Tag : postcard challenge

16 posts

After weeks of absence from Darcy’s postcard challenge, I have finally found my characters. 
Apparently they had been spending some time together in the English countryside. 
Their relationship has definitely made some big changes. 

Maggie writes:

  The past few weeks have been like a dream. I pinched myself this morning just to make sure. I miss you already. I thought this painting would remind you of our week in the country. The stonewalls. The picnic. The inn.
Hurry back to me….
           Always- Maggie

Ah… the excitement of new love. 
This weeks page is pretty simple. Aged papers and doily scraps.


There seems to be a pattern with me lately…I can’t seem to get these done at the proper time.  At least Darcy is very kind about it and doesn’t rap us on the hand with a ruler or anything. :)
Week 16…otherwise known as last week…Thadeus sends a postcard from Romania. 
The postcard is a photo I took then played around in Photoshop a bit to give it a vintage feel.

Thadeus writes:

Iceland was amazing. I can’t stop thinking of you even when I know that I should be actually reading the books and documents in  front of me. I have scarcely seen the outside of the library here in Romania. I think I have discovered the source of the shipment. Time will tell.

The accompanying page is a little boring. I thought the paper is somewhat old wallpaper like…something one might see in an old library. 
Week 17 Maggie writes to Thadeus from Norway. 
She doesn’t mention why she is there. It seems Miss Maggie is somewhat a woman of leisure. Taking photos, painting etc.

 Maggie writes:

I’m so excited that we, I mean, you are getting more answers. I feel as though I’m part of your journey as well now. I hope that doesn’t offend you since you are doing all the work.
When you visit next I’m going to make you some Norwegian specialties. 
      Yours truly- Maggie

She certainly tends to stumble a bit when corresponding with Thadeus. Maggie seems quite impulsive…doesn’t think before she speaks…or writes.
The page includes the recipes written in Norwegian…sure hope she can translate them…and a pocket that showcases rosemaling.
Thanks for bearing with me and the extra long post.
Stop by Darcy’s blog to see some more Norway postcards this week.

I find myself playing catch-up this week. With the kids on Spring break, I completely forgot about doing my postcard! 

Week 14–
Thadeus writes to Maggie about his long absence.

So sorry to have worried you but I was unable to send any correspondence.  I was sent on another errand- this time I was at sea for a couple weeks. I was certainly happy to come to port here in Singapore.

I want to see you again. Please send me your travel plans. I’ll be waiting here at the beach for the next few days. 

So that must be why Thadeus never made it to Israel.  *wink*

Here’s my page with a few notes…more clues to his research one would assume.

And now for Week 15 from Iceland!!

I knew I had to do the Northern Lights. We see them here in MN sometimes. I have fond memories of sitting in silence watching the colors play across the sky.

Maggie writes in her sweet note:

I am so delighted that we were able to spend an entire day together. I’ll always cherish sitting on the steps with you. The Northern Lights   were like a symphony. We didn’t need to speak, we just had to be.
I wish you would end your research – I fear for you and your well being. Who knows what you might discover.

My goodness they’ve met again. A romance seems to be brewing between them.

The page features the word magnificent boldly circled. I’m thinking that Maggie has fallen head over heels.

Please swing over to Darcy’s blog and check out the rest of this weeks postcards.


After having to take a couple weeks off from Darcy’s challenge, I’m back with my…or shall we say…Maggie’s postcard and page. 
Maggie continues to send her drawings or paintings to Thadeus.

She writes:
  Please let me know that you are alright. You haven’t responded to the letter I sent from my Aunt’s home. I had to skip my adventure to The Netherlands to care for the poor dear after her fall.
  I am having a wonderful cup of coffee here in Istanbul. Next I am off to explore the Grand Market. I know it will be a feast for the senses.
  Please write.       Warmly- Maggie

So that’s why there was no postcard from the Netherlands.  

My page has a small “mug rug” and some stained shipping tags. Maggie must have found some fun things to send home at the Grand Bazaar.
The pocket is from a chunk of altered fabric given to me by Belinda Spiwak years ago. I think it adds just the right pop of color and texture.


Finally somewhere I’ve been! 
Darcy picked Canada this week!! 
Thadeus writes:
I find myself in a quaint little town that appears as if it was plucked from the Swiss countryside. I  thought  this photo would provide good memories. It was so wonderful to see you once again face to face. The food and conversation were wonderful. Off to follow another trail.
Best- Thadeus
So the pair has met up in between their adventures. That’s a new turn for them.
The page holds more goodies presumably from the trail Thadeus is following.


Switzerland was chosen by Darcy this week. 
I thought of many options for this weeks card including a mountain chalet, a Swiss cow, chocolates…just to name a few. 
I decided that Maggie should keep sending “her” paintings as postcards as much as possible. 
I started with a piece of black cardstock. It gave the much needed depth and shadow to a two color palette. I learned this technique from watching Bob Ross painting series on our local PBS station

I mounted the finished painting on an oversized piece of white cardstock then cut it down with my deckle edge scissors. 
Maggie writes of days filled with painting and the wonderful chocolates. She slips up an mentions that she may have to let out a seam or two…how embarrassing for her. 
The stamp and tiny flag are from my Swiss friend, Margaret who is also participating in this challenge. 

She also sent me the Swiss cow ribbon and flag pick that I’ve added to my page.  They add that special pop of color and whimsey to the page. 
Thanks Margaret!!


 Darcy picked Cuba for this weeks challenge postcard and it definitely proved to be a challenge. 
I know so very little about Cuba…other than what I remember from history class about the Cuban Missile Crisis and Fidel Castro. 
Oh yeah and that Cuban cigars are illegal in the USA. 
None of these proved to be great inspiration. 
So I ripped a page from an old atlas…

Thadeus writes:

Greetings Maggie. Hope this finds you in good health. I took your advice and looked at the bigger picture. It is exactly that which brought me here to Cuba. A powerful “friend” sent me here on an errand of sorts. I hope it is not a fools errand. At least the weather is nice. I do hope we can meet and discuss our common interest in the near future. We both should have some time if all goes as planned very soon.
Take care, Thadeus

 I did have an old postage stamp from Cuba so that clearly made me giddy to use. The postmark was on it from a weird direction though so I improvised. :)
Here is the accompanying book page.  
Pretty simple in design this time… but it seems to have yet another grainy photograph…
hmmm…wonder what that is all about.


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