Tag : personal journal

3 posts

Last week was a 3 day workweek for me. Schools in MN have a long MEA (Minnesota Education Assocation) weekend off of school. Most families use this 4 day weekend to get away from it all before winter hits in full force. We used part of our weekend to visit J at college for parent weekend.

Even though we’ve been to the Twin Ports area loads of times, this time I decided to play tourist a little more since we were exploring more than just Canal Park In Duluth, MN.

I loved the old signs on this building in Superior, WI.

Some of you know this but others don’t….I HATE BRIDGES. No seriously…its a problem. Near phobia status. And there are two big ones that we use to cross back and forth from MN to WI. 

I honestly kept myself busy snapping photos with my photo so I wouldn’t have to think too hard about the fact that we were on a super long bridge high above the water or land depending on what part of the bridges. ICK!!!! Gives me goose bumps.

After we had crossed the dreaded bridge for the third time we stopped and had a drink and appetizers at a local bar. I had a darn good Bloody Mary with beer chaser. The chaser is called a snit around here.

It was a nice weekend although it was cold and windy. But not as windy as it had been about 10 days before that. A crazy storm whipped up and there were gale force winds hitting the harbor.

This is an old photo for reference of the flooded walkway.

Check out this video…

Isn’t that crazy!! It’s weather like that that the Edmund Fitzgerald (made famous by Gordon Lightfoot in his song Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald) went down in.  Speaking of crazy…J and his buddies decided it would be really fun to go down to Canal Park since they heard it was flooding. The wind and waves weren’t quite as bad but the canal was still flooded at the time. The invincible 18 yr olds went and stood in the knee deep flooded canal walkway while the snow came down sideways. Thankfully all was fine and I didn’t see any of these crazy videos until morning.  Grey hairs people….grey.

I did a bunch of journal writing about this event. I saw the most amazing photo on FB of a wave crashing against the North Pier lighthouse by Charles Howard Smith.

I’ve created a few more pages that are more personal. In addition I got my title page done.

I’ll add then end date when I feel I’m done. I’ve started adding smaller photos to my journal for visuals as well. I’ve started resizing several images to fit on a standard photo print. It’s cheaper to print and better quality than printer ink on paper in my opinion.

See how I’m able to get many small images on a 4×6 print. This way I can add a little image without taking up an entire page in the journal.

I’ll be doing more of these type for sure. I’m loving how this is evolving for me.

Work and raking on are the agenda for me…
What are you doing today?

Once again I’m sitting at my keyboard wondering where the time went last week and what do I have to show for it.

I have continued to use my personal handmade journal. It’s fun adding interesting bits to pages. I’m thinking I want to start another for old photos and memories of the kids. I have lots of random photos printed that would work perfect in that sort of journal.

I’ve been browsing Pinterest looking for sewing projects. There is something about Fall weather that makes me want to sew. I came across some easy fabric coaster/mug rug projects that I decided to give a whirl since I had some squares pre-cut from a long forgotten project.

This was the tutorial I used. Of course, I didn’t have the exact sizes but I figured it didn’t really matter. I turned out slightly larger than I would have wanted. Then I noticed some half square triangles in my stash. I had started making pinwheels and abandoned that project decades ago.

They do make cute coasters though!! I’ll likely make more of these…at least as many as I can with the quilt pieces that are ready to go. Another prime example of not throwing anything away….it pays off.

Volleyball still rules our evenings (and some weekends)…at least for another week or so. Like last week…two evening games, two practices, a parade and an early morning tournament… I cannot wait until Mini-me has her drivers license. 

I’m not holding out much hope for a peaceful week. Tuesday morning Mini-me has a 7AM ortho appointment…ugh. I have picture day at school. I’m not banking on that being a great photo since I’ll have little to no time to get ready. Oh well.

What are you doing today?

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have thought about and even started a personal diary or journal only to abandon it within a week after basically forgetting about it after day 2.  I would either think I had nothing to say, be paranoid about someone stumbling across my inner thoughts or perhaps just was intimidated by the hundreds of stark white pages ahead of me.

So l started actually using my newly created personal journal. I’ve discovered that it is much more inviting to write in than a blank page for me. I actually want to sit down to write. I even think during the day about remembering to write something down later. I’m rather excited about this new phase in my creative journey.

Watching the growing community of Hobonichi users was very inspiring as well as generous journal folk who share their videos on YouTube. So many ideas to put to use. I feel as if I pulled together the things that will work for me from the plethora of information I’ve absorbed. That being said, its important to me that I am authentic in what I do…not just copy ideas verbatim. What fun is that!? Besides this is my personal journal…if I can’t be real on those pages, there is really little hope.

I think I might do another video after a while to share some progress and interesting tidbits or techniques I’ve used in the journal.

I did a little before school refashion for Mini-me last week as well. We’d picked up this sweater at Goodwill but she didn’t like the length it was on her…she’s very petite aka short. So she asked me if I could do something about it…15 mins before we left for school. What do you think?!

Last week simply flew by. Volleyball games during the week, a tournament that both Mini-me and I worked at then a short trip to a small apple orchard with friends. I finally tried a couple of varieties of apples that were developed by the University of Minnesota; honey crisp and sweet tango. Both were so good! The orchard also had a few pear trees. I’ve never been a fan of pears but I took a slice when offered since it was the polite thing to do. I was actually surprised at the difference in taste than typical grocery store pears.

Thank goodness we got some nice apples because I really need those. You know the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”… well, I am fighting a cold. I was hoping it was just allergies but I fear it is a cold. Those darn germ covered kids and surfaces at school. Just can’t seem to avoid it. So my beverage today is an immune boosting drink. Fingers crossed that it does the trick.

Work and volleyball still dominate our schedule.

What are you doing today?

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