Tag : paper bag book

10 posts

So I called my friend Elizabeth this afternoon and interrupted her day to have her check her mailbox.

WooHoo… the package I mentioned has arrived!

Let me tell you…it was so much fun to be on the phone while she opened it.

I love making a gift geared directly for one person. Every little detail is specific to them or how they fit into my life.

It’s even better when the friend “gets” the altered art sort of thing. Such as the  rusted piece of metal strapping I used. I picked this up on a walk with my nieghbor…who I’m pretty sure thought I was a nut job…but puts up with me anyway. :)  Actually, she’s getting used to me stopping for odd bits of junk as we walk.

I wanted to say thank you to those of you who emailed or commented on my previous post. You words were very thoughtful and heartfelt. It does get easier with time just as it’s said.

I finished the gift I had started a while back but I can only give a tiny peek as it was mailed today. As soon as I hear she got it, I’ll show you it in full.  Of course, it’s late but it would have been even if my world wouldn’t have fallen apart. Luckily, the recipient is a patient woman.

A good friend and neighbor asked me if I could make a paper bag scrapbook for her niece that just graduated from high school.

She brought a pile of pictures and some tidbits about the grad. Luckily for me, I know the girl as she babysat my kiddos before and we have spent the last few 4th of July’s at her folks house which is right on the parade route. Handy, besides being a really fun group to hang out with. :)

For obvious reasons I can’t show all the inner pages of the book but here’s a sample for you.

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