Tag : published

11 posts

Way back around the New Year I mentioned that I was sending something in for possible publication.  I was super excited about the piece and shared a couple little snippets.

On a whim I sent a collection of collage gift bags that I’d been working on as well to Sew Somerset. Much to my surprise, I was asked to write an article about my gift bags…then shortly after I heard that my other submission would also be included in the gallery section of the magazine,

I can’t even tell you what a lift it was getting this in the mail. Of course I knew it was coming but getting to hold it in my hands really brightened my day.

It’s a real honor to be included with so many wonderful artists.

This week marks the end of school…no more middle school for Mini-me. I will have two high school kids next fall! Freshman and senior. Many changes on the horizon. New adventures and challenges alike. It all builds character…and we could all use a bit of character right?! The world would be a pretty boring place if we all were exactly the same.

What are you doing today?

I came back from a wonderful mini vacation to a surprise in my mailbox…I've been published again! Somerset Holidays & Celebrations |Halle's Hobbies

Thanks once again to Stampington & Company for choosing to publish more of my cards. Now that explains why I hadn’t gotten all of them back in the previous package. :)

Several weeks ago I mentioned an upcoming article but wasn’t at liberty to discuss until now…

  It’s here! My complementary copy of the Summer 2015 edition of Sew Somerset.

sew somerset summer 2015

Last September I was approached by an editor of Sew Somerset about my fabric collage cards I had listed on etsy. She asked if I’d send some to her for possible publication. You betcha! (sorry my Minnesota is showing) So I sent off a dozen cards and didn’t hear anything more until February when I get an email requesting that I write an article to go along with the cards they planned on publishing. YES!!

sew somerset summer 2015

I am in absolute awe of how lovely they made the layout.

sew somerset summer 2015

The closeups and color combinations…wow! And that is why those people are pros!!

sew somerset summer 2015

All in all I have 5 pages! Amazing….I’m thrilled! Seriously thrilled!!

I want to thank Sew Somerset for publishing my words and art. It’s very uplifting to have asked to be a part of this wonderful publication.

I popped on the Stampington website this morning and look what I found.

table of contents

Do you see it?

Here’s a closer view…table of contents closeup

My article listed in the table of contents for the summer issue of Sew Somerset!!

I’ll tell you all about how the article came to be after I get my hands on a copy June 1st.

I can hardly wait!!

Remember a while back I mentioned some of my challenge pieces were chosen for publication?   Well…my complementary issue of Somerset Memories Spring 2010 has arrived!

I couldn’t be more thrilled!!

Trust me…I was excited when I got the email saying they had chosen a few pieces back then but I can’t even tell you how much more wonderful it is to open the magazine and see your own work on the page.

I’ll be sharing all seven pieces I submitted as soon as I get the package back. The pictures I took before sending them off were really poorly lit and kind of fuzzy. Thank goodness Somerset takes their own beautiful photos!


quite a while back I sent off a package to Somerset Memories answering one of their challenges.

I heard back from them… They will be publishing 3 of the 7 I sent! Hooray!! Somerset Memories is only published twice a year now so I’ll have to wait until April 1st to see it.

Today has been just one of those wonderful days that everything seems to fall into place. Usually it’s just the opposite. I forget or misplace things, someone is a crabby butt, nothing productive gets accomplished, etc…you get the picture.

Here’s my list of wonderful things for the day:

  • both kids slept in–HOORAY!
  • beautiful gift from a friend arrived (spoon book w/knife)
  • get to see my bracelet in print (pages 101 & 225)
  • baby girl graduated from preschool
  • tried welding for the 1st time — it’s REALLY fun

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