until now.  I also went thru my cookbook collection…some of it just has to go. Recently I’ve started selling a few things on eBay again but the fee structure is pretty steep. But you can’t sell just anything on Etsy.

gracie watchingWhile I work…Gracie watches the world go by.


I did get creative this past week as well. This 6×6 canvas makes me quite happy. Its a recycled canvas…meaning I hated the first painting I did so I covered it all up and began anew.

I’ve also worked in my coffee theme AB again but you’ll have to come back tomorrow if you want to see that.

I’ve got lots on my list today, more than I’ll ever accomplish.

What are you doing today?


Not really sure where I’m going with this one but I’m having fun!


Perhaps if I gave myself some more room, I’d be more productive.

So many projects…so little time.


I’m feeling accomplished today….I look around and see many projects coming together quite nicely.

Most of all with a painting I started a couple weeks ago.  Amidst the massive craft inventory effort I’ve been putting forth, I starting craving art for art sake. Not for anyone else…just me. An outlet. Apron on and fingers smudged with paint.

circle of influenceI’ve named it Circle of Influence.

Some of the other crafts occupying my time….craft collage

My first sale of the season is Nov. 1st. Can’t wait!!

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday.T stands for Tuesday_200

Do I dare say that I think our internet troubles are finally over?  We haven’t had a reboot in almost 3 days now.  Of course, we’ve hardly used the computer either since we’ve been so busy.  Where shall I start?

Apples….Phil and friends

We helped with the annual harvest at our neighbors house on Saturday. We brought home 6 grocery bags of apples to be processed…a fraction of the total haul from their 7 trees.

Later that evening I went to a new neighborhood edition of craft club, where I made these 4 cards as well as got my stamp on the backs of a huge stack of previously made cards. I was pretty tired from the day and didn’t really have my craft mojo going.

craft club cards

Sunday was spent with Little J in the garage processing through the apples.  They are organic so they have spots and holes so most need some trimming after being run through the peeler/corer/slicer. BIG JOB! So glad I had help this year. We ended up with about 15 gallons of apples ready for the next step.


So far I’ve made 7 quarts of sauce…

apple pie

One pie…dehyrator

An overstuffed quart bag of dried apple slices and three 8×8 apple crisps are in the freezer at the ready for future desserts. That was only about 1/2 the apples. More apple-ing today…

Last night I had a well deserved glass of wine.relaxing

Last week I finally got around to doing some creating…here’s a work-in-progress shot of a painting.


I’m a little late with my post today as I went for a walk with a friend around a local lake this morning. 4.25miles.  It was a little brisk at times but as long as you keep moving it helps keep you warm.

What are you doing today?

Oh so sad…this is it…The Summer of Color is finished. Thank you, Kristen, for once again bringing us this great summer challenge.

Behold our last set of colors….IMG_0039Raspberry & Tangerine with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Lemon

I immediately thought of a hibiscus. 1hibiscusflowerphotocredit

My drawing skills aren’t the best but I think given the size and shape this is a pretty good interpretation of one.soc4w6The raspberry color is more pronounced in person…also could be the strong morning sun throwing it off a bit.

I love it…a nice tropical flower on a cool July day in Minnesota.

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