Tag : painting

128 posts

20130612_2258I’ve decided to join a summer challenge put forth by Kristen of Twinkle, Twinkle. This is her 3rd Summer of Color challenge.

The first weeks color combo is citron green and turquoise.


20130612_2257I was brave and grabbed my cursed journal once again since I have been known to create something very pleasing to my eye in it at least once before. ;)

I have to admit that I love this color combo!!

The pages are very simple but yet make a statement with the color and texture.

20130612_2259The bright, make you feel alive, colors are adding some much needed energy to our gloomy weather around here.

Make sure and stop by Kristen’s blog to see what the other participants have come up with this week!


20130609_2202My friend Sandy asked if I’d do another canvas featuring her published poem. She wanted to give it to her mom who encouraged her to enter the contest in the first place.

I reworked a previous canvas that never felt quite done to me.

Sandy’s words in addition to the changes have now made this a completed work.



20130609_2206Two completed canvases








My bad mojo with this journal continues.

I can’t say that I hate these pages but they are definitely not my favorites. 20130606_2198

I’m playing with different styles, mediums, colors and textures.

I do know that I am learning through my process but sometimes I think I should just gesso over the whole works and start again.

However, I must say that there are areas of each of the pages that I really like…just not so much the pages as a whole.

plant markersI finally got around to making the plant markers that I’ve been thinking about since last Fall.  They are just so darn cute!!

UPDATE:  I really should have explained what I did with these. Everyone is asking so…

I dipped the spoons in ordinary black craft paint and hung them to dry. I used a white colored pencil to write on them. It’s currently raining…so far so good on it not washing off. Only time will tell. If it’s a grand fail I’ll let you all know in a new post. :)

personalThe last page in my Watkins journal. Gathered from bits and pieces thrown in a drawer.

The photo is me from a couple years ago. It was an extra from a scrapbook page…yes, have been known to scrapbook every once in a great while.

I wrote a personal journal entry on the back of the date due slip in the pocket.

All I have left is to do some things with the outside covers of this journal. It’s been a fun experimenting journal. I’ve started using a date stamp so I can keep track of what I did and when. You always think you’ll remember but I have learned that I just don’t.


This journal spread was several days in the making.

I started with light colors…then went to orange and rust…then an overlay of cooler pastel colors.




I finally settled on some flowers. I had intended on having the flowers be the background color and covering the rest with another more solid color but it all went to pieces.

Oh well.  Trying new things and failing is all a part of learning.

I decided that the quote Enjoy the Moment was perfect. I needed to just sit back and enjoy.

It was more about the process than the result this time for me and that’s ok.




My art ADD has come back in full force.  I have many different projects all in progress at the same time and in the same small space.


I’m reworking a canvas as another edition of my friend Sandy’s poem.


I finished a couple of crochet dishcloths this week. Neither one is perfect by an stretch of the imagination but I’m fine with that.


Journal page in progress. I’m trying to remember to leave this free of bulking embellishments as this spiral journal is filling fast and the pages will soon not turn on the tiny spiral if I keep up with the bulk.


In the past week I sold 3 pieces of terrain. I’m thrilled! It has inspired me to make more. I’ve been priming and trying out different combinations for my recycled pieces.


As well as playing around with foam and a plastic bottle. I love the challenge of making something out of nothing.  I’m hoping that this will look like a crashed vessel that has weathered over time.

See what I mean…all over the place! My mind is going this way and that. So many ideas, so little time and space.

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