Tag : postcard challenge

16 posts

Darcy threw out Wales for our place of origin this week. The only reference to Wales that I knew for sure were Welsh Corgi’s.   My BIL and his GF have one. She is a very sweet dog that often comes to visit our house.

Maggie writes:

I thought you could use a bit of whimsey in your life right now so I painted you a Welsh Corgi. They are odd dog but I fear if it weren’t for how much I travel, I’d be bringing one home with me tomorrow.
Do take care and try to look at the bigger picture-literally.
Warmly- Maggie 

Their relationship must be getting closer. She has dropped the more formal Margaret for Maggie.

Here’s my page with a bit of rusted lace tablecloth sewn down as the pocket.

I thought I’d show you that I’ve gotten caught up with the rest of my pages as well.




I’m doing my best to make it around to see everyone’s postcards but this week I had a bit a of delay in even posting. The video card in my computer went out. At least Mr. G was able to replace it and we’re back in business.

This week Darcy announced that our country was Belgium. Again, I know I have some fun stuff from Belgium but I can’t find it!! I looked in the nooks and crannies of my art zone but apparently in the 6 years since I put together that book, my leftovers have crawled away.
Instead, I decided on a watercolor. And now that it’s complete..I’m so glad I couldn’t find my goodies from Belgium. :)

On the back of the corner Chocolate Shop postcard Thadeus writes about his current situation in Belgium. That he’s renting a room from an older couple and had come to a standstill in his research.
He feels that the piece he is working on is the key to the puzzle.

I’ve also completed the page that will hold the postcard.

I’ve added a couple extras to the story… just for fun.

Gosh, it’s already Wednesday evening! Time seems to be getting away from me lately.
I did want to show you why I missed tea yesterday.
I was learning to knit the top onto a kitchen towel. Isn’t it sweet…the towel I mean. It’s a vintage towel from the box of linens I’ve been working through.  It  now hangs proudly in my kitchen.
I also wanted to show you that I’ve started on the pages for the Postcard Challenge.
This is the page for France.
I made a pocket to hold the postcard from a label which I believe is from some sort of alcoholic beverage. Beer, ale, wine or spirit…not sure…
I have a couple of extras laying beside that I plan to include once I put the page in it’s proper place in the book.
I also have my postcard for Friday completed!!!
Of course, I can’t show that now.
But I must say,  I do love it!
Hopefully, I’ll have enough time after my volunteer duty in the school library tomorrow to complete the page to hold said postcard before posting it on Friday morning.

For this week our challenge, hostess Darcy, picked France as our country of origin for the postcard.  
I couldn’t lay my hand on the leftovers from the altered book I created for my BIL after one of his trips to  Europe. I know I had some good pieces. 
UGH! I need to get organized.  
I ended up going with a map of Paris hand marked by Maggie with her favorite places.

Maggie mentions how worried she was about Thadeus and goes on to say she has the papers he sent separately  in a safe place. 
Those must be some valuable papers…
or dangerous ones.

Since I got my sewing machine back, I’ve started working on the pages to hold all the postcards. This is my title page. I’ve blurred the title since it would give away too much about the direction I’m going.
This is the first pocket page that holds Maggie’s card from Austria.
These two pages will be sewn back to back with a piece of muslin that will connect to a second set of pages that will eventually become a fold in a signature.

I need to get to work on the next several pages to get caught up. Then I plan to make each page as I do the postcard so I don’t fall behind.
But that will have to wait until next week. It’s birthday weekend for my oldest, so it’s busy, busy, busy!!

In this weeks edition, Thadeus sends Maggie a greeting from China on a postcard with a beautiful old drawing of ancient farmers sowing seeds.
I had started trying to draw a dragon head but it was going quite poorly. It didn’t look anything like a Chinese dragon. More Nordic, so I went with a page from a children’s book about grains of the world.
I also happened to have a very old postage stamp from China to use. Again, I continued the postmark to give it a bit of authenticity.  I must admit that sometimes get caught up in the minutia of things…

Thadeus explains that he found something in an old book and is searching for answers. He hints at the chance of something wonderful. His hand seems rushed or nervous as he writes. I wonder what is sending him off balance?
Please stop by Darcy’s blog  for the list of 

The story continues this week from Brazil. 
Maggie questions Thadeus about his vague reference to his research. It has her curious mind working overtime. 
 I used a postcard that my mom brought home from Brazil in 1968.
She traveled around South America for a week and a half visiting Brazil, Columbia and Peru.

The stamp is from the early 1900’s. 
I have an old ledger book full of stamps from that era. 
Nothing valuable…just interesting.
Since the stamp had part of a postmark on it I tried to recreate the rest of the mark. I think it turned out pretty well.

I’ve also figured out how I’m going to put my book together that will hold each of the postcards and complete the story. Unfortunately, I need my sewing machine for that part and it is currently in the shop for a tune-up. I was mildly scolded by the gal at the sewing center when I confessed that my 25 yr old machine had never been serviced. I also ordered a free-motion quilting foot for my machine and the gal told me she’d show me how to use it when I picked up my machine! Horray! New skills….

Week 2 of the Postcard Challenge and our country is Spain! 
Thadeus is sending his first postcard to Maggie.
I cheated a bit with this card and simply printed it off and glued it down. 
I fell in love with the texture applied to the image. The only thing I added was a little gold ink on the corners.
Keeping the writing style different between these two characters was something that I wondered if I’d be able to accomplish since I have a very distinctive handwriting.  
I was given the hint of writing with my non-dominant hand. 
Tried it…was barely readable. 
I decided to hold my pen in a completely odd way and came up with Thadeus’ style while Maggie will remain my own hand. Good thing postcards are small because I was getting a cramp!!

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