Tag : postage people

7 posts

These are for a friend to help fill in a postage theme mini book.

My “postage person” Libby has the blues since her friend set her straight.

With my first day “kid-free” for a couple of hours I finished up this project that has been nagging at me for quite some time.

I feel like I rushed the last page…can’t think of anything really clever to say. Maybe it will come to me later on. I did name the picture “Purrfect dinner” …that seems to fit.

I was surprised to find as many FDR quotes as I did that I actually liked. I picked this one for it’s fun yet very true statement and also that it was short enough to fit on the cover nicely.

Got to sneak in a little art today.

I’m determined to finish this book. One more set of pages and the covers to do.

Here are the pages I completed today.

Special thanks to Elizabeth for the blue handmade paper!!

Finally had a chance to work on my postage people book again. I only have 3 blank pages left and the covers. Here are the latest spreads.

These are really getting addictive!

I do wish I had saved the George Washington in bed for the cover. It would have wrapped very nicely around the book. Oh well…with any luck, I’ll dig something else up that I like just as much.

I decided to make my papers into a small book that will likely hold pictures of my kids or maybe those funny things they say or both.

I’ve also started a new altered board book. This one is featuring postage stamp people. These are so much fun to do. I have an odd sense of humor.

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