Tag : published

11 posts

I just got word that the book my bracelet is published in is on Amazon for pre-order.

As far as I can tell my bracelet didn’t make the cover shot. It was sent off with 49 other pieces as to be photographed for possible cover shots. Bummer. I’m certainly not going to complain though!! It just would have been the super sweet icing on the cake to be on the cover as well!

The Dec/Jan issue of Somerset Memories was in my mailbox today…and why is that significant?? Only because I have a piece of art published on page 63!

I am awaiting a reply from the publisher as to where or not I am allowed to share the image or not. Otherwise..hope you can take a peek at the magazine sometime.

I got permission to share my published piece with you. In the magazine it’s framed but I wasn’t able to take a decent photo with it in the frame.

This caption appears next to the photo:

“There are very few photos of my beautiful Grandma Olena since she tragically died before reaching her 30th birthday. As a child I always wondered why she didn’t smile for her picture…I’d like to think this tribute to her would make her smile now.”

I am walking on cloud nine today!

I just got an email that a piece I submitted to Somerset Memories will be published in the Dec/Jan issue!!!!! I am thrilled as you can well imagine. I can hardly wait for the magazine to come out.

Late spring of 2008 a charm bracelet of mine will be published in a book titled 1000 Jewelry Details.

I heard back from a publisher that the bracelet I submitted will be published!! I’m thrilled! Ecstatic! Overjoyed! I could go on and on… I wish I was given a time frame on a publishing date but unfortunately was not. I sent the actual bracelet off to be photographed by the publishing house yesterday.

OK..back to my reality…housework, hubby, kids…and always a little time for art!! :)

I found out that the book will be published May 2008…seems like a long time from now but I’m sure it will be worth the wait!

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