Tag : purse

9 posts

I finished up a new pants purse today. I’ve been working on it for the last couple days. I fell in love with the red corduroy and remembered the fun retro print fabric I had stashed away. Perfect match. The L.L. Bean corduroy pants I got on $3 a bag day at a local church rummage sale. They were like brand new. The other pants I got all showed much more wear…or maybe that’s just more “character”.

I have a custom handbag that has a drawstring closure that I love. I wanted to emulate that in this bag.

I’m very happy with the way it turned out…of course with every thing a person makes, it’s easy to “knit-pick” it apart with the things that could have/should have/would have done differently.

Say that 10 times fast!!

I’m pretty excited about this one. The first pants purse I made never got lined and I just tied the straps to the belt loops. This one is completely finished off. Still may have a couple stray threads here and there but I think it looks pretty darn good…thanks to Mrs. Wilwerding…my 8th grade Home Economics teacher who taught me how to sew.

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